Chapter 5 part 3

"It had been about two months and today was the day that ash married not only Dawn but may. Stacy had adjusted to the school very well. She was the librarian and the girls liked her now. They all took a chance and the all accepted her. One day one of the girls gave Stacy a hug and it was one of the happiest days of her life.

The girls trusted her and learned that not all humans were bad. ash was once human but he was not now. So to the girls that did not count. Stacy on the other hand was full human. Many of the girls now knew they could start to trust humans. They always knew they should but many did not want to.

The girls were really looking forward to the wedding today. It was up to debate as to who was more excited the girls or the ones getting married. The teachers were all really happy. The Hex Girls were performing the music. When asked if they would the answer was something along the lines of don't be stupid we were going to do it anyway. There was also some slapping.

Misty  was going to perform the wedding as the new vampire Queen. You see the law was that a vampire had to get permission from the leader if they wish to marry a non vampire. Dracula was the King so Dawn and may had to get his permission to marry ash.

The Count was not willing to let either marry Shag'gi. The Count respected and liked ash but ash was a werewolf. The count used werewolf's for his army but he would never allow any vampire to marry one. Misty  was furious at that.

She saw the look on Dawn and may's face and knew her father had refused it was then that she got mad for the first time in many years. If Dawn and may married ash anyway then all three would die once the vows were said. She challenged her father to battle the winner is the new ruler of the vampires and the loser dies.

The three tired to tell her not to do it. However Misty  would not hear it. ash was one of her best friends and she would not be who she was without his help. She had seen him smile and be happy the last few years and she was not going to lose it.

may and Dawn were perfect mates for her brother and she would not allow him to lose them. The battle between father and daughter was interesting. The Count was old but he was still very powerful and not to be messed with.

However Misty  was also strong she trained day and night to not only master her powers but also her fighting skills. ash helped train her and she was deadly in combat. So when the battle came the Count thought he would win.

He was mistaken for his daughter was smarter, faster and stronger. The Count was defeated by his daughter and killed by his daughter. She shed no tears since her father was becoming a monster in the true sense of the word. Her father was killing humans and Misty  was working for peace.

She got back to the school that night and told Dawn and may that they could marry ash and she would perform the wedding as the new Vampire Queen. She even made the two her advisors. She wanted to make ash one but she figured many other vampires would not like that yet. So he was her unofficial advisor as well as her friend.

ash hugged her and asked her not to do it again. He could live with not marrying but losing his sister he could not live with. Dawn and may agreed with that. She had this to say.

"I needed to take over anyway. I want peace amongst humans and monsters and my father made that hard. He was becoming evil and I did not like it. Plus I wanted to see you three happy. I knew I could end my father. You have trained me well brother."

After that Misty  took over her role as Vampire Queen. She passed a few new laws one being no longer did vampires have to marry other vampires. If the vampire married a human they had to tell the human the truth about the vampire world and the monster world. She also ordered no more attacks on humans.

For feeding only go after the sick and the criminals or family members or friends that were non vampires no child was to be feed upon ever. If it was discovered that a vampire feed on a child Misty  would personally kill the vampire in question. A vampire did do just that two days later and he was ended in a very brutally way. The police had no clue what to do and seasoned veterans were sick for days. The case was declared closed.

Dawn and may were prepared for the wedding they had their dress's all set up. may made her dress she was a seamstress and a very good one at that. She offered to make Dawns but Dawn politely refused. She had the dress already. She was going to wear her moms dress. It had been keep safe in her closet. Ruby was going to wear it when and if she got married.

ash had his tux picked out it belonged to his dad and it was one that he wore when he was married. The wedding party was odd since ash had only one guy friend he was the best man and that was Scrappy. ash's other best man or friend was Bonnie . and the flower girl was Sarah ash did not find it odd that most of his friends were female. Dawn's maid of honor was her daughter Ruby. may's maid of honor was her daughter Harper.

The day of the wedding had arrived and different emotions were running through different people. Stacy was thrilled to see her baby boy getting married and to two women that meant she could have many grandchildren. Dawn and may were no longer freaked out by those words and Stacy asking when they were going to have children.

The first few times the two vampires would blush and blush heavily. Neither of the two vampires minded the idea of having more children just the constant asking of when they would was driving them mad. Misty  and the rest of the original five all felt that the two were perfect for ash so they were happy. Even Lillie  was happy and she felt no one was worthy. Lillie  for example hated Velma and hated her with a passion.

Lillie  did do a dance when she discovered ash was no longer dating Velma. She then felt bad that she was happy her brother was hurt. She had explained this to ash and he understood and was glad that he had someone looking after him.

ash was nervous but all guys were nervous on their wedding day. However his nervousness was overshadowed by his joy. Dawn and may felt the same way. may it still felt unreal that her wish was coming true. The fearsome four were looking forward to it. Sarah was nervous but she was glad her mom had been allowed to come. In fact her mom was helping Stacy out in the library. She had been moved since ash felt it was a good idea.

Sarah was glad for she had a question to ask her mom. (Will come later.) The wedding was set and the two brides to be were nervous but happy. Each had the something old for Dawn it was the dress. For may it was the necklace she had it was her mothers. It was just a simple bat. The something new ash had gotten both of them a bracelet with the names of their daughters on them.

The something blue well I will not say but you can guess. The something burrowed was given to them by Stacy. She gave each a bracelet that she had made for them to wear on their wedding day. It simply said love conquers all. She had given it to them in the dressing room. Stacy had this to say.

"I wore that when I was married. When ash told me he was marrying you may I had another one made. Once the wedding is over I want you to give it to your children's spouse when they marry." Both promised they would.

