The Xu Family (Season Finale)

The Xu's Estate

People chattering

A woman with pink hair standing in front of Li "aww Li Xu, you've grown so much since the last time I saw you" she looks at Li, you look so pretty in that black dress, it really suits you" she rubs her hands together

Li nods her head then looks around

Woman: "If you could, do you mind talking to your father for me and-"

Yan looks at Li "what are you looking for?"

Li shakes her head then looks at the ground

Yan: "well if you say so" she looks at the woman

The woman laughs nervously "nice to see you Ms.Yan"

Yan: "...Like wise"

The woman walks away

Yan: "It's always someone from the lesser sides of the family trying to kiss up"

Feng: "Don't be like that Yan" he comes from behind Yan and puts his hand on her left shoulder "you shouldn't do that to the lesser members, they are still family, even if they are a bunch of kiss asses"

Yan: "Aren't you one to talk?"

People standing outside of the Xu's estate with a man with a clipboard in his hand looking at the large line of people

Man: "Name?"

Woman: "Ah-"

The sound of a car comes from the street

The people in line turn around as they see a white car coming down the street then it stops on the side of the street

People: "Who is that, I thought all of the Xu family were here already, maybe they were running late"

The door of the car opens and Akemi steps out of the car

Akemi looks at the Xu's Estate "I honestly did not want to return to this shit hole" he notices the line of people "why are there so many people here?" He walks past the people in line and towards the man with the clipboard

People: "he's handsome!, was there ever someone like that before, I would have recalled his face, I'm going to ask for his number when I get inside, me too"

The man: "Name?"

Akemi opens his mouth

Inside The Xu's Estate

Yan: "Where is father?"

Feng: "The old man? He's over there surrounded by those business people"

Yan: "Ugh, I rather not get between that stuff"

Feng: "Is that idiot Lian not here yet?"

Yan: "No, he probably decided not to come"

Feng: "That's a shame"

Voice: "What the hell are you doing here!?"

Feng looks toward the gate of the state "who is yelling like that?"

Yan: "Probably one of the members causing a ruckus over something"


Li's eyes widen and she runs toward the gate

Yan: "Li where are you running off to!?" She runs after Li

Feng: "these girls, honestly" he walks after them

Akemi standing still and scratching his ear "can you be any louder?"

A group of people standing in front of Akemi

Woman: "Why are you here!?"

Akemi: "Why else would I be here? To attend this little get together"

Man: "Little? You just show up and then insult this get together?"

Akemi: "Was that really an insult?" He yawns "and I didn't just show up, I was invited"

Woman 2: "Invited? Hah, I can tell that is shit"

Man 2: "right, who would invite you here? No one! Get the hell out of here"

Voice: "Who is the one telling him to leave!?"

Everyone turns around and Akemi leans to the right

People start separating as Zhi Xu walks through the crowd of people

People: "F-Family Head!" They bow

Zhi: "You guys are making such a ruckus" he looks at Akemi "Lian, you've decided to come after all"

Akemi stares silently at Zhi as he comes closer

Man 2: "you disrespectful brat, do you not hear the family head talking to you?"

Zhi looks at Man 2: "Shut up..."

Man 2: "Y-yes!"

Zhi looks back at Akemi "Lian, I'm glad you responded to my invitation"

Akemi Thoughts: "So this is Zhi Xu huh? He doesn't look like much but he has a aura of authority around him"

Zhi: "You look like you want to say something"

Akemi: "You're right....What do you want, and why did you send me, a failure of the Xu family a invite"

Zhi smiles "straight to the point, I like it"

Yan sees Li "Li!" She grabs Li by her arm "where did you-" she looks up and sees Zhi smiling at Akemi

Feng: "Aw the old man got to him first"

Zhi: "Before talking about that, why don't you have a seat somewhere and relax" he holds out his right hand "welcome back my son"

Memories of what Zhi put Lian Xu through flashes in Akemi's mind

Akemi: "...Son huh?" He walks past Zhi

Man 2: "That disrespectful-"

Feng, Yan and Li walks next to Zhi

Feng whistle "I would be able to feel that tension from down the street"

Yan: "What are you going to do about him?"

