Chapter 5 part 2

She was wearing her best dress. It was a light blue dress that was somehow able to complement her hair and her eyes perfectly. When Dawn was picked up by ash she was taken aback by how handsome he was. Now to Dawn he would always be handsome. Somehow he had become even more so. He was wearing a nice pair of pants and button down shirt. He had not tried to fix his hair since Dawn made him promise to never do it again.

The two walked out and teleported to a restaurant it was Dawn's favorite one. Dinner was very nice she rested on ash's shoulder and ate her food that way. Once dinner was eaten and paid for ash took her out to the forest near the school. It was about 10 miles into the forest there was a clearing with a small pond that got its water from underground rivers that led to the ocean.

Dawn loved this spot and often times the couple would have romantic picnics here. Tonight the moon was shining brightly and reflected very well off the surface of the lake. Overall it was a breathtaking sight and one Dawn would remember until her dying day.

ash got down on one knee and took her hands in his. Dawn suspecting what was about to occur smiled and held her breath.

"Dawn I still remember when I first saw you. My thought was beautiful you were by far the most beautiful women I have ever met. However I told myself I should not need jump or else I will be in trouble." He took a pause to smile and so did Dawn for she had similar thoughts.

"I took the chance to get to know you and it was the smartest thing I ever did. I love you Dawn and I went to spend the rest of my life with you by my side. Will you please marry me?' He pulled out a little black box and opened it up.

Inside was a ring it was a diamond not too large but not to small it was the perfect size for Dawn and what she wanted. Around the diamond were three rubies. It was on a black band that was gold turned black. Dawn smiled brightly and held out her hand.

"Yes ash I will marry you. Nothing and I mean nothing will make me happier. I will gladly be your wife." She then kissed him once more and once the kiss was done she made him sit down and put her head on his chest. She fell asleep with a huge smile on her face the brightest and happiest he had ever seen on her or anyone for that matter.

He teleported with her back to their room and got into bed with her and pulled her close and fell asleep also with a bright smile on his face but not before saying I love you to her. He vowed that he would tell her that every night before he went to bed. He did it when they first started to date and now he would reinforce that vow.

Dawn woke up and her first thought was that last night was a dream a wonderful and realistic dream but a dream none the less. However she noticed two things right away. One she was still in her dress she wore last night and she had her engagement ring on.

She got really happy for it meant that last night was not a dream. Last night ash asked her to marry him and she said yes. She was going to be ash's wife. However she wanted to talk to two people first. When ash woke up she told him what she wanted to do and who she wanted to talk to and he told her ok no problem.

He did not tell her that he had already spoken with the two Dawn wished to speak to. He figured it was important to her so he would not stop her. Later that day Dawn found Ruby and Bonnie  and asked to speak with them. Sarah was asked to come as well. She figured that Sarah would find out later.

"Bonnie  as you have noticed I am wearing a ring. Your brother last night asked me to marry him. I said yes without any thought or hesitation. I love him and want to marry him. Will you be ok with me doing that?" She asked Bonnie . Bonnie  smiled a very bright smile before she said.

"Yes that is wonderful news and would make me very happy. You are far better for my brother then the four eyed one. I never liked her not even a little. You I like very much and will be happy when you become my sister in law." Bonnie  said this caused Dawn to smile and to hug the young girl.

"I promise I will never hurt him and you will never lose him." It caused Bonnie  to be very happy. For Bonnie  did fear that once her brother was married he would stop spending time with her and would want nothing to do with her. Bonnie  and Sarah sensed that Dawn needed to speak with Ruby alone so the two left to do homework. Dawn and Ruby walked outside to speak.

"So Ruby how do you feel about this me marrying ash?" Dawn asked her little sister. Dawn had seen her little sister smile a few times. However the smile she saw on her sister now was the biggest and the happiest she had ever seen.

"Yes that would make me very happy. I know he loves you and as your little sister and almost daughter that is all that matters." Ruby's face then changed to one of deep worry. Before Dawn could ask Ruby spoke.

"I am the reason you two are together. I was the one that convinced Misty  to hire you so you two could meet. Please don't hate me." Ruby started to cry and it was true terror something Dawn had not seen in a long time in her little sister. Sure Ruby had nightmares before but she had never been afraid. Dawn pulled her sister into a hug.

She now understood a few things. She was not upset with her sister not even close to that. She pulled her little sister even tighter to her chest.

"I could never hate you for I love you very much. You were only looking out for me. You were trying to make me happy. ash will feel the same way so do not worry about that. We both care about you." Ruby stayed there in her sisters arms and cried. Holding back this knowledge was hard and it was all coming out at this point. The flood gates had opened and they would not be closed quickly.

She passed out form crying so much in her sister's arms. Dawn gently picked up her little sister and carried her back to her room. She placed Ruby in her bed and asked her friends to look after her. Dawn then hugged Bonnie  and Sarah which took them by surprise.

"Thank you for being friends to my little sister. It means a lot to me. I know you guys will not do why my friends and ash's friends did." She then left to eat with her fiancée.

"She set up the meeting and has been worried that we would hate her." ash asked. It sounded so much like a question but it was not. Dawn just smiled. That night they went to bed and hold on to each other.

Dawn was not usually nervous in fact fear and the likes of it were foreign to her. The only thing that would cause fear to enter her heart was her sister or ash getting hurt and now Bonnie  and Sarah. The last two had warmed their way into her heart. However at this point she was nervous very nervous now why do you ask.