"It is had been a tradition in my family as far back as my family has been around. So I thank you both. You both have been wonderful and I am really happy to welcome you into the family. Take care of him and make sure he does not do anything too stupid." Both hugged there soon to be mother in law and promised.

Ruby and Harper were helping their moms get ready. Ruby still could not believe it that Dawn was now her mom. Every day and night she told Dawn. I love you mom and every night and day Dawn would respond I love you to my daughter. Ruby did to make sure it was not a dream.

Both little girls were looking forward to having a dad. Stacy pulled her granddaughters into a hug. Harper now could accept the hug. She also pulled out two rings. Bonnie  had a ring like this one. It was a simple gold ring that had one word inscribed into it. That word was family.

"Girls you are now a part of my family. I want you two to feel welcome. I want you to know you can always count on me. I am nowhere near as powerful as your parents but I can still help." She told them. Both girls hugged their grandmother.

ash was in his dressing room with Scrappy, Bonnie  Sarah and Nightshade. Bonnie  was surprised by something.

"You are not nervous. I expected you to be running for the hills right now." Bonnie  said to her brother.

"Of course I am scared and nervous right now what normal sane person would not be." He took a pause a short one before speaking once more.

"Before you say it I know I am neither normal nor sane." This comment caused everyone to laugh and to break the tension.

"Yes I am nervous very nervous but that is all overshadowed by my happiness and joy. I am getting married to two wonderful women who mean the world to me. I will get two new daughters. What can be better?" Bonnie  hugged her brother tightly.

"Don't worry little sis I will still spend time with you. I love you Bonnie  and for a long time it was us two against the world. We have a strong bond and nothing will break that. That was why I started to date Velma. She understood our bond and accepted it. No one else beside Dawn and may understood. I knew when I dated that I needed to find someone that understood our bond."

Bonnie  felt much better she had heard form Dawn and may that she would not lose her brother but she was still worried and it was good to hear it from him. It was one think to hear from her future sister in laws but hearing it from her brother made it more true. ash went out to wait at the altar.

Misty  was waiting for her friend and bother. Misty  was now the Vampire Queen but that had not gone to her head and it never would. She was always down to Earth. She was really happy right now seeing her brother getting married. She would admit that when Ruby pitched her plan she loved it.

She agreed with the little girl 100 percent that ash and Dawn needed love but she was unsure if they would be good for each other. The reason was Misty  could feel the connection between ash and may. However after meeting Dawn she could feel it too. So Misty  knew that her brother had two possible mates.

After speaking with the others she and they had decided to set him up with both. It took some work but it was easier than they thought.

"You do not seem nervous brother. I am shocked." Misty  said softly.

"O believe me I am very nervous but it is overshadowed by my joy and I can't wait." ash said which caused Misty  to smile. Nightshade was happy she was going to have two moms in her life. She never thought she would have parents or a family again. Afterwards they hear the music of here come the bride. It was the only thing that ash insisted upon everything else he went along with. Dawn and may did not care too much so it was an easy thing to agree to.

ash looked around and saw the most amazing sight in the world Dawn and may in their wedding dress's. Dawn was full length and had straps it was not fancy just a plan white dress that fit her very nicely. may was the same length but strapless and also not very fancy just a simple white dress and it fit her very nicely as well.

ash was stunned very stunned.

"You may want to close your mouth daddy." Nightshade said to her father which caused him to laugh and the same for Scrappy since he understood Nightshade. Misty  also understood the canine language since her best friend was a werewolf.

"She is right I know they are drop dead beautiful but starting opened mouth is not right." ash laughed. Dawn and may got to the end of the aisle. Ruby was holding Dawn's hand and Harper was holding may's hand.

"Who gives this man away to these two women?" Misty  asked. Stacy and Bonnie  stepped up.

"I Stacy his mother do give away my son." Stacy said.

"I Bonnie his sister do give away my brother." Bonnie  said. Now to be truthful Misty  did not need to ask that but she wanted to and since she was marrying the three she could do it. It was a perk of being queen she could do what she liked.She looked at Dawn and may.

"Who gives these women away to this man?" The Vampire Queen asked.

"I Ruby the former sister now daughter of Dawn give away my former sister now mom to this man." Ruby said.

"I Harper the daughter of may do give away my mom to this man." Harper said. Ruby placed Dawn's hand into ash's and Harper followed suit with her own mother. Misty  then gave the speech about love and the power it holds.

"Now it is time for the saying of the vows ash you go first." Misty  said.

ash was in the middle and on either side was Dawn and may. He got in front of both and started to speak.

"I was lost and confused for awhile in my life. I had no clue what love really was and I was useless or at least I felt that way. I never and I mean never and I will say it again never thought I would find love with anyone. To find it with not one but two amazing women is the best thing to have every happened."

He took a pause everyone knew he was not done. Stacy was having a very hard time not crying. She was able to do it for now.

"Dawn you helped me see that life was worth living you showed me not to give up. may you showed me that I should not hold on to the past too much. Overall I love both of you. I promise never to betray you. I promise to always put you and our family first." ash had ended his vows.

Dawn and may were having a hard time not crying. Stacy somehow was able to win the fight and not cry. She was unsure how she did that. Misty  then announced that it was time for Dawns vows.

"ash when we meet I was happy but felt something missing. I found in you a new best friend and over time I fell in love with you. I feel safe and happy with you. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I vow to always put our family first and to always love you." Dawn finished up. Misty  looked at may.

"When we meet I could see the sadness in your eyes and I wanted to try and help you erase that sadness. I admit my ideas were not the smartest. I never would have thought I fall in love with you but I did and I am happy as can be. I vow to put family first and to love you." ash then placed the rings and after the I dos.

"You may now kiss the brides." Misty  said. ash kissed both Dawn and may. At this Stacy lost it and started to cry. ash was a little freaked out to be honest.

