3 - Patience is a virtue, honest.

"Pass me the plasma arc." said Anakin.

I look at all the weird tools. I look at my pad and page through until I see a picture of one. I then pick up the tool and take it over to Anakin. He looks at it, sighs and goes to get an actual plasma arc. He then resumes working on the droid. After a while the droid is assembled.

It's a B1 battledroid. We have a lot of spare parts of them. Which is handy given Anakin's project.

Anakin switches the spindly droid on.

"Okay, go down to the end there." said Anakin pointing to a pile of droid parts.

The droid looks at the pile. Then back at Anakin.

"Well. Go on then." said Anakin. The droid wanders down to the end of the warehouse.

"Ready?" I said.

"Ready." said Anakin.

I pick up the blaster rifle and sight down it at the droid. I fire. The blaster bolt takes the droid's head off. It topples to the ground. Then the energy shield comes on.

We walked down the length of the warehouse to examine the results.

"It didn't work." said Anakin.

"The shield did come on this time." I said, trying for some positive spin.

"Not fast enough. It's supposed to come on before the bolt hits." said Anakin.

We reach the stricken droid. While Anakin inspects it I retrieve the sensor data from a recorder.

"It's just not working." said Anakin, looking for an intact head and then bolting it on to the decapitated droid.

It's truly amazing how rugged everything is. I just blew this robot's head, sorry droid's head off and now Anakin is calmly sticking a new head on as if he were changing a car tire back home.

Well, maybe not calmly. Anakin sounds frustrated. I sit down beside him.

"Anakin, relax. Take a breath. Getting angry will not help here." I said calmly.

"But I've only got two weeks left." whines Anakin.

"Two weeks? This is a free time project. You don't even, wait, is this for Padme?" l said, guessing that his mother is unlikely to be the target of assassination attempts. I was wondering why we were no longer building a better booma gun.

"It's for her birthday." Anakin looks up at me.

'Did you see him hitting on the Queen.'

Not helping Weird Al. I take a breath.

"Let's meditate. See if there is any insight through the Force." I said. Hopefully it will calm him down at least.

Anakin looks doubtful but sits down in a cross-legged position. I notice he has not put down the tool that was in hand. Was he allowed to continue this passion for machines on Coruscant? I don't know. I hope they did. I know he was told to forget about mom and Padme. Let's just work it out. Plan A is in ten years for Anakin to be all 'Padme? Yeah, I had a crush when I was nine, but I'm older now.' Trouble is, I have no Plan B.

I close my eyes. Relax. Concentrate. Feel the Force. Try and make sense of whatever rubbish it sends your way.

'Yoda will take too long. You know that.'

And resist the Dark Side.

'Don't you love me? You promised.'

I did promise.

'You did. So just give in. You owe these fools nothing.'

No. I don't. I am not from here and do not owe these fools. Wait. Stop it. You are not my wife.

'Does it matter?'

Yes. It does. Anyways these fools are starting to grow on me.

'Then you will die like the rest!'

The Dark Side recedes leaving me to ponder what exactly is going on. Does the temptation come randomly or is there a method to the madness? A real Jedi would know.

"Dee-Jay." It is Anakin, snapping me back to reality. I open my eyes.

"Yes Anakin?" I said.

"Is there a way with the Force to make a circuit to act like a Jedi?"

"That's, I do not know. It's worth looking into." I said. Certainly there are fusions of the Force and technology. Lightsabres and Holocrons immediately spring to mind.

"Can we start now?" said Anakin.

I was about to tell him to go right ahead when his com beeps. Anakin activates it.

"Anakin? It's time for dinner." comes the voice of Shmi.

"Okay mom." said Anakin and cut the com. "Can we start tomorrow, after school?"

"After training, of course." I said.

"Can't we work on it first?" he says.

Well, it is a form of training.

"We shall see. Now get moving." I said.

Anakin runs off, leaving the door open, again. I walk over to close the door. I then go for an evening walk. I wander through an idyllic city before heading back to the warehouse and the office space converted into a living area. I prepare some sort of pasta based thing for dinner, stare at the spiral eating utensil and attempt to eat with it.

I am interrupted by a knock. Has he snuck out of the house again? I get up to answer.