The answer was Stacy Ketchum s for tonight Dawn and ash were going to have dinner with her. ash had called his mom the day after he asked Dawn to marry him and her answering yes. Stacy told him he wanted them both over for dinner and Ruby, Bonnie  and Sarah were invited as well. So ash got permission from Sarah's mom to take her.

The young snake girl's mom trusted ash so she agreed to allow her daughter to go. Stacy wanted to meet her daughter's other best friend. Stacy was very cool and accepting of the fact that her son was a werewolf and engaged to a vampire. She was also ok with the fact that her daughter was a witch.

She understood how her son became a werewolf it made sense in a twisted sort of way. She did not understand how her daughter was a witch that made no sense to her at all however she did not care. ash and Bonnie  were her children and that was all that mattered to her. Stacy had a lot of time to think about Dawn.

Now she had only talked to Dawn for a few hours and knew little about her in comparison to Velma who she knew longer and talked with longer may of the talks annoyed Stacy. However Stacy liked Dawn far better than Velma. Now sadly that was not saying much since Stacy did not like Velma much at all. Now she liked Velma as a person just not as a future daughter in law. She had been hoping the relationship between ash and Velma would not last. She did not want it to end that way it did however.

However Stacy liked Dawn better and would be glad to welcome Dawn to the family. To Stacy Dawn was kind and caring and had compassion the likes of which was rare in this day and age. Dawn was smart as smart as Velma but unlike Velma Dawn did not have the attitude that she was better than everyone else. Nor did she show off either.

Plus Dawn was far more beautiful then Velma now on that note Stacy knew she would have pretty grandkids and that made her happy. She also did not care about the beauty part. Dawn had explained that part to her and the kids. That night Dawn told Stacy all the ins and outs of being a vampire. Some of the things freaked her out. Dawn did admit that she took some of ash's blood and found it very enjoyable she went into great details about it.

That was something else Stacy liked about Dawn she was honest and upfront and also able to joke with people. She told Stacy that harming her loved ones would result in her going what she called crazy vampire mode which was not pleasant. She even told Stacy about her past with her ex. The whole blood thing freaked her out a lot but she was ok with it after some time and thinking.

Stacy liked Dawn for one other reason and that was a simple one. Dawn had brought ash out of his shell after Velma's actions. Dawn made ash well ash again and for that Stacy was grateful. Stacy could tell that Dawn loved ash and that was all that mattered.

Stacy was putting the finishing touches on the pasta and she made sure to have garlic. Dawn really loved garlic and that surprised Stacy. That was one thing that shocked her. She discovered that many of the myths about vampires were false. Sunlight did not harm Dawn unless she was in It for a long time, holy water only got her wet, a cross did nothing, she ate garlic a lot. A wooden stake through the heart could kill her Dawn did say.

She also pointed out that so could a gun or having her head chopped off. She finished up the expMisty tion like this.

"I am like a human the only difference is once a year I need human blood or else I will get weak and could die. I have great strength and speed and beauty." So Stacy made sure she had extra garlic for the two vampires that would be there.

Bonnie  had been emailing her about her friends and both of them sounded like a lot of fun. She had no more time to think since there is a knock on the door. When she opens that door she sees her children and Dawn. She sees a little girl with the same hair color as Dawn with brown eyes and a girl with black hair.

She guessed correctly that the red head was Ruby and the black haired one was Sarah. Stacy was right which proved that ash got his detective skills form not only his father. Ruby and Sarah were a little weary at first of meeting Stacy. The girls at the school did not have many good experiences with mortals.

Sarah and Bonnie  had their mothers but that was not enough other humans had tried to hurt them. .Bonnie  also had her brother until he was transformed. Ruby had no human contact expect for Dawn's former friends. Ruby was unsure of them at the time and she was furious when her sister was hurt by them. However Sarah and Ruby respected ash and Bonnie  so they would trust Stacy. In their minds if she raised ash and Bonnie  then she was ok.

The point was proven when Stacy told Sarah it was ok for her to show her true form. Sarah was a little scared but a smile form ash put her at ease. So she dropped the spell she was under. She stood on two legs but had the body and tail of a snake. She was a Sarah color which is why she was given the name of Sarah.

Stacy smiled and commented on how beautiful Sarah was. Stacy was not at all freaked out by Sarah. When asked why she had this to respond to.

"My son is a werewolf and engaged to a vampire, my daughter is a witch her best friends are a vampire and snake. So it is normal to me." Sarah smiled and hugged Stacy this action took her by surprise but she gladly returned the hug.

Afterwards food was served and it was a fun meal. Stacy noticed that Dawn the whole time was nervous. It was getting late and the girls had all fallen asleep so all that were awake were Stacy, ash and Dawn. Stacy asked the question that had been bugging her and this was not about Dawn she would ask later about Dawn.

"Why are Sarah and Ruby so scared? It makes no sense Sarah was raised by her human mother." ash sighed unsure of how he should answer. Dawn snuggled up to him since they were on the couch. That was the sign that he should be honest. How he knew that was the sign was unclear he just did he never tried to figure it out it just made sense.

"Mom you need to understand all of the girls minus Bonnie  have had bad experiences with humans. Sarah's mom and you are the expectation with most of the girls. Most parent they when they discover their kid is a monster they beat them and force them on the streets. Many are killed due to that reason. To them humans want to kill them. We are unsure how girls like Bonnie  become monsters but we know it happens."

Stacy was unsure about how to take this in. She wanted to help out she did not know how to do it. She put it in the back of her mind to ask later right now she needed to talk to Dawn.