Zhi: "Nothing, you guys make sure to be nice to him"

Feng: "Huh?" he looks back at Zhi and his eyes widen as he sees Zhi with a wide smile

Zhi: "That boy" his eyes shine blue as he looks at Akemi and sees a gigantic blue aura around him "he isn't the same Lian"

Akemi sits at the table as he hears chatter around him as people look at him then sighs "I guess I should be used to this my now"

Moments Later

Ming Bao walks through the gate

People: "Hey is that-?, why is he here?, the president of the alchemist branch, I should go try to get in his good graces, this is a perfect chance"

Zhi runs to Ming Bao "M-Mr. Ming Bao! What do I owe this pleasure? This is the first time you've ever been to this family gathering"

Ming Bao looks around

Zhi sweats a little "may I ask what it is you're looking for"

Ming Bao: "I'm looking for someone"

Zhi's Thoughts: "Someone? He must mean"

Zhi: "Feng come here!"

Feng walks beside Zhi and bows "Hello Mr.Ming Bao my name is Feng Xu"

Feng's Thoughts: "This is perfect, Ming Bao himself came looking for me"

Zhi: "This must be who you're looking for right? He has been applying to the alchemist branch for years now. But for you to come yourself"

Ming Bao looks at Feng "huh? Who is that?"

Feng's Thoughts: "What!?"

Zhi: "T-this is my son, didn't you come here for him?"

Ming Bao looks confused and raises his left eyebrow "no, I'm here looking for Mr.Akemi Haruki, is he here?"

Zhi: "Akemi Haruki?" He looks to the right

The man with the clipboard shakes his head

Zhi: "I don't believe he's here, but you are more than welcome to stay"

Ming Bao: "Huuh, I thought he was going to be here today"

Akemi raises his right hand "Yo fatty!"

Everyone gets quiet and looks behind them at Akemi

Zhi: "Lian!"

Feng's Thoughts: "This damn idiot! Does he not know who this is?"

Ming Bao looks at Akemi "Huuh?" He walks toward Akemi

Zhi follows Ming Bao "W-wait Mr. Ming Bao this idiot doesn't know better, he hasn't been in our family for a very long time"

Ming Bao stops in front of Akemi

Zhi looks at Akemi "Lian hurry and Apologize!"

Akemi smirks as he looks up at Ming Bao

Ming Bao: "You"

Zhi: "Hurry up!"

Ming Bao raises both of his hand

Zhi closes his eyes

Zhi's Thoughts: "it's over"

Ming Bao: "Mr. Akemi!"

Zhi opens his eyes

Zhi and Feng: "Huh?"

Akemi: "Sup fatty"

Ming Bao: "I didn't know I was late, I'm sorry"

Akemi: "Late? I just got here myself"

Ming Bao: "Is that so?" He snaps his fingers and a man opens a chest with a big diamond in it "I brought a gift for the Xu to celebrate this special occasion"

Yan eyes sparkles

Akemi waves his right hand "No need, you can take it back"

Yan: "Wha-"

Akemi: "I am not that close to this family, thank you though"

Ming Bao: "If you say so"

The man leaves with the chest

Zhi: "Um, excuse me Mr.Ming Bao that is my son Lian Xu, I think you may be mistaken"

Ming Bao: "Lian Xu? No, this is who I was looking for"

Akemi: "Why don't you sit down"

Ming Bao: "Of course"

Zhi: "If you don't mind me asking, who is Lia-" cough cough "Akemi to you?"

Ming Bao: "Hm? You don't know? Mr.Akemi is my benefactor"

A brief silence


Intermission: BADADABOW

Intermission Over

Zhi sweats "w-what do you mean benefactor"

Ming Bao: "exactly what I said" he looks at Akemi "Mr. Akemi is my benefactor"

Zhi: "...."

Chatter: "Is that Lin, what's she here for? That makes two of the branch leaders here, she'sso beautiful"

Zhi: "Please excuse me for a second" he runs toward Lin and grabs by her arm Yan

Yan: "Hey!"