"Okay, what have you..." I begin but trail off. It's not my young charge. Rather it's a hot green alien woman in a, red cocktail dress? Guess that's not a fashion crime for Twi'leks.

"Can I come in?" Shayla said.

I move aside to let the attractive Christmas tree in, then close the door and direct her to where I was attempting dinner. She sits down and looks at me.

"How can I help?" I said.

Shayla launches into a description of a date gone bad. Not physically assaulted bad, sounds like she got out okay, but still frightened. I briefly wonder why she came to me and not the regular authorities. Then I remember that according to one source the Jedi have been doing this since before my ancestors came up with the wheel and easily before working iron according to another. The Jedi are the authorities. Being the local Jedi, that puts me on the spot. Is this going to happen a lot? I've been here three weeks, but it's hardly common knowledge. Do I need a sign advising hours or am I available all the time? Yoda could have at least given me a manual.

"I see. I am sorry Shayla, that shouldn't happen to anyone. This Jacques, who is he? Where would I find him?" I said.

"He said he was in the Ministry for Tourism. He works at the Palace." said Shayla.

"Very well. I will speak to him tomorrow. What level of justice do you seek?" I said.

"What I want?"

"Yes. You are the person who has been wronged. So decapitation? Or something less?"

Shayla's eyes widen at my suggestion.

"The other end is a stern talking to." I continue. I'm guessing that's the range.

"I, I don't know." Shayla said.

"Then I shall seek guidance from The Force. Now, what do you want to do?"

"He knows where I live. He picked me up from there."

"Then stay here. Room's over there, just let me get some blankets for the bunker." I said as I got up.

"Bunker? What sort of Jedi are you?"

"One of kind." I said as left for a blanket.


As I told Shayla, the warehouse has a crash bunker, boom room seemed like tempting fate too much. Whenever Anakin proposes certain tests, we retreat there and then push the button. There's a lot of padding, and a couch. As I drift off I wonder if I should set up some guest rooms in case this happens again. I fall asleep.

I wake up with a rumbling in my stomach. Why am I in the bunker? Why is someone knocking outside? No, I am not a morning person and this horrible universe does not have real coffee. No, that unholy abomination the locals call caf is no substitute. Million planet polity and not a single bean. I am in hell. Because the knocking does not stop I walk over and open the bunker door. I close it again hurriedly.

I am a stoic space monk and I eschew material desires.

I am a stoic space monk and I eschew material desires.

I am a stoic space monk and I eschew material desires.

Great, breathe. Now get to the part where it says 'green space babes in towels'.

"Master Dee-Jay?"

No emotion. I open the door.

"Sorry, just surprised. Not my best in the morning. How can I help?"

"Um, do you have some spare clothes?" she says.

Fortunately I do have spares now. Robes also have the advantage of one size fits all. Soon Shayla is dressed in something resembling a tent.

"This is a bit big for me." she said.

One size fits almost all.

"It should serve to get you home. Are you okay now? Do you want an escort." I said.

"No, thank you."

"Excellent, time to seize the day. Just close the door when you leave." I said as I walked to the exit.

"Master Dee-Jay!"


"Don't you think you should bathe first?"

"No. I'm hoping it will add to my fearsome reputation." I said and left.


Half an hour later I am walking up the entrance of the Palace. Along with a hundred other bods.

"Ministry of Tourism please." I said to a guard.

The guard regards me like some smelly vagrant who has fetched up on the doorstep.

"Go away." he says.

I move my clothing to reveal the lightsabre. It's my only identification really.

"I insist. Jedi business." I said trying not to smile. Who doesn't want to say that? This job needs some perks.

"You're the Jedi?" says the guard. I nod. "I will get you a guide."

Theed Palace can be best described as a Renaissance Palace with an aircraft hanger and refinery bolted on. It's kind of crazy. Also a maze. Or custom Quake level. There are galleries, there are halls, there are rooms and stairs, stairs, stairs. Eventually I fetch up by a door which I slowly read as Tourism, Ministry of. Going in I am reminded again that I am not in Kansas anymore.