"So Dawn why have you been nervous around me?"

"I am sacred you will make ash leave me and I do not want to lose him." Dawn answered and ash pulled her into a hug and held her tighter. ash whispered into her ear that was never going to happen until they both died. This relaxed Dawn a little bit.

"Last time I was here I was helping Bonnie  but it has been several months so I am worried." Dawn said but with less fear in her voice.

"You need not worry for I like you Dawn I really like you and I think you are perfect for my son. I can see the love in your eyes the love you both have for each other. Also you are much better then Velma. You are not arrogant like she is." Stacy said which caused Dawn to smile very brightly.

The rest of the night went like that talking close to ten ash and Dawn picked up the girls and teleported to the school. That night as they were in bed cuddling and ash was stroking her hair he spoke.

"I told you she would accept you." Dawn cuddled deeper for never had she felt this warmth and love before expect with her parents.

"I know but I can still be nervous." A kiss was shared and they fell asleep

It had been about a month since the dinner with Stacy. The wedding was set for four months in the summer. It was when Dawn wanted to get married and ash went along with it since he wanted his soon to be wife happy since that was all that mattered to him. Right now the couple was in the nearby city. By nearby I mean 20 miles from the school.

Supplies were needed for the school and Dawn and ash offered to go and get them. It gave them an excuse to grab dinner alone and spend alone time. All of the girls at the school knew about the marriage they were invited to the wedding but the couple still kept their relationship to their bedroom or outside the school. So being out of the school alone where they could be a couple was wonderful for them.

Now usually the trip was very uneventful however the higher powers must have been bored for that trip something happened. Dawn and ash were walking hand in hand together. That was one thing that had changed at the school. They would walk hand in hand all the girls and the staff found it cute. By the way all of the staff members were invited to the wedding. All of them as little sisters to ash approved of Dawn.

As the couple was walking ash noticed that Dawn started to get tense really and he meant really tense. She put her head on his chest and ash knew what she was asking so her pulled her closer to him. She started to calm down but she was on the edge of tension.

"Remember the Alamo." Dawn said and ash knew what she meant. She was telling him trouble was around and asking him to let her handle things unless it was getting out of hand. ash knew that Dawn's old friends were nearby or at least her ex boyfriend. After Texas and after they got engaged they vowed to never spare anyone that attempted to harm them again.

The reason being Bonnie  was nearly killed due to that and they were not going to allow that. So if someone wanted to harm them they may go after ash or Dawn's family and that was not cool. Someday they wanted children and no one was going to harm their children. A mother bear had nothing on Dawn you can ask Ruby for she had seen Dawn go what she called scary vampire mode when Ruby was in danger.

The two walked out of the town and to a hill. They knew three people had followed them. They wanted to lure them outside to prevent innocent ones form suffering or being caught in the crossfire. Plus the forest which was nearby was there home and they felt stronger near it. Dawn and ash stopped and turned around. Standing before them were three humans one female and two males.

The female had black hair and blue eyes the male she was next two had black hair and green eyes. The last male had blonde hair and blue eyes. Of the two males the last one was very handsome and ash knew he was Dawn's ex boyfriend.

"Well my three former friends to what do I owe this visit? By the way ash the female that is Serena , the black haired one is Joe and the last one is Steve." Dawn looked claim and it fooled her former friends but not ash. Before Serena , Steve and Joe could say anything ash spoke.

"Well I must say Steve is a very handsome man I can see what you said about him. He is very handsome I wonder how he got to be that handsome."

"You have no right speaking about me monster?" Steve said.

"Look everyone I am in a great mood ash and I are getting married in a few months and I would like to enjoy spending time with him. Before you try anything yes he knows I am a vampire and it does not matter to him. Out of respect I will let you three walk away this once I know that is stupid but I am being nice."

She had to take a pause before she spoke again. When she did her voice was quite but deadly non the less.

"If you refuse to walk away or you come after me or my family I will kill you end of story."

Dawn and ash made ready to leave but a few words were spoken that made Dawn really mad. She had entered scary vampire mode as Ruby would say.

"I think we should visit Ruby and have some fun before we kill her." He never finished his statement for a clawed hand was stabbed in his heart killing Steve. Unlike ash's friends he had no remorse or regret part of the reason being he may have not had time to he was dead before Dawn removed her hand.

Joe pulled out a cross and held it in front of Dawn. Dawn pretended to be hurt by the cross. Joe thinking he had won advanced towards Dawn. When Joe least expected it Dawn charged him and ended him like she did Steve. Like Steve he had no remorse or regret. His lack of time it was unclear if that was the reason.

"Serena  I suggest you run since I know you would never harm another. I warn you come near me or my sister or my family I will kill you. We were friends once but you are a threat. My sister says I have what she calls scary vampire mode when my loved ones are in danger. I will gladly entered that mode if pushed that far." Dawn said.

"I understand Dawn I wish you luck in life and congrats on your upcoming marriage. I never said this before since Joe and Steve stopped me. Thank you for saving my life. You were my best friend and I do not care if you are a vampire. I wish you luck and hope we can be friends once more." She ran off after that. However she stopped.

"Dawn I really want my friend back I want my sister back. I know it is a very slim hope but I can and will still hope that you will forgive me and want to be friends once more. ash do not hurt her and you know how to find me should you want to." Serena  walked away after that.

Dawn using a match burnt the bodies of her former friends. She did not want to bury them properly. She felt that they had not earned that right. Dawn kissed ash and teleported home. She needed time to herself. So ash finished the shopping by himself. He was heading to the forest to teleport home when he got a scent.