"It is with great honor that I announce for the first time. Mr. ash Ketchum , Mrs. Dawn Ketchum , Mrs. may Ketchum and the daughters Ruby and Harper Ketchum." Misty  said with tears in her eyes. That night after the huge party ash made love to both Dawn and may. Both women marked him as there mate. They feel asleep in ash's arms happy that they could soon start a family.

The three adults woke up the next morning naked in each other's arms. All three were content and happy.

"I thought it was a dream. A realistic and wonderful dream but a dream none the less. Now I know it was not." may said. ash gently and lovingly kissed her.

"If you ever doubt look at my neck." ash said. may and Dawn did and both saw a small mark on either side of his neck. This meant that both Dawn and may marked ash. It was a sign to other females that he was claimed so back off. If you looked on Dawn or may's neck you would see a mark as while. ash marked them both last night as well. It was a sign to others to back off.

ash did not like that aspect but he was happy so he did not think too much on it. Plus when he was turned into a werewolf he was told that some things would change and this was one of the them. ash was really happy all that was missing were little children that he could raise.

Now he loved that he had two daughters but he wanted to raise them form a baby. He wanted more daughters he was unsure about a son but he would worry about that later when and if the time came. If either Dawn or may told him they were carrying a son he would be happy really happy he would also be really happy if they told him they were carrying a daughter.

Sarah had just woken up and she was cuddle up to her mother. Sarah was able to sleep with her mom last night as a special treat. Normally if a parent was staying over they could not stay with their child. However Misty  let it slide last night. She knew Sarah needed it. Plus Misty  was in her happy mode.

Sarah's mom knew that her daughter was troubled by something. She just did not know how to bring it up. Finally she picked the direct approach. She warped her daughter in a hug and Sarah cuddled deeper into her mom. Sarah may be one of the strongest girls at the school but she was still a little girl at heart and her mother's warmth brought her peace.

"My little snake I know something is troubling you please tell me what it is I want to help you." She said. The little snake comment was corny but Sarah liked it.

"I think I am in love but I am too young and the one I think I love will never love me that way. It hurts mom it really hurts. How do I make the pain go away?" Sarah asked with a broken heart.

"Who is the lucky lady?" Her mom knew it had to be a girl and it did not bug her mom not at all that Sarah liked girls.

"Ruby, she is my best friend and I am scared mom really scared. What do I do please help me." Her mom looked at her.

"You need to tell her the truth. You need to tell her how you feel. She is one of your best friends and she will not turn away from you if you tell her. If you do not tell her you will always regret it. You will always have what if in the back of your mind."

"You support this mom?" Sarah asked. It caused her mom to smile.

"Yes as long as you are happy and she treats you right. Go and tell her for all that matters is that you tell her." So Sarah went to find Ruby. Once she found her three friends she asked to speak to Ruby alone. Ruby and the others did not bat an eyelash at this. Ruby however could tell her friend was upset or at the very least nervous.

"Ruby please do not interrupt me this is very hard for me to say." Sarah said which caused Ruby to nod her head. Sarah realized that she had lost her nerve so she grabbed Ruby and gently kissed her. Ruby started to return the kiss which gave hope to Sarah.

"I love you Ruby. I want nothing more than to be with you." Sarah said. She had put all her cards on the table and now she waited to hear form Ruby.

"I do not know what to feel Sarah I need a few days please. I will let you know. Is that ok?" Ruby said and asked. Sarah nodded. Ruby gave her a gentle kiss. She was letting her know that she was not outright rejecting Sarah's love. Ruby flew off to the garden.

It was there four hours later her mom found her. The three adults were getting ready to go on their honeymoon. Dawn could tell that Ruby was not doing very well. She wrapped her in a hug.

"So what has you this down?" Dawn asked.

"Sarah kissed me and told me she loved me. What do I do? I am scared and confused. Being with another girl is not allowed in many parts of the world." Ruby said.

"That is true but everyone here accepts it. I do not care who you end up with. As long as she or he understand if they hurt you then they deal with me and ash and may. Neither of us will be nice." Dawn said.

"I need help mom please help me." Ruby asked almost begged. Dawn sat down in a lotus position and asked her daughter to do that same.

"Now close your eyes and listen for two voices. You will hear a loud voice louder than a wolf's howl and a soft voice softer then a mouse. Listen for them and let me know when you can hear them both and follow them." Dawn said.

Ruby spent the next hour listening for the voices. The loud voice she heard right away without any effort at all. The soft voice was what she had trouble hearing but she was finally able to hear it. She let her sister turned mom know this information.

"Good now the loud voice is your brain or mind. It is logical and the one that should be listened to most of the time. The soft voice is your heart. It is often times more emotional and rash it should be ignored most of the time or taken with a grain of salt. " Dawn spoke to make sure Ruby got it.

"Now in this case ignore your brain it is wrong and knows nothing of love. Now I know the brain controls all emotions but in this case it is the heart that matters. Listen to it for it will guide you." Dawn said. Ruby listened and finally understood. Once she ignored her brain she had the answer it was clear as the sky at night deep in the heart of Texas. She hugged Dawn and ran off.

Dawn smiled for she knew her sister turned daughter had gotten it. Ruby found Sarah she was with her mom and just having fun.

"Sarah may I speak to you alone please. It is important." Ruby said. Sarah did not want to. She felt that Ruby was going to break her heart but she had to trust Ruby since she was her friend. So she agreed. Ruby and Sarah found a secluded spot.

"I am so sorry for making you wait Sarah. I should have told you this right away. Thankfully mom made me see the truth." Ruby was rambling which Sarah knew she did when she got nervous. It gave her slight hope.