Tourism occupies a massive hall which is dominated by a holo representation of the planet. The image rotates slowly as various workers flit about it in flying chairs reminiscent of motorcycle side cars. As they approach the holo a beam will connect the car and holo, highlight a particular attraction followed by much work on a terminal. I try not to look too gobsmacked. I'm a real Jedi mate. This sort of thing's old hat. I ask the guide to point out my, victim and walk over to a knot of men and women. I've crossed into a universe with real wizards, no coffee and casual technological marvels, but middle management is a constant?

One of them is gesticulating and describing in lurid detail the results of his date last night. As the tale winds down I cough politely.

"Very well. I will take that as confession. Coupled with the testimony of the victim, I believe the term is 'you're nicked mate'." I said.

The man I am guessing is Jacques spins round. The others also look at me.

"Who the hell are you?" he says.

I throw back the cloak and and unclip my lightsabre.

"Master Dee-Jay. Jedi Master." I say.

'Kill him.' cajoles the Dark Side. Oh hell. Not now.

All eyes are on the weapon. Jaques and company take several steps back.

"I hardly touched her!" says the man.

I walk forwards.

"Sorry? You just described something quite different. So which is it?" I say.

"Does it matter? Why do you care? She's just a Twi'lek!" he says backing off.

'Just a filthy Jew. Another dumb Asian. Bloody Darkies. That's humanity in this Galaxy. You know how this ends. You can prevent it all. Start the purge with this one.'

I follow.

"Just a Twi'lek. Why is it permissible to terrorise them?" I say.

'Why ask? You know already.' calls the Dark Side.

I suspect. There's a world of difference.

"They're always in heat. It's in their blood. They always want it." he says.

"I. See. Very well. It remains that you terrified this woman. You will cease. Do not approach her or communicate with her." I say before turning and walking away.

"Or what! More bland platitudes? More empty threats? I'm not afraid of you!" he says.

This time the lightsabre is on. I spin, aiming straight for the neck as the Dark Side sings to me.

No! I stop the blade a few inches from him. I switch it off. I look into his eyes.

"I suggest you reconsider that." I say.

I then turn and walk out. As I open the door I spy four guards running down the hall towards me. They draw their weapons.

"Can I help you gentlemen?" I say.


Now I am in another office. Chairs, desk, terminal, four really nervous guards. One angry guard, captain? Probably.

"Why should I not have you arrested?" he said, leaning over his desk.

I consider my answers. Let's not make enemies of everyone today.

"Because I did not overstep my authority and used the minimum of force required. " I said.

"Minimum force? You nearly took his head off!" said Captain Name will come to me in a minute.

"He nearly sexually assaulted someone last night. Now, there is balance. Harmony." I replied.

"You cannot just waltz in and threaten people."

"And some here feel reporting to the regular authorities is a waste of time. Because they're just an alien. Might I remind you that the Galaxy's attitude to your entire world being under the boot was 'Who cares? It's just the Naboo.' Just some little no name world with no real power?" I said standing up. "Now, if I am not being detained, I have work to do." I turned and walked for the door.

"I'll be keeping an eye on you." said Captain whoever.

I look over my shoulder at the door.

"Good idea. My neighbourhood is a dangerous place according to some." I said.

It would of been a great dramatic exit if I didn't have to come back to ask for directions out.


I walk home and get there before lunch time. I reheat last night's dinner. I mess about with the silly utensils before giving up and using a fork. Then I set to making a small kiosk. All this time with Anakin is teaching me some much needed handyman skills. Hopefully it wont fall down. Then I make a sign.

'The Jedi is in.' it reads. I refrain from the 5c bit. That would cause no end of trouble.

It's a nice pleasant day outside. I want a good book. I settle for trying to make sense of Republic Law. After a few hours I begin to understand the call of the Dark Side. Life is so much simpler for a fanatic with a blade.

"Excuse Master Jedi?" comes a voice.

I look up from the insane mess that is the Law here a into a young man's face.

"Yes. How can I help you?" I said. So long as you have not stolen something recently, particularly off world. What a mess.

"Everyone says I should study finance but I want to be a playwright. What should I do?" said the man.

Not everyone has major heavy issues.

"I take it by 'everyone' you mean your family? Does this interest in the arts coincide with romantic feelings towards anyone?" I said.

He takes a step back.

"Why do you ask that?" he says.

To answer I point to the word 'Jedi' on my sign. He nods.