"You know Serena  you are not a good ninja. I knew you were following me for the least few hours. What is it you need?" Serena  steps out and hands ash a note.

"Please give this to Dawn for me. I also wanted to see who you were as a person and see the one that won her heart." ash promised her that he would give the letter and left via teleportation. ash got to the school and put all the supplies in there correct spots.

He checked in with Misty  and then used the mental link that was created between himself and Dawn or at least he would have if Dawn did not speak to him first. She asked him to come and hold her. So ash did just that and she grabbed on to him with a death a grip.

She then broke down crying hard. She had killed before but killing people you grew up with and were friends with was hard no matter what even if said former friends tired to kill you. She had no idea how ash was able to do it without crying or breaking down. The answer was he had her and that was enough to help him. He also had his little sister in his arms that night. "I will always love you my princess and nothing will stop that. Serena  asked me to give this to you. if you want I can leave." She took the letter and ash got up to leave the room. Dawn did not like that she pulled him back and begged with her eyes for him to not let her go.

"Dawn I am sorry that I hurt you. You are my best friend and the person that did so much for me. If not for you Dawn I would not be who I am. I do not fear you or hate you. I wish I had the courage to tell you that sooner but I did not. Please forgive me and I hope to have my best friend and sister back someday. With love and respect Serena ."

Dawn was crying at this point but there was more in the letter so she finished.

"P.S. I think you found a great man I can sense his power and his love for you. In fact I can understand why you love him and I am a little jealously. I can see the unconditional love he has for you in his eyes. Here I am talking about boy or man troubles o well till next we meet even if we never next meet."

ash offered to leave so she could gather her thoughts. In response she clung to him tighter and begged him not to leave. This broke ash's heart so he held on to her. After about an hour Dawn spoke.

"What do I do about Serena ? What should I do about Serena ?" She asked. She had no idea what to do. She knew what she wanted but she wanted ash's thoughts on the subject.

"I think you should follow your heart. She means what she says. She wants her best friend back. What you do is up to you. Whatever you chose to do I will support you 100 percent."

"I want to give her a chance but I am not sure she should be at the wedding. I am still afraid it may be a trick. I know it is not a trick but I am still worried about it." All night ash held her.

Dawn was standing outside of Serena 's house it was the day after she killed her two former guy friends. ash was with her since she did not want to speak to Serena  alone. ash was not being overprotective if Dawn had told him she wanted to do it alone he would have not stopped her. He would have stayed behind.

Serena  was scared of meeting her friend once more. She did not know what Dawn was planning. Serena  knew Dawn would fight anyone that aimed to harm her important people. The others promised to kill Ruby and Serena  feared Dawn might think she was aiming to do that. Serena  was not out of all of Dawns friends Serena  was the only one Ruby did not outright fear.

Her other friends Ruby would not speak to. For Serena  Ruby did talk to her a little bit not much but still it was a start. So Serena  opened her door to see Dawn and ash. ash has no readable expression on his face. He only has the look that means hurt her and I will hurt you worse.

Serena 's first impression of ash was he was nothing special. However she remembered that Dawn did not fall in love easily. It took time for her to fall in love. So Serena  figured there had to be something special about ash. He had a claim personality but could and would end any that threatened his important people. This she could tell right away.

Serena  guessed that ash was also a monster or he was human but did not care that Dawn was a vampire. Serena  was not expecting what happened to happen but her once friend pulled her into a hug. The two started to cry softly and after about an hour of crying words were spoken.

"Serena  I want to be your friend again but I am worried. I am a vampire and many have tried to kill me over the years. A few have tried to kill Ruby. Someday I will have children and I do not want them to be hurt."

Dawn had to take a pause she was starting to lose it.

"So one wrong move and I will kill you. This may be harsh but ash spared the lives of ones that tried to kill him. A year later they tried to kill his sister. So we will not be nice anymore. If you can handle that we can be friends once more." Once more she had to pause.

"If you can't I will leave and you will never see me again." She let go of Serena  since she was holding her the whole time. She then went to ash and his arms. He pulled her into a hug. They both sat down on the couch and she rested her head on his chest. ash started to stroke her hair gently.

"Dawn you are my best friend and like my sister. You have been there for me most of my life. I would not be me if you had not taken the time to help me. So yes I can and will support this I will not tell anyone and I will be you loyal friend once more." Serena  spoke with all the conviction she had in her heart.

From there the two friends talked. ash held onto Dawn since she made it known that she did not want him letting her go. She was happy but still nervous. She wanted to trust Serena  but she was weary of trusting. She now understood the saying a paper once winkled can never be perfect again. You can try to smooth it out but it will not ever be perfect.

The same with the paper applies to the idea of trust. Once it is broken it can never be repaired to the same degree. Now Dawn may trust Serena  now and it would grow stronger but the same level of trust that existed between the two will never be the same. It was sad since Serena  really was not at fault but that was the way life worked.

ash was smiling happy to see Dawn so at ease. He had been quite the whole time which slightly unnerved Serena  and by slight the author means a lot. It very much unnerved her. She wondered if the guy talked at all. He was not even looking at her he was just holding Dawn and stroking her hair. Dawn was so relaxed and happy.

After about an hour Serena  asked a question that Dawn knew was going to be asked. However that did not make it easier for her to answer it.

"Can I come to your wedding?" She asked with hope filled eyes.

"I would like you there but I am not sure if you can be there. I have to ask the place we are having it does not like many humans being there the only human right now is ash's mom." She took a pause and held up her hand to stall her friend form talking.