"The truth is I love you as well Sarah. I was and am still afraid that are friendship will be ruined. So I hid my feelings and locked them away." Sarah and Ruby shared a sweet kiss.

"Let us promise to always be friends no matter what happens." Sarah said. Both girls promised that. They had a bond of friendship that was strong and nothing could break that bond even if the relationship failed.

It was for that reason that Sarah's mom pushed Sarah into telling Ruby. Her mom was staring at the moon and just relaxing. She always enjoyed the night it was relaxing and soothing to her.

"I did not take you as someone that enjoyed the night." Looking up she sees Dawn.

"I enjoy it. The night has a clam feel to it." Mary said. That was her name by the way.

"Agreed as a creature of the night it makes me more comfortable." Dawn said.

"I am not thinking you came to talk about me liking the night." Mary said with a smile.

"True it seems are daughters are together. I am curious as to why you pushed Sarah to confess. Are they not too young?" Dawn asked.

"Yes they are young I will not deny that. However with love it does not matter. My late husband I met when I was five. I knew when I was ten years old that I loved him. We married the first chance we could. Sadly he died but not before Sarah was born." Mary said. Dawn now understood.

"Do not misunderstand I am happy about it. I do not wish to see Ruby hurt. That is one thing I have fought hard to prevent since our parents were killed." Dawn said and Mary agreed.

"She is lucky to have you." Mary said.

"Sarah is lucky to have you." Dawn said.

"Your both great mothers." They heard a voice they knew as Stacy. She looked at Dawn.

"So am I going to have grandkids yet?" Dawn started to sweet drop at this.

"No not yet we are not ready for children just yet. Velma and my former friends are still out there. Children will be hurt by them." Dawn said.

may was with Harper and she could tell that her daughter was upset by something. She knew Harper was not upset about the marriage she was happy about it. So she had to figure it out. She gave up and just asked.

"I think I have fallen in love with Bonnie ." Harper said which caused may to smile.

"So why not tell her?" may asked.

"She is one of my best friends and is now my aunt." Harper said.

"Well not by blood so that does not matter. You need to tell her how you feel or else you will regret it." may said.

"I never told ash how I felt and I almost lost him. If Dawn had not stepped in I would have. You need to follow your heart my dear. That is all that I can say." may said.

"I will do it when you are gone. Have fun mom." Harper said. The two hugged and left.

ash was with Bonnie  just laughing and having fun.

"So are you going to tell Harper that truth?" This caused Bonnie  to blush bright red.

"She is my friend." Bonnie  said.

"Dawn and may are my friends and look what happened." ash said.

"I am not telling you what to say or do Bonnie  I want to see you happy and not have regrets." ash said after a pause.

"Ok I will tell her when you are gone. I hope you have fun and watch out for them." Bonnie  hugged her brother and they went back. A little while later ash, Dawn and may left the Ghoul School to go on their honeymoon. It was a two week cruise and they were going to have fun lots of it. Harper and Ruby hugged their parents and told them they loved them.

It had been six months since ash married both Dawn and may. The honeymoon was amazing. A lot of fun was had by all three of them. Harper did not confess to Bonnie . Bonnie  confessed to Harper. It took all of her courage but she remembered her brother telling her that she might regret it if she did not tell Harper.


Bonnie  had called Harper over and asked to speak to her. Harper agreed to it for a few reasons. One her friend really looked troubled. Two she needed a break from doing homework and three, Sarah and Ruby were just too cute it was driving her crazy and making her feel a little bit jealously that she did not have that type of relationship.

The two girls went outside to the garden. They did not know that Stacy had followed them outside. Stacy had learned how to hide her scent form the girls. She could not do it with ash, Dawn, may or the teachers but the girls she could. She wanted to be out here to help her daughter if it was needed.

"Harper you are one of my best friends. You along with Sarah and Ruby helped me when I came to this school." Harper knew Bonnie  was not done yet so she waited.

"To be honest my feelings have grown stronger. I love you and I want to see if a relationship will work." Bonnie  said and now she waited for either happiness or sadness. Harper smiled.

"I feel the same way Bonnie . I had no friends till you came and you brought me into the group. I love you to Bonnie  and I would be more than happy to see if a relationship will work out." The two young girls shared a tender kiss.

They stopped when they heard crying. Bonnie  using her magic remove the bush that her mother was hiding behind. Bonnie  was annoyed for it was a wonderful kiss.

"Mom why were you spying on us?" Bonnie  asked more liked shouted.

"Sorry my dear I wanted to be there for you in case your heart was broken. I will go now enjoy your time together. By the way here is some food have a nice picnic." Stacy dropped the basket she had brought and left. The two girls enjoyed the picnic.

End of flashback

may and ash were thrilled when they were told of the relationships once they got back. ash did have to protect his daughter so it was an odd conversation but a funny one.


"So Bonnie  I have to give you the don't hurt my daughter speech which is not normal." ash said and it caused both to start laughing and the laughter was long and hard.

"True ash but when have we ever been normal you are a werewolf married to two vampires. I am a witch dating a vampire who happens to be your step daughter. This whole situation is odd but so wonderful at the same time." Bonnie  said.

"I know I just don't want to see you two hurt. Both of you have been hurt in the past and I don't want to see it happen again. However I don't think it will be an issue. However I have to let you know." ash said.

"What about Sarah?" Bonnie  asked.

"I will talk to her don't worry. " ash said.

"I promise ash that I will take care of Harper and I will always love her. I will never give her up at least not without a fight even if she tells me to go away." Bonnie  said.

Dawn was with her daughter telling her daughter the non x rated parts of her honeymoon.

"So how is the relationship with Sarah going?" Dawn asked. In response Ruby smiled a huge smile.