"Alright, so there's this girl." he begins. I sort of tune the rest out. Beauty is in the eye of the Beholder and all that. The list of virtues held by this apparent mortal runs down.

"I suggest patience. Also joining an amateur theatre group. See how making a play goes. Meanwhile, follow your family's advice too." I said.

"So, what sort of play should I do?" he said.

Sorry kid. You're going to be an accountant. Or whatever. Banking Clan? Is that this universe?

"I suggest a comedy. With Pirates. Everyone likes both of those. Say, what's your name?"

"Sacha. Pirates you say?" said Sacha thoughtfully. "Thank you Master Jedi." He then walks away.

That leaves me waiting only a few minutes for Anakin to turn up.

"The Jedi is in?" he says.

I flip the sign over.

"It's so people can know when I can help them. Which it no longer is." I said.

"Can we work on the shield bracelet first? You said. I have been thinking about it all day. I have an idea. " said Anakin.

"Okay. Let's go in and see what you have come up with." I said and opened the door.


We work on the device all evening until it's time for dinner. Which is to say Anakin builds the thing and I hand him tools. This goes on for three days. During the day I see to a few more minor problems and disputes. Sacha visits again and I hum a few bars of my favourite comedy involving pirates. Eventually the device is ready. Anakin attaches it to droid and we repeat the exercise.


The bolt zips down the interior and the shield comes on, disapating the blast.

"It worked!" said Anakin.

The shield winks out.

"And it turned itself off. That way it won't hurt her." said Anakin triumphantly.

"Well done. Now comes the hard part." I said.

Anakin looks confused. "Hard part."

"It's a bit grey and clunky looking. We will want to make it look like an actual bracelet so no one suspects what it is." I said. Also so someone will actually want to wear it. Even I think it's hideous, fashion wise.

That thankfully takes only two more regular sessions and we can resume actual lessons.


On the actual birthday I guide Anakin up the steps of the Palace through the crowds. People see us and make room. We quickly reach the entrance. More guards about today.

"Place your gift over there." says the bored functionary waving at a pile.

I thought this might happen.

"The Queen has many subjects and she is very popular. She cannot see everyone personally." I said.

I get a name tag from the pile and Anakin writes his name on it and we affix it to the box with the bracelet inside. I then guide a dejected Anakin back.

"I didn't get to see her." he sniffs.

"I know Anakin."

"It's not fair!" he whines.

Vader alert! Vader alert! I stop and crouch down.

"I know it's disappointing Anakin. As Jedi, we must be patient. We must see the greater whole. Padme has not forgotten you, I am sure. As Queen however she has a duty to the entire planet just as we Jedi have to the Galaxy. Sometimes we will be called away too. That's what the bracelet is for isn't it? "

"I guess so." he says.

"Excellent. So how about we dismantle the old fighter she gave you?" I suggest.


We return to the warehouse and begin the assault on what must have been a museum piece. There are a couple of interruptions.

The first is Shayla. She has returned my robe, all folded and clean.

"Thank you." she says handing me back my clothing.

"No problem. How are you?"

"I'm, fine. I guess."

That's a no.

"If you need someone to talk to, I am always here." I say.

Shayla backs away. I reach out with the Force. She's afraid. Of me? Damn.

"Sure. Look, I have to go." she says, before leaving in a hurry.

The next is Shmi. She's brought Anakin dinner since it's doubtful anything short of a tractor beam is going to get him out.

"Just another minute and I'll be done." he calls out for the third time after his mother warns him that the food is getting cold.

"Can't you do anything?" Shmi says to me.

I reach out with the Force briefly. Oh.

"Patience." I say.

"Patience?" says Shmi.

I count upwards. On eight there is a knocking on the door. I go to answer it. Two attack girl guides. Am I in mortal peril if I don't buy any biscuits?

"Come in. Come in." I say and then walk into the large space. "Anakin! There's someone here to see you."

"Who is it?" calls out Anakin.

"It's me. I came to thank you for your present." says Padme right behind me.

Anakin quickly climbs out and rushes over. He then drags Padme over to look at the antique fighter parts everywhere.

"You're not worried by this?" says Shmi as we watch the children playing in a scrapyard.

"Not yet. I recommend patience." I say.