"We both work at a school full of ghouls or monster girls like us. All of the girl's distrust humans with the exception of one maybe two. So for you to be there it will not be well with the girls. It may scare them and might cause them to attack you."

"Someday we hope to have a world were monsters and humans can live in peace but sadly that day is a long way off." ash spoke for the first time. The rest of the day was spent relaxing. ash made dinner while the two friends just talked. He was happy that Dawn had her friend back once again. The dinner was eaten and enjoyed.

Serena  made a comment about Dawn was lucky to have someone that cocked so well. Since for the most part Dawn could not cook very well. She was able to make something's but not a lot. She was not good at making pasta sadly which was her favorite food and her little sisters. Afterwards they left and before they did ash spoke.

"Serena  if you hurt her again or hurt my family I will end you. I ended the lives of my three friends when they kidnapped my sister so do not think I will not do it." Serena  was nervous but she spoke with conviction.

"I understand and I will not do that again. I will no longer be a coward." ash smiled it was a warm smile but one that promised pain if Serena  stepped out of line. ash did not like to kill. However he knew the truth sometimes you had to kill. ash did not see the world as black and white.

Right and wrong did not exist in his world. He did what many would consider bad things. Killing in cold blood his three former friends was bad by any means. However he did it to protect his little sister and his mother. So while he did something bad it was for a good reason.

Dawn understood and accepted that. She felt that same way about the idea of black and white. She felt it did not exist. She lived by a saying not everything is black and white but your heart will always know what is right. ash lived that way as well. It was another thing the two had in common.

The night he held her once more for she was emotional drained. She was happy that she had another friend by her side. She did not want Serena  at her wedding not only for the reason's she stated but because she did not trust Serena  that much. She was starting to but it was not enough trust. She smiled and cuddle into ash arms she was exhausted so she fell asleep.

A few weeks later it is one of the events where parents can come and she what their daughters are up to and how they are doing. It was a huge party the likes of which was not seen in a long time. Each month these parties were held and each one got bigger and bigger. ash that last few parties the ones before he started to date Dawn were very difficult for him. Many of the single mothers took an interest in him.

One over all took the most interest in him. She had long black hair and bright green eyes she was about the same height as Dawn and her name was may. She was a very beautiful woman and a vampire and Dawn was a little jealously of her. Her daughter was the same age as Ruby and Bonnie  and Sarah. Her name was Harper. She had the black hair like her mom but had brown eyes instead of green.

During some of the parties Dawn and may would talk and Dawn discovered that she was very smart and in many ways like her. So she felt that may could steal ash away from her. Dawn really liked may and the three adults became fast friends. Since ash started to date Dawn may made no move to try and seduced him.

That did not mean may did not hope for the relationship to fail she still did. She wanted ash for she had fallen in love with him but she was never able to work up the courage to tell him. So she was heartbroken to see Dawn with the ring on her finger. However she smiled and hugged them she had become a great friend to the couple they would often hang out together.

The three were talking first about the girls and then it moved to personal stuff. ash finally asked why may use to try and seduce him. Dawn was also curious about that answer. She had a feeling she knew the answer actually she did know the answer she was curious to see what may would say.

"My daughter talked about you and you helped my daughter greatly more than anyone has ever. So the first meeting it was meant as a way to say thank you since I felt a simple thank you was not enough." ash and Dawn were a little confused by this but waited for their friend to finish.

"I then got the chance to know you and I could see the pain in your eyes. I wanted to help heal your pain. I never asked what happened it was not my business. The others were there since you could resist me I figured having three you could not. I wanted to help you move on like you have helped my daughter." ash accepted that where as Dawn on the other hand did not. To be fair she knew may was telling the truth just not the whole truth. Later that night Dawn pulled her aside.

"Ok may talk, tell me the truth please. I will not be mad." The first sentence her voice was filled with some anger. The second sentence it lowered and was replaced with a gentleness and kindness only used with close friends. It gave may courage.

"At first yes I wanted to sleep with him to thank him. I was lonely and wanted someone to show me love even if for one night. When I first saw the pain in his eyes and talked with him after failing to get him to sleep with me, I fell in love." She had to take a pause.

"It has grown stronger and stronger. I never had the courage to tell him. I hope you two have a good life together you both deserve it. I will not lie I have wished that I could have a chance with him. I have wished that your relationship would fail. I have not attempted however to ruin it. You are my friend."

may expected to be yelled at or slapped but she was not. No what Dawn did took her by surprise. Dawn hugged her black haired friend. may started to cry softly.

"He is everything I was looking for that is why this is hard for me. Just be good to each other." Dawn understood how her friend felt. So she spoke without thinking but knowing it was right.

"Why not join us and become his second wife?"

"I can't mark him as my mate if you do. I want more children."

"Actually you can it is all based upon the power of the male. The more power he has the more vampire females that can mark him as there mate."

Looking up the two see Misty  one of the over protective little sisters of ash and she had a smile on her face a smile that was not meant to scare anyone so may had no need to be scared.

"My father had many mates at least five that I knew about. He most likely has more by now and ash is far more powerful then my father so it should be no problem however it has to be love and you need to get Bonnie 's approval may and the rest of his little sisters and Ruby. You daughter already adores him so that will be no problem and I like you may." She had to take a pause.

"The choice is yours and yours alone. You are being offered happiness on a Sarah platter I would suggest taking it. You can join us here another security guard would be most helpful." Misty  walked off after that. She left behind two confused vampires.