"It is wonderful mom. I love spending time with her it is hard to describe but I love it." Ruby said.

may was having the same conversation with her daughter but about Bonnie  and she did tell about the honeymoon.

"Mom she is amazing I am so happy." Harper said.

Later that night ash, Dawn, and may all talked with their daughters and sister.

"Ok girls we are happy about the relationships you are in with each other." ash said.

"However we need to set some ground rules." Dawn said.

"We don't care if you sleep in the same bed and hold each other." may said.

"However nothing else until you are at least 18." Dawn said.

"We all trust you four so don't ruin it." ash finished up and the girls promised they would not do anything to break their parents or siblings trust.

"Now we don't think you guys will do anything but we wanted to make sure it was understood." ash said. The four in response hugged the adults. The girls went to bed afterwards. Ruby and Sarah cuddled with each other and Harper and Bonnie  cuddled with each other. The three went back to the library to talk with Stacy.

"So any grand kids yet?" She asked. It caused all three to blush bright red at this comment. It seems they had not gotten use to the questions yet. Either that or Stacy just asking like that was too much for them to handle.

"No Stacy we are not pregnant yet." Dawn said she had recovered the fastest.

"When we are ready to get pregnant we will be and after ash and the girls are told you will be the third to know." may said.

"Mom Velma and the others are still out there. They have no problems going after pregnant women to get what they want. I am not putting my family in harm's way." ash said.

"I know I am just messing with you guys." Stacy said. She hugged her family all of whom hugged her back. The three then went to bed cuddled up to each other. Meanwhile Velma who was still alive was plotting her revenge. Fred and Daphne were dead as dead as can be.

She used them for her evil plans. The truth is she used very dark magic the kind that would make Harperh Ravencroft run in fear to make a blood clone. She was creating an army and it was almost ready. Soon she would march onto the Ghoul School. Once there she would capture ash and make him watch as she killed the ones he loved.

It had been one year since the marriage and the honeymoon and life was great. Ruby and Sarah were still going strong. Bonnie  and Harper were also going strong. ash, Dawn and may were stronger than ever. Every night ash would pray giving thanks for Dawn, may his daughters, his sisters and his mom. Dawn and may would pray giving thanks for ash and their daughters.

Ruby would pray giving thanks for Sarah and her two best friends as well as her parents. Sarah would pray giving thanks for Ruby, her two best friends and her mom. Harper would pray giving thanks for Bonnie , her two best friends and for her parents. Lastly Bonnie  would pray giving thanks for Harper, her two best friends, her mom and her brother as well as sister's in laws.

Velma was ready her forces were ready so she marched onward. Her forces numbered 3 million. Let me tell you about her army. It was made of shadow creatures. All of them were about the strength of a black belt. They had no magic but were good at hand to hand. Plus they all fought as one so they swarmed on their foes. Velma could not create more she did not have the blood needed.

Fred and Daphne had been very helpful with that. Before they had died she had taken there blood and used it in the rituals needed to summon the army. She had gained great power over the dark arts.

She marched to Coolsville. She could summon her army at any time so she kept them away when she was traveling. She could not find Stacy and that was getting her really mad. However she remembered that the vampire had a friend she could use so she teleported Serena 's house.

Velma did not know where the school was but she figured Serena  would. It took Velma a few days to find Serena . Each day was getting her more and more annoyed. Now Serena  knew that Velma was looking for her. Some people in the town had informed her of this. She knew who Velma was for Dawn had told her.

Dawn told Serena  that Velma was a threat to Dawn's family and she was unsure what the bookworm would do. So she needed to find away to end Velma. Serena  volunteered to aid in that task. She acted as the bait. She worked at the school as a groundskeeper. The girls liked her and were not scared of her. She had earned their trust and respect.

Serena  never planned on marrying for let's face it no one would want to be with her for many reasons. It did not bug her it brought her peace. So the girls had become like her daughters. Many of them had no families or parents. So Serena  had become like their mother.

Serena  loved them like there were her daughters. She knew that Velma was aiming to hurt her daughters. So it would be a very cold and she meant a very cold day in hell before she allowed anyone to hurt her daughters or her friends. It had been three days and she knew Velma was following her. So like Dawn did a few years ago she lead Velma out to a clearing.

"Come on out now Velma I know why you are here. For all that you claim to be you are not as fox like as you would like to be." Serena  said. Velma stepped out of the shadows.

"I am here for your help you are still a pure human. The monsters must be destroyed." Velma said. Serena  had been very calm and collected during this whole speech. However something snapped in her.

"My best friend and almost sister is a vampire married to a werewolf slash vampire. I work at a school full of girls that are called monsters but are not. Many of them have been hurt by humans like you." She took a pause and spoke quickly.

"Many parents throw their kids out and try to kill them. They have no family. I became their mother. So I will not allow you to hurt my daughters. I will not tell you anything." Velma summoned her army.

"Tell me or my army will tear you apart." Velma said with a smirk as her army surrounded Serena . Serena  pulled out a sword. She had been taking lesson's form ash. She knew she would die but she was going to take out some of these shadows before that. She starts to hack some of them. They are many of them and they are all strong. In a matter of seconds she has taken out 10 of them. However she was hurt as well by shadow claws.

Just as she falls to the ground she feels a hand pick her up and carry her out. She pass's out in her best friends arms. Dawn had gotten the call and knew her friend needed her. The rest of the school was on battle mode and lock down mode.

"Well Velma nice to see you. You are looking well." Dawn said not even shocked by seeing Velma alive and the lack of shock annoyed Velma.

"Why are you not shocked that I am alive?" Velma said.

"O it is simple. ash knew you were alive. Something about you clone saying sorry he knew it was not you. Anyway you will not get away with your plan. Stand down or we will kill you." Dawn said.