Zhi: "Ms. Lin, I didn't know you would be coming, what a pleasant surprise to see you again" he pushes Yan in front of him "This is my daughter Yan"

Lin looks at Yan

Yan: "Oh, um um h-hi Ms.Lin I'm a big fan"

Lin: "Oh thank you" she looks around "I'm looking for- ah there he is!" She walks past Zhi

Zhi turns around

Lin: "there you are, silver hair boy~"

Akemi looks at Lin "Oh, I didn't know you were coming Lin"

Lin: "oh?" She hugs Akemi's head "You sound so cold boy, how could I miss a day like this?"

Akemi: "get off, you're suffocating me"

Lin let's go of Akemi and sits in a chair next to him

Yan's jaw drops

Ming Bao laughs

Jack, Karl, Lester and Jun walks through the gate

Jack: "Why did I have to come here with you guys?"

Karl: "Hohoho, have to? No one forced you to come"

Jack: "you guys kept begging me so I didn't have a choice"

Lester: "We only asked you once"

Jack: "Hmph!"

Jun: "Alalala, you can never just be honest, that's probably why you and your wife argue so much"

Jack: "What was that!?"

Karl: "Stop it"

Zhi: "Mr. Jun, Mr.Lester, Mr.Jack and" he sees Karl "chairman!" He runs to Karl  "Mr.Chairman"

Karl looks up at Zhi "Ah, Zhi you look well, thank you for having us"

Zhi: "The pleasure is all mine, um if you don't mind me asking" he looks slightly behind him "you aren't looking for Akemi are you?"

Karl looks confused "Akemi?"

Zhi let's out a sigh of relief

Zhi's Thoughts: "it doesn't seem like it, that is good in that case"

Karl smiles "is he here?"

Zhi: "What?"

Akemi waves his hand "Heeey"

Jun: "There he is" he runs to Akemi "darling~"

Akemi: "Stop calling me that!"

Jack follows Jun "this guy"

Woman: "Akemi? Are they really looking for that failure Lian Xu? He must have tricked them somehow"

Woman 2: "that's the only reasonable answer, but we can use that weakling since he's so close to the branch leader"

Lester: "Excuse me"

The women looks at Lester

Lester: "I heard you talking about Akemi just now"

The women "Um"

Lester walks toward them "Can I ask you two a question?"

The women nod their head

Lester: "Do you like your heads where they are?"

Woman 2: "H-huh"

Lester: "Allow me to rephrase the question, do you like your heads on your shoulders or would you like them as a decoration for my car dealership"

The women look at Lester with fear in their eyes

Lester: "Hm?"

Woman: "I-I like my head on my shoulder"

Woman 2: "M-me too"

Lester: "Good, good consider that a warning" his glasses shine "because next time you bad mouth Akemi, there will be no warnings"

The woman nod their heads quickly

Lester smiles "then, enjoy the party" he turns and walks to Akemi "Hey kid"

Akemi: "Lester, hey what took you so long"

Lester: "Nothing much, I just had to clean gum off of my shoes" he sits down  in a chair

Karl: "So, how was the party so far?"

Akemi waves his left hand side to side "I just got here not too long before you guys arrived"

Jun: "Ah, well it must have been nice to see your family"

Akemi he looks at Zhi "..." then back at Jun "somewhat, I wasn't planning on staying long anyway"

Jack: "Good, anyway Akemi are you sure everything has been fine since you've arrived here?"

Akemi: "It's the usual, why do you ask?"

Jack: "Because I've done a little research before coming here"

Jun: "Oh?"

Jack: "I looked up the name Lian Xu"

Ming Bao: "Looked it up? What's so interesting about it?"

Jack: "Well..."

Moments Later

Jun punches a hole in the table "despicable, the Xu dare to do something like that to you!?"

Lester: "calm down Jun"

Jun: "But-"

Lester: "I am quite angry myself after hearing that story"

Ming Bao: "those bastards, I didn't think he would do that to his own son"

Karl looks at Akemi

Akemi leans back "although I don't agree with what that old bastard did, there is no use worrying about it now"

Jun: "Akemi!"