Dawn put her hand on her friends shoulder to relax her. She would not mind if may became ash's second mate. She knew that powerful monsters had more than one mate and ash was about as powerful as they come. If not more powerful.

"Think about it if you wish to do it let me know and we will work on Bonnie  and the others."

"Is Bonnie  that protective of her brother?" may had to ask she was not ready for the answer.

"Yes when I first introduced myself to her as her brothers girlfriend she started to use her magic to make sharp objects to impale me. She has threatened to harm me if I hurt her brother. I find it to be very cute."

Dawn walked off to check on the other parents and talk to them. may had some thinking to do. She went to find her daughter. Harper knew right away her mom was troubled but she also knew her mom would not speak about it. The mother and daughter spent the rest of the night together and had fun a lot of fun.

may stayed the night since it was late and going back was not a good idea. This whole time she had been thinking about what was offered. Misty  was right may knew that so after her daughter went to bed and ash went to do his rounds she pulled Dawn aside.

"If you are still willing I want to try it." Dawn smiled at that.

"Good there is another reason I am doing this. ash told me that if we had never met he would have asked you on a date. So had I not come it would be you with the ring not me. I asked him this I was curious. " So the two vampires left to make plans after a short time they picked one.

ash gets back from his rounds to find his fiancé and may on the bed. may and Dawn were both in long nightdress's. He had no idea what was going on but he figured Dawn would explain it so he got ready in his night cloths which were a pair of long pants and that was all. Dawn had forbid him form wearing a shirt to bed after they got engaged.

She ripped his shirt off of him. She told him you can't wear a shirt anymore and ripped it off. After that ash never wore a shirt to bed again. After about five minutes he spoke.

"Not that I mind coming in to seeing two beautiful women in my bed I would like someone to tell me what is going on please." may gathered up all the courage she had and spoke.

"ash I lied early at first yes I meant to thank you but when we started to talk and I got to know you and I looked into your eyes for the first time I fell in love with you. I did not know how to tell you so I keep on trying. I had hoped to mark you and then explain." Dawn spoke next.

"So I figured why not have both of us since with how powerful you. You can have more than one mate mark you. If I had not come she would be here right now with the ring and part of my feels bad about it. Plus she is my friend."

may then kissed him after calling up all the courage she had. She felt her heart breaking until ash kissed her back. Once done with the kiss ash kissed Dawn and once done with that he pulled both to him. Both put their head on his chest.

"If you both are really ok with this then so am I. may you need to meet my sister and mom and my sister will test you." ash spoke.

"I am not sure how my daughter will react but I hope she will be ok with it." That night all three fell asleep. ash also promised to get may a ring once it was known she still wanted to marry him.

may woke up the next morning feeling great warmth in her heart. It took her a few minutes to remember where she was and what happened last night. As a result she started to panic when she felt that she was resting on someone. Thankfully the panic did not last long so she snuggled into the warmth.

Dawn had been watching and was smiling she felt the same way to first night she slept next to ash. She also snuggled into ash's embrace. ash woke up and he forgot last night what had happened for a second. ash was not a morning person. Well he used to be before he became a werewolf.

In the first few minutes after waking up he was not with it. So he was surprised that he felt not one but two females next to him. So he started to panic until he remembered what occurred last night. He did not see it coming last night he honestly did not see it coming. He kissed both may and Dawn good morning and told both he loved them.

It made may's heart start to beat faster and it did the same with Dawn. Dawn had heard it every morning since she started to date ash but it still made her happy to hear it. may it made her cry but she was happy none the less. Misty  that morning noticed the three and smiled and started to laugh. When she told the others why she was laughing they did as well.

"I like her I think she is ok but if she hurts are brother I will destroy her." Lillie  said this.

"I will aid you Lillie ." Thorn said this. The Hex Girls had all taken to the school really well. The three fit in with the staff so well many wondered how long the three had been teaching.

Later that day ash took Bonnie  and Sarah for a walk. may took Harper and Dawn took Ruby for a walk. All three were going to tell the little girls what was going on. Sarah had become like a second little sister to ash since she came to the Ghoul School.

Bonnie  knew her brother's expressions very well so she knew he was nervous but she also knew she had to ease into the discussion and by that she had to wait for him to speak. Her brother was only a coward when it came to feelings and emotions everything else he was brave.

Put him in front of a bullet and he would clammily face it and then dodge. Put him face to face with a monster only seen in nightmares and he would fight it. Ask him to talk about his feelings he would got find the monster with the bullets. Despite all of that Bonnie  loved her brother and cared about him greatly.

"Bonnie  you know of all of my adventures and it is safe to say that many odd things happen to me." Bonnie  nodded her head for she agreed with that. She also rolled her eyes at that comment. Sarah also did for Bonnie  had told of some her brothers adventures.

"Yes but that is what makes you well you and what makes you my brother." ash smiled at that.

"Ok well to make a long story short I am now engaged to two vampires. This was Dawn's idea I am still not sure what she was thinking or why she came up with the idea. It is Harper's mom." Bonnie  was not expecting it but afterward she and Sarah started to laugh.

ash was expecting a lot of reactions from his sister however this was not one of them not even close. After his sister stopped laughing which took quite some time she spoke.

"Only you big brother would have two vampires fall in love with you. As long as she truly loves you and you do not hurt her and she does not hurt you I am ok." Bonnie  then smirked an evil smirk. ash was unsure where she learned that form she suspected the Hex Girls had something to do with it mostly Thorn and Misty  to.