"You can't kill me. I have you outnumbered. " Velma said.

"I can and we will. I want you dead as soon as possible. Once you are dead I can get pregnant and have children with ash. He does not want me to get pregnant till you are dead." Dawn said and she turned around. Velma shouted at her.

"Let us finish this fight." Velma said.

"No Velma if it is fight you want we understand. However we will not allow you to harm the girls or anyone else for that matter." She threw a rolled up piece of paper at Velma.

"In four weeks time meet there we will have are fight there. Let it been known that it will be a fight to the death and we will spare no punches. This time you will die and not only that but ash will ripe your heart out of your chest." Dawn said and she gets ready to teleport but she stops.

"One more thing (name that character) no outsiders will be allowed in the battle zone." Dawn teleported away to get Serena  treated and to get ready for the biggest battle of her life. One her and her family would not lose. She knew this in her heart for they had something worth fighting for.

Dawn teleported Serena  to the hospital wing of the Ghoul School to get her healed. Lillie  upon seeing them goes into healer mode to save the young women that has become like family to the school. Sadly Serena  was in worse shape than Dawn had thought. The shadow creatures had torn at her skin and caused a lot of blood to be lost a lot more then Dawn originally thought.

"I am sorry guys I don't think she is going to make it." Lillie  said sadly with a heavy heart. It was the one thing she hated about being a healer telling someone they were going to die and then telling the family and loved ones the same news. Dawn, may and ash were in the room.

Dawn was not about to let her best friend slash sister die. She looked at may and both nodded. The two of them had been secretly talking the past few weeks about Serena . By secretly the author means without ash knowing. What they were about to do was risky but if it worked Serena  would live and the family would get larger.

"ash there is away to save her." Dawn said with a hint of nervousness in her voice.

"I am sensing a but coming." ash said and Dawn nodded her head. She took a deep breath before she spoke.

"If you mark her she will live." Dawn said. Now the reason this was risky for she was playing on ash's weakness of helping his friends and not letting them down. She knew he may not be happy that she played that card but it would work in the long run at least that was her hope.

Serena  loved ash even if she denied it which she had when Dawn asked her. Dawn was smarter then she let on with her friend which allowed her to see through her friend. She guessed that maybe ash loved Serena  but she was unsure he was better at hiding his emotions form others even her and may.

may did not care one way or the other. She had become fond of Serena  so she would be happy. ash sighed.

"What do I need to do?" He asked. Dawn did not expect him to agree this fast.

"Just bite her and transfer any love you have for her to her. It will mark her and heal her. On the subject of love do you love her?" Dawn asked with some nervousness.

"We will not be upset if the answer is yes." may said gently.

"To be honest I think I do. I have ignored my feelings for so long however I think she should be the first I tell my feelings to so for now I will keep quite. All I will say is I do not want to lose her. Also I am not annoyed you used my weakness against me." ash said. Dawn and may engaged a three way hug. They both understood and respected that. Dawn was also really happy that ash was not upset with her.

"The girls love her so that will not be a problem." Dawn said.

"Your mom will be happy to have more grandchildren." may said. Both parts were true. Ruby accepted Serena  and once that occurred the other three accepted her. Once the two power couples accepted Serena  the rest of the school accepted her. Stacy would be happy to have another daughter in law that would give her more grandkids. It still freaked Dawn and may out that she kept asking.

A few months after the honeymoon they told her not until Velma was dead. They would not risk their family with having her around. Stacy understood that but she was not getting any younger and she wanted grandkids to spoil well more she already had three and she loved them but she wanted more.

ash reach towards Serena 's neck and bit her. He transferred the love he had for into the bite. Lillie  had been watching so once ash was done she performed a scan and said this.

"She is coming back you did it ash she will live." All three were thrilled to hear that news. ash went to train he had a battle to get ready for and he did not plan on losing it. It took two days for Serena  to wake up. She saw Dawn and may.

"How am I still alive it does not make any sense? Also how is it that I can smell better than I ever have before? " Serena  asked.

"You were marked." Dawn said. She was not going to beat around the bush so to speak.

"By who?" Serena  asked for she understood what that meant and she was worried that she would forever be with someone she did not love or even like. Dawn and may gave a huge smirk.

"ash of course and before you try to lie I know you love him." Dawn said.

"I don't love him I already have told you that." Serena  said. Dawn sighed.

"Serena  you know me pretty well right?" Dawn asked and Serena  nodded her head in confused manner unsure where this was going also slightly afraid of where this was going.

"What do I do to anyone or anything I consider a threat?" Dawn asked.

"You kill the person or destroy the thing." Serena  said.

"Would I consider someone wanting my husband a threat to me and my family?" Dawn asked.

"I guess a little." Serena  said.

"Serena  bottom line is if I wanted to kill you I would have. I know you love ash so do not lie. You are his mate now so you can be with him just don't lie." Dawn said.

"I also am ok with it Serena . I like you and respect you. You are one of the few humans I can say that about. I to would have killed you if I wanted to." may said. Serena  started to cry as she buried her head into her friends shoulder.

"I had a crush on him since I met him and it has grown stronger. Where is he I need to talk to him?" Serena  said slashed asked.

"He is training the battle is in 28 days we need to be ready. Plus when he is nervous he fights." Dawn said.

"Plus I need to clear you first." Lillie  said as she walked into the room she performed a few scans and cleared Serena .

"Now go and get him." Lillie  said. Serena  ran off to the gym and to ash. She found him transformed and training and it was awesome to watch him train that hard. ash looks up and sees Serena  he walked over to her and embrace's her in a hug. She kiss's him passionately letting go of all the repressed feelings she had stored up. The result was a kiss that made both shake with joy and happiness.

"Is it true ash that you love me?" Serena  asked with hope in her eyes and her voice. Yes she knew of the mark and knew ash had to love her for it to work and yes she felt the love in the kiss but she wanted to and needed to hear it from him. ash smiled.

"Yes it is true I do love you. At first I did not like you. At first I thought you might hurt Dawn." ash said with some sadness and guilt in his voice. Serena  kissed his check letting him know she understood and it was ok.

"I am sorry for thinking that." He knew she had forgiven him but it still ate him up.

"After I married Dawn and may and you got a job here I started to feel something so I buried it deep down." ash said and he was having a hard time. He was close to losing it.

"However seeing you in the hospital bed and knowing we might lose it I could not fight it anymore. I knew that if you died it would be like losing Dawn or may." ash said and once more he had to stop the tears and himself from losing it.

"So I stopped fighting it and knew I loved you." ash said and this time the fight was over he could not stop the tears. He felt several pairs of arms around him and knew Dawn, may, Ruby, Bonnie , Harper and Sarah were here. He also felt a wet snot near him and knew Nightshade was here as well. All of them joined in the tears since all of them knew a great battle was going to occur. The girls knew they would not fight Velma but they also knew that Velma might send people to the Ghoul School anyway. Serena  was later given a ring hers had a red ruby next to a diamond on a gold band.

Stacy as predicted was thrilled and started asking for grandkids. Serena  was starting to get scared by this. However she really liked Stacy and was glad she had her as a mother in law.

The next month the plans were made and training was done. Serena , Dawn and may doubled their training and ash tripled his. ash asked if the gurls knew how to fight with  Swords they said no so he tought them day in and day out the four trained and did not stop. They were not going to lose. Even after his wives went to bed ash would train. He would train form first light to last light.

About three days before the battle Thorn, Luna, Dusk and Bonnie  used a sleeping spell on him. At the rate he was pushing himself everyone feared he would not survive the battle. He woke up a few hours later and went to train until his wives stopped him.

"ash you need to rest you need to spend time with your family. You have not made love to Serena  yet." Dawn said.

"I know you are worried we all are worried but pushing this hard will do no one any good." may said.

"Plus the girls want to spend time with you and we want to spend time with you." Serena  said. It took her a few days to get use to the being married thing but she enjoyed it greatly. Every morning waking up next to ash was amazing. True they had not made love yet but she was willing to wait. She did not have to wait long. ash kissed her and this started the process that led to love making. Once Serena  was done and asleep ash made love to Dawn and may.

The next two days were more relaxed with the adults spending time with the kids. The girls did not leave there mothers or father or brother at all. Nightshade was also training she had been training alongside her daddy. The last day and night was the hardest. The girls all slept with their parents and brother. Even ash's mom and Sarah mom stayed with them. It was a big group hug and cuddle. Bonnie , Harper and Ruby were the most scared afraid to lose the one person that had always been there for them besides their girlfriends.

The next morning the four adults along with Misty  and Thorn went to the battle site. The rest stayed behind to help the school. ash told the teachers to let these 4 Handel the fight if it comes to the school they said way he said because i trained thim  they said ok Nightshade wanted to go with her daddy but was asked to protect her sisters. The girls bid a tearful goodbye to their parents hoping it was not the final time. The adults get to the prearranged site and see Velma and her army waiting.

The battle site was an empty clearing in the middle of the forest. The clearing was very large about the size of three football fields. Velma and her army numbering in the billions now for she had increased it over that month long break. It was now numbered at 30 billion.

On Velma's side she had the dark magic she had access to and her 30 billion shadow troop army. The monster team had only six fighters but each fighter was deadly in combat. Thorn was a high rank witch arguably the most powerful witch in the world. She was also a deadly close combat fighter. Misty  was the Vampire Queen and had all the powers that went with it including the powers over darkness.

Dawn and may were powerful vampires and deadly in close combat. They could make quick strikes and be done with a foe before they even realized they were dead. Serena  was a half vampire half werewolf and deadly with a blade. ash was ash and one of the most powerful there. So the numbers were not on their side but they had the power.

Another advantage was the battle site. You see ash picked this site for a few reasons. Reason number one the forest area was well known to all member of the monster group. Reason number two all of the monster team felt comfortable in the forest. Lastly reason number three the forest gave the monsters a power boost a very huge power boost.

"Ok Velma before we get started with this fight." ash started but was stopped.

"I am not going to give in and just leave you be ash." Velma spoke.

"I know and besides you are too far gone for me to even ask that. I would like to know where are Fred, Daphne, Dawn and Serena 's former friends." ash asked.

"I made blood clones for them and I sacrificed them to get my power and my army. Daphne was so useless in life she finally became useful. All she had was her pretty face same with Fred and the others." While there was no love lose before Fred and Daphne he did not like that Velma just casually mentioned she used them for power. Dawn and Serena  felt the same way.

"So what is with the other the purple haired one and why is Thorn here?"

"I am his sister and best friend. I am Misty  the daughter of the late Count Dracula and now the current Vampire Queen." Misty  said. This cause some nervousness for Velma but not much.

"I am his friend and sister as well. I am a witch and pretty good one. I don't like what you have become Velma so I will end you. I respected you once we all did but that time is done. As ash said you are too far gone." Thorn said. and me said Harperh ravencroft

"Only 6 with you ash that is sad." Velma said.

"My three wives and my two sisters are very powerful you are the one that should be scared." ash said and it caused Velma to roll her eyes. and Harperh ravencroft is a strong which 

"Now enough talking we fight now." Velma after these words ordered her army to attack. Serena  charges forward and cuts down a hanging tree branch with her sword using her newly gained speed and strength. The branch is hanging over the battle field and it not only crushed some of the shadows it gives them less space to move around which was the more important point. After she cuts the branch she quickly takes out some of the shadows.

All five split up and Velma is happy thinking this battle will be easier. When Velma got her power something had to give. To get the amount of power she it had cost a lot to her. She had to sacrifice something. Serena  had to give up her human side to get her power but it was a great trade at least she thought it was. Thorn, Misty , Dawn and may were born with their powers. They had to master them over the year that was there sacrifice always fighting the darkness in their hearts always with the fear of becoming a true monster. ash was forcible given his. He had many struggles to master them.

Velma when she got her powers gave up her intelligence since that is all the demons would take. She was not dumb by any means but she was nowhere as smart as she once was. So in other words she did not see coming what was about to happen.

Velma was not able to dodge a deadly claw form ash. Her arm was cut off. However to ash's disgust it grew back. He then started to laugh which confused and angered Velma.

"I cannot be killed why are you laughing?" Velma asked.

"I know what potion you used and it has a very big weakness." ash said to prove his point he quickly cut off two of her fingers and only one grew back.

"You see if you are injured in more than one place at the same time it will not fix all. It fix's the smallest injury and leaves the big ones. Now it will heal if given time but I will not give you that time." ash said and he charged. Meanwhile the ladies were doing very well with the battle. Each was using her power or skills to cut down the shadows.

Velma attempted to blast ash with her magic but he dodged all of the attempts. Sadly it gave Velma the time she needed to allow for her other finger to re grow. She smirked the potion was not what she wanted but it could work. ash charged once more and a deadly hand to hand battle occurred. ash was able to land three hits on Velma sadly they were not deep enough to draw blood but they still hurt Velma which stunned her and allowed ash to cut off her left hand.

"I must say Velma you are forcing me to do something I don't want to do." ash said and he started to howl a howl that told all other wolfs that he was anger and was not to be messed with. In a matter of seconds he had transformed but he was different. His eyes were redder and his fur was blacker and he was by far more terrifying.

"This is not what you looked like last time." Velma said with a slight amount of fear.

"Correct I have evolved if you will. Love has made me stronger. I have become a creature feared by many. I am now the dire werewolf." Velma was slightly more scared now a dire wolf was not to be messed with. The dire wolf is the ancestor of the modern day wolf and extinct. It is good sense many believe them to have been more vicious and smarter. In other words ash was smarter, stronger and deadly now. By this point Velma's hand had grown back but she could feel that it was not as strong as it used to be.

"Starting to see the other downside it seems. All injuries that are re grown are weaker than before. In other words your hand is not as strong as before. if I cut it off again you may not be able to hold a pen with it." ash said.

He turned away from Velma and moved toward her shadow army and stated to slaughter them. It was not pretty and the shadows were being killed at a quick rate. Seeing ash destroying the shadows the others charged as well and started to kill the shadows. They like ash unleashed there full power. Misty  was the vampire queen and she got a little bit of power for each vampire so she was not to be messed with. Dawn, may and Serena  were powerful in their own rights. Thorn tapped into the earth and started to control it. All were holding back but not anymore. In a matter of minutes the shadows were wipe out.

Thorn had trapped Velma in a cage of earth. She blasted it away and shot a beam at Dawn who was able to dodge it. She was in a weaken state but she was still dangerous very dangerous. She fired server beams of energy at the gang. All of which were dodged.

"She more stubborn then I thought she would be." Thorn said.

"Everyone unleash your sprits it is the only way." ash said sadly. He started to chant and the others follow suit.

"Sprit of the dire wolf" Shouted ash he was drawing on the strength of all that loved him.

"Sprit of the vampire" Dawn shouted. She like her husband was calling on the strength of the people that loved her.

"Sprit of the vampire" may shouted as well. The people that loved her gave her the strength needed.

"Sprit of the vampire wolf" Serena  yelled. Her loved ones were with her giving her the strength needed.

"Sprit of the vampire queen" Misty  said softly she was drawing on all the vampires form around the world to give her strength.

"Spirit of the witch" Thorn said. Thorn was also drawing power form Luna and Dusk her two best friends and sisters and the two she loved the most. She also had her other loved ones. All at once six sprits were sent at Velma. The result was a huge explosion of power that hit Velma dead on. Thanks to the potion she was still alive but barely. ash walked over and ripped out her heart and crushed her still beating heart right in front of her. She was still alive but once her heart was crushed she was dead. Thorn summoned fire and burnt her body.

The five teleported to the school to be welcomed by their loved ones with hugs and kisses. ash, Dawn, may, and Serena  took their daughters in their arms and spent the night like that. All were exhausted. None of them liked killing but they had to. All agreed to not think about it and move on."

It had been a day since the battle in the forest and the death of Velma. Everyone had returned to normal and was happy again. Now before anyone judges badly consider this please. Velma was out for blood and aiming to kill family. The regret ash had in killing his once friend was gone by the time he woke up the next morning. Seeing his daughters in their mother's arms and his wives in his arms made him realize what he was fighting for and that it was worth it and that he would kill as many as needed to protect his family.

"So what has you this happy? I would figure you would have guilt or regret of some sort. Not a lot but some." Dawn asked her husband quietly so as not to wake the others.

"I did last night but I woke up and saw everyone here and knew that it was the right choice. Does it suck I had to kill my once friend. Yes it does but she made her choice I gave her way too many chances. So no I have no more regrets or sadness." ash said. Dawn gave him a soft kiss.

"I am also not going to give anyone else that many chances maybe one chance but no more." ash said.

"I think that is wise." Dawn said and she put her head back down on his chest. She really liked that spot. ash made a vowed that anyone that even thought about harming his family was going to die. Everyone gets up and ready for the day.

Later that day Thorn found him