Akemi: "But, I am glad you're getting angry for my sake"

Jun blushes "W-well if you say so" he sits down

A maid walks behind Akemi "Pardon me, Mr.Lian the head would like to see you"

Akemi's Thoughts: "It took him long enough"

Akemi: "I will be back" he stands up

Lester looks at Akemi "be careful kid"

Akemi follows the maid toward throne room "actually...before I go see father, I have somewhere I want to go"

Maid bows "Of course"

Akemi walks to the right and down the hall then opens a door to a field of sand

A transparent young Lian runs around the field laughing then disappears

Akemi walks onto the field and looks up at a house "this is the place" he opens the door to the house and sees an empty room "...of course they wouldn't leave anything in here" he looks at the room angerly "that's all I needed to know"


The door of the throne room opens and Zhi stands in the middle of the floor looking at the throne

Maid: "I've brought Mr.Lian Xu"

Zhi turns around "thank you, you can go now"

The maid bows then leaves

Akemi looks at Zhi

Zhi turns and walks "it has been a year since you've stepped foot in this room, how has life been treating you?"

Akemi: "...Pretty decent since you banished me from the family" he looks around the room

Zhi: "Banished? No, that's a strong word I only sent you away with tough love so that it can act as gasoline for your small flame and eventually turn it into an undying fire to get stronger"

Akemi: "Tough love was it?"

Zhi: "It seems you have went far beyond my expectations in only a year, from fighting the strongest in Minha Academy to becoming the benefactor for the branch leaders...In only a year" he turns and looks at Akemi "with this, you are worthy of being a member of the Xu family" he walks to Akemi "once again, welcome back home Lian...or rather Akemi" he puts his right hand on Akemi's left shoulder

Akemi looks at Zhi's hand "...Family huh?" He moves Zhi's hand "I only had one family here and she died"

Zhi: "Hm?"

Akemi: "You say that it was tough love...Never protecting me...Never praising me when I did something right...Allowing me to get bullied and just throwing me to the wolves once the married to Ai Huan fell through" he gets in Zhi's face "you call that tough love you piece of shit!"

The room shakes

Akemi: "Do you also call what you did to my mother tough love?"

Zhi's Thoughts: "This- how dare he!"

Akemi steps back "tch!" He turns around and walks away "do you know why I changed my name?"

Zhi: "No, I've been wondering that myself"

Akemi: "It's because I don't want anything to do with this rotten family"

Zhi's Thoughts: "Nothing to do with the family? Wait, if I let him go now all of my future connection will be lost,I'll do anything to keep him here"

Zhi: "Wait!" He runs after Akemi

Akemi turns around and sees Zhi kneeling "...what are you doing?"

Zhi: "W-wait a second"

Zhi's Thoughts: "if we get him back then we won't even have to worry about the Huan family...with all of the resources we can receive we can even be on par with the 5 main families"

Zhi: "I know I wasn't the best father and never showed my love properly, but it was all in your best interest, I am terribly sorry for everything I've done to you...Please...come back to the Xu Family"

Akemi: "'s fine, I forgive you"

Zhi: "W-what? Really?"

Akemi: "Yes, all I wanted was a simple apology"

Zhi smiles while looking at the ground

Zhi's Thoughts: "Bingo, this idiot, with this the Xu family will rise to even greater heights"

Zhi: "Thank you for understanding" he looks up at Akemi and his smile quickly fades as he sees a pure black shadow with white eyes and a white smile

Akemi: "Is that what you thought I was going to say?"

Zhi's eyes widen and he sweats "w-what the hell"

Akemi: "You think I wasn't aware of that half-assed apology just now, I know you're rotten to your very core as well as this family"

Zhi's Thoughts: "What I'd happening right now?"