"Wait till mom finds out she is going to be a grandmother." At this ash laughed for his mom would freak or she would be happy it was hard to tell it could go either way. He was unsure how his mom would react to him having two wives.

"I love you brother and nothing will change that you have always been there for me and you mean so much to me. I am glad to see you smiling again. You have not smiled in a while." ash hugged his little sister close to him. Sarah joined in the hug and the three sat like that for a while. ash was happy that his sister did not hate him.

Dawn was with Ruby and Ruby knew her sister slash mom's habits and thoughts. She also knew that she would have to wait for Dawn to speak. Dawn pulled Ruby into a huge hug which Ruby was very happy to return.

"Ruby I have done many things that are crazy and foolish and or some things I have no idea why I did them but in the end it was the right thing to do. Last night I did the last of them I would also like to do another of them of which I should have done a long time ago." Ruby nodded her head for she knew her sister and knew she had done all of those things. Ruby was curious so she asked Dawn to tell her.

"Last night I convinced ash to take a second mate. She is the mother of Harper." Ruby was not expecting that but she did not seem to care. She was more concerned with the second thing so she asked about it and told her sister the other thing.

"I know that many times you see me as a mother and have wished that I would be a mom and treat you like a daughter. If you still wish it I can make it happen. You will be listed as my daughter." Ruby hugged more like tackled Dawn and started to cry softly tears of joy.

"Why did you wait this long?" Ruby asked her mom.

"Two reasons, I did not want you to forget mom. The second reason is I never felt worthy enough to be called mom." Dawn pulled her daughter close. ash had pointed out to her that the two had more of a mother daughter relationship. He helped her see that and helped her stop fighting the idea.

"Above all I was scared I did not know how to be a mother. When mom and dad died I was scared that I would fail to take care of you the right away. So I acted as the sister not the mom since it is better to hate your sister for ruining your life then your mom." Ruby hugged her mom tightly.

"I think you are a great mom and have always been. I don't remember mom much only a little bit. I think you are more than worthy. You have never ruined my life you have helped me make a life. Does that mean he will be my dad?" Dawn smiled at that.

"Yes he is looking forward to it he told me so." This made Ruby really happy. She whispered I love you mommy to Dawn before she fell asleep. It caused a great joy to fill her heart once again. She was now regretting not doing this sooner. The smile on Ruby's face was wonderful to see and the joy in her heart was wonderful to feel.

may was with Harper and the little girl knew her mother was troubled but also noticed that her mother seemed happy very happy. So she waited for her mom to speak.

"Last night I confessed my feelings towards my future mate. I have not marked him yet but I will once we are married." Harper asked who it was.

"It is ash."

"Mom he is engaged to Miss Dawn, he loves her very much."

"I know it was Dawn's idea and he confessed that he loves me too and came close to asking me on a date. So I would like to know how you feel about it." Harper smiled.

"I will have a dad that is wonderful of course I am happy and you are happy mom."

may pulled her daughter into a hug. Later that night all four little girls were in there room. Misty  had moved Harper into Ruby's Bonnie ' and Sarah's room. All four were talking and all four were happy.

"She has called me her daughter I am so happy about it." Ruby said. Ruby was happy she would get an aunt and a sister. Bonnie  would be the aunt and it made everyone laugh. Later that night the adults were in bed the two vampires were cuddled up to ash.

"Thank you ash for helping me get rid of my fear I really needed it. I am happy and I think my mom would be as well." The three had filled each other in on the details. They fell asleep with smiles on their faces. Up above Dawn and Ruby's birth mom was smiling. She did not suspect this at all but she was happy none the less. Happy that her oldest daughter was treating her youngest daughter like a daughter.

As for ash having two mates as long as everyone was happy then that was ok with her. She whispered congrats my child you have done well and made me proud. The mother faded away.

It had been three days since ash asked may to marry him. After the girls all approved the next night he took may out to dinner and properly asked her to marry him. She cried tears of joy for a long time. Her ring was a small diamond the same size as the one Dawn wore. It had three small sapphires around it and it was on a gold band turned black.

may was still in shock but very happy. The Fearsome Four as Bonnie , Ruby, Sarah and Harper were called went into fan girl mode when they saw the ring may wore. They were called the Fearsome Four since on the field of battle and or the courts for sports they were very fearsome. No one could beat them and many were scared of them. No student could beat them the adults all could still.

They were as thick as thieves and every bit as deadly. Bonnie  with her magic and her skills with a sword made her deadly. Bonnie  wanted a backup in case her magic failed that is why she took to using a sword. Ruby and Harper both had the strength of a vampire. They could both strike hard each blow landed where it was aimed and each blow hurt a lot.

Sarah was faster than the vampires for she would go for a strike and then retreat. Her blows were not as powerful but they were still deadly for she would strike in the vital points and do it before anyone had time to notice. ash and the mothers were proud of them. Even Sarah's mother was proud.

All the girls at the Ghoul School learned to fight. The teachers wanted a world of peace but all knew that a war would have to be fought for that. So they trained the girls. The deadliest of the girls were the Fearsome Four.

Dawn and may were taking ash for a picnic lunch. Afterwards Dawn walked away for a bit and came back but she was not alone. In her arms was a gray puppy and gray wolf puppy. It upon seeing and smelling ash jumped out of Dawn's arms and rushed over to ash. It took a big sniff of him and then curled up in his lap and fell asleep.

Dawn was in shock complete and total shock. may had no idea what was going on but figured it was important so she waited for Dawn to speak.