Akemi: "I know very well how you are, but for my mother's sake I will let the Xu family be" he gets closer Zhi "but if it was up to me, I would level this place and everything in it"

Zhi stares at Akemi

Akemi turns back to normal and backs away "just don't have anything to do with me in the future okay? Also be sure to choose your words more carefully from this moment on" he turns around and opens the door then walks out

Zhi looks at Akemi as the door closes

Feng sees Akemi leave the throne room and steps in front of Akemi "Oh? What was that about...I sensed a weird energy coming from the throne room so I came to check it out, care to share with me"

Akemi walks past Feng without looking at him

Veins appear on Feng's forehead

Feng: "That bastard, did he just ignore me"

Akemi walks to the table with the branch leaders "I'm leaving"

Karl: "Already?"

Akemi: "Yeah, sorry I'm not in the mood to be here any longer"

Lester: "Well there's no reason for us to be here then"

Lin looks at Akemi "hey...Are you okay, you look a little-"

Akemi smiles at Lin "hm?"

Lin notices Akemi balling his right fist and blood dripping on the ground "N-nothing"

Akemi walks toward the gate as the branch leaders follow him

Yan and Li looks at Akemi and the others leave "they're leaving already? I didn't have a chance to speak to Ms.Lin"

Zhi and Feng walks past Yan with a angry look on their faces

Yan: "what's their problem?" She grabs Li's hand and follows them

Akemi standing at a car with the branch leaders "thank you all for being here, I'll repay you somehow"

Lester: "Repay?"

Ming Bao: "after all you've done for me, don't worry about it"

Jack: "It's not even worth mentioning, I had a lot of spare time"

Karl whispers in Akemi's left ear "when he heard you were going to be here, he hurried and finished all of the paper work he had then rushed out the door"

Akemi laughs nervously

Zhi: "Hey!"

Akemi and the leaders turn around

Zhi stands in front of the gate "you...YOU DARE DIRESPECT ME?"

Feng: "I heard what happened too, after everything that father has done for you? So ungrateful"



A strong pressure falls on everyone and they drop to their knees

Zhi: "W-what is this?"

Jun's Thoughts: "I-I can't breath!"

Jack coughs up blood "My throat it feels like it's on fire!"

Lin's Thoughts: "I can't stand up"

Lester looks up and Akemi and his eyes widen as he notices Akemi's eyes

Lester: "A-akemi" he coughs

The branch leaders looks at Akemi

A window appears next to Akemi's face

Window: "Intent too strong, Skill forcibly upgraded, Skill Bloodlust Obtained

Description: "Everyone affected by this skill will be debuffed, with paralysis, fear, and can cause them to faint or in some cases die"

Akemi walks past the branch leaders

Karl: "Akemi, w-what are you-!?" He tries to stand but falls

Akemi: "I could have sworn...I told you to pick your words more carefully...Zhi Xu"

Zhi: "This pressure"

Man 2(you remember): "Even calling the leader by his name no less...that's it" he struggles to his feet then leaps at Akemi

Akemi lifts his right knee


The man face shatters and he flies into the air then lands on the ground

Yan looks back at the man

People: "You dare attack your own family member, that's it, I've had enough of you"

Feng: "I tried to hold it in" he slowly gets up "but you have pushed it too far"

Akemi looks at Feng

Feng dashes at Akemi and

Akemi: "Fuck off" he punches Feng with the back of his right fist  in his ribs


Feng flies in the air and lands in front of Yan then coughs up blood

Yan: "Big brother!" energy gathers around her and she looks at Akemi "You !"

Akemi looks at Yan "Shut up..."

Yan flinches and the energy around her disappears

Akemi looks back at Zhi as blood drips from his hand "I told you I was going to leave the Xu family alone for my mother's sake but, it seems I won't be able to do that" dark energy appears behind him then Solace appears on his right and Bora on his left, then the undead start coming from the shadows next to the branch leaders

Lester looks at the undead "Who the-"

Jack: "Is this Akemi's doing?"

Jun: "This power is terrifying"

Yan looks around "where are these creeps coming from? There are so many of them!"

Akemi's bloodlust gets stronger then a loud whistle comes from the sky

Lin: "What is that sound?"

Jun looks up: "look at the sky"

A giant hole opens in the cloud and Hoè's head comes from the sky

Ming Bao sees Hoè and sweats heavily "U-um believable, i-is this really happening?"

Akemi's distorted voice "I will destroy the Xu family, right here and now!"

Hoè opens his mouth

Solace sword appears in his right hand

Bora club forms in his right hand

Akemi's distorted voice: "You can all di-"

Arms wrap around Akemi's shoulders

Akemi: "Huh?" He looks to his left and sees Yua's face "m-mother"

Yua smiles at Akemi then fades away

Akemi smirks and the undead disappears "you're right" the bloodlust disappears

Lester: "They're gone"

Jun: "Just like that"

Zhi falls to his hands and pants heavily "w-what the hell are you?"

Yan and Li stands up

Lin: "I can move again"

Akemi: "I won't destroy the Xu family...but" he turns to the branch leaders "I would like you all to cut your ties to the Xu family

Branch leaders: "...Huh?"

Intermission 2: BADADABOW

Intermission Over

Jun: "Cut ties?"

Jack: "That wouldn't be much of a loss but...give us a good reason to"

Lester: "Right, we have nothing to gain from doing that"

Akemi holds up three fingers with his left hand

Lin: "Hm?"

Akemi: "Three requests...I will do three hunter requests of any kind from each of you, no question asked"

Ming Bao: "Done"

Zhi: "WHAT?"

Jack: "Ming!"

Ming Bao: "You have all seen his power as much as I have, three requests of any kind from a hunter like Mr.Akemi, he can easily become a S rank hunter...No even further than that and I am fully behind him"

Lester: "Hmm, you're right I'll believe in the kid as well, consider it done"

Lin: "I'll stand beside my silver hair boy"

Jack: "W-well if I didn't agree it would be awkward so"

Jun laughs

Karl: "..." he sighs "this had better be worth it Akemi"

Akemi: "It is"

Karl smiles " Fine, from this moment the Union will cut all connections off with the Xu family...I will let the other branch leaders know as well"

Zhi: "Wait wait, just like that? Just because he said so? We haven't done any wrong, this is a big mistake!"

Karl: "Silence!"

Zhi closes his mouth

Karl: "the decision has already been made"

Zhi looks at the ground "it's over"

Akemi: "Don't despair Zhi Xu...This is only tough love, it's in your best interest...To grow an undying fire"

Zhi looks up

Li walks to Akemi

Yan: "Where are you going Li!?"

Li stands in front of Akemi

Akemi looks at Li "hm?"

Akemi's Thoughts: "What does Li want? From what I can remember she has never did anything particularly wrong to me but"

Li waves her hand to Akemi telling him to come closer

Akemi Thoughts: "She is still a member of the Xu family so I have to be carefu-"

Li stands on her tip tops pats Akemi's head with her right hand and smiles "good job"

Akemi's eyes widen as memories of Li never talking came to mind then he smiles back at Li "thank you Li, Jun give me some paper and a pen please"

Jun: "r-right ok"

Akemi takes the pen and paper and writes down something, then gives it to Li "this is my address, feel free to drop by yeah?" He stands up and looks at the branch leaders "Li is an exception, she isn't rotten like you lot"

Jun sniffs "such a beautiful relationship"

Akemi walks to his car

The branch leaders get in their cars and leaves

Zhi: "cutting ties....cutting ties"

Yan holding Feng "wake up Feng, that an Akemi coming here and ruining everything! He'll pay for this"

Li waving at Akemi

Akemi waves at Li and gets in the car then leaves

Days Later

Ming Bao: "What!? What do you mean you're staying D rank hunter?"

Akemi: "Exactly as I said, I don't need to raise my rank at the moment right? I can just relax for now"

Ming Bao sighs and leans back in his chair "who says something like that?"

Akemi: "Don't worry, I will raise my rank when the time comes, for now" he stands up "I'll enjoy this freedom"

Ming Bao: "Enjoy it huh? Well as long as you remember our promise"

Akemi: "Of course" he opens the door "I'll be seeing you fatty" he leaves

Ming Bao looks at the ceiling "That guy is really unbelievable...To think he has all of the branches standing behind him" he smiles "he is going to do unparallel things as a hunter, that Akemi Haruki"

Akemi leaves the building "The Xu family has been dismantled.. Now it's your turn Ai Huan"