"She really likes you ash it took me about four weeks for her to come close to me. Anyway I found her all alone and hurt so I helped her. She can be your friend." Dawn took a pause and had to pick her next words carefully.

"I am not trying to get you to replace Pikachu Doo. I never had the chance to meet him but from what the others tell me he was amazing. She needs a home and you could use a friend so I thought she could help you heal." ash asked Dawn to come over and when she did he kissed her.

"Thank you this means a lot to me. However she sees me as a dad so it looks like we have a daughter. I going to let her sleep for awhile and then talk to her. Thank you so much." may pulled out a book.

She handed it to him and in it were pictures of Pikachu Doo. may actual had meet Pikachu and had gotten pictures form all the girls at the school. When she told the girls what she was planning they gladly gave the pictures.

"I know it is not as meaningful as a puppy but I had hoped that it would serve as a reminder. I did get the chance to speak with him a few times and all of them were fun. I know it is not much but I hope you like it." ash was really happy about these gifts. The pain in his heart was gone.

The puppy woke up and started to growl at Dawn and may. ash started to pet her and whispered to her.

These are my soon to be mates. I love them and they will love you as well. So be nice to them please." The puppy growled that she would. She barked at ash.

"Daddy what is my name?"

"Let me see you are very pretty but I also sense you are dangerous. So how about Night Shade?" She started to lick her daddy's check. She really liked that name.

"Dawn, may met our daughter Night Shade." Night Shade stared to sniff the two vampires and she apologized for her meanness. The four went home. Night Shade was a huge hit at the school. She went to sleep that night in between Dawn and ash.

Three days later ash was back visiting his mother but the gang was there. By gang it was meant his soon to be wives, daughters, his sister and his sister's best friend plus Night Shade. Stacy was a very easy going person it took a lot to upset her and to get her mad. So she did not bat an eyelash at the two new vampires.

Harper and may were nervous about meeting Stacy but they trusted ash so they let it go. After eating Stacy asked who the two were.

"Stacy a week or so ago I convinced ash to take another wife." Dawn said this.

"I am the one. I have been in love with ash for a long time." may said this and then told her whole story. Stacy once the story was over started to laugh confusing everyone expect Night Shade who was asleep on ash's lap. It took a good five minutes for Stacy to stop laughing. No one saw this coming at all.

"Only you ash would get two vampires to fall in love with you." She said.

"So you are not mad?" ash asked he had not expected this not even a little bit.

"No when you told me you were a werewolf and when Bonnie  started to use her magic I figured normal would never apply to this family so it seems right to me." Stacy said.

She then looked at Harper and then at may. She had put two and two together and had gotten four.

"So I am guessing this young lady that has been hiding behind you the entire night is your daughter and that would make her my granddaughter once you marry my son." may smiled. The girl spoke.

"My name is Harper it is nice to meet you grandma." Stacy started to hug her and she could feel the girl tensing.

"Mom remember what we have talked about with the girls." ash said to pull his mom off.

"I am sorry I forgot and I am sorry Harper. I know that humans have tried to hurt you. I promise you this I will never hurt you. I have always wanted to have grandchildren and I figured my children would never give them to me. Neither seemed interested in getting married. " The comment caused her two children to blush.

"I enjoy seeing ash blush but you have a second granddaughter or will. Ruby I have adopted her as my daughter. I should have done it years ago but I was scared." Ruby opened up her arms for a hug. Stacy was only happy to return the hug.

"ash who is the wolf? It has not left your side at all this night and it really likes you. I don't think she likes me." Stacy asked since she was curious.

"Well this is Night Shade. Dawn found her alone and gave her to me. She sees me as a father and Dawn and may as mothers. I think she likes you she can tell that you are my mom but she does not trust you."

"Any other surprise's?" She was joking but she got an answer anyway an answer that she did not like.

"Mom there is no easy way to say this. You are in danger and Misty  would like you to come to the school you can help out." ash told his mom all traces of mirth and joy gone from his face.

"I am afraid to ask but I have to ask anyway." Stacy asked and she was truly afraid.

"My former friends are still alive. Dawn's former friends are still alive and all have tried to kill us."

"ash you killed them I killed them." Dawn said this and she was scared now really scared.

"Thorn performed a spell for me since something was off. Velma never changes her mind about something. She acted like she was sorry for her actions Velma would never say sorry if she thought she was right. So Thorn performed a spell and it confirmed it." ash said this and he had to pause.

"The spell was to detect if anyone that once lived was buried there. There is no sign of life near their graves. Not any at all. Even if the bodies were removed the spell would be able to tell. I am not sure how but they are still alive. All I can guess is either dark magic or they were clones of some sort."

Stacy got up and started to pack. Once she was done the three adult monsters teleported to the Ghoul School. Stacy looked at the building and now understood what her children meant. It was indescribable you had to see it for yourself. It looked dark but had a feeling of home.

The girls all went to their room since it was late and they wanted to sleep for they also had class in the morning. Stacy was now meeting the rest of the gang. She had meet Lillie  and she liked the mummy woman. Stacy did very well with meeting the other four and the Hex Girls. All of them liked her and welcomed her with open arms.

The next morning Stacy was introduced to the girls and they were all weary of her. It did not bother Stacy she had this to say.

"I know I am human and I know humans have harmed all of you. I want to show you that not all humans are bad. Many are but there are some that are not. I will not ask anything form you girls that you are not comfortable with. I hope we can get along. I hope someday to have gained your trust."

The girls could sense her honesty and knew she raised ash and Bonnie  so they gave her a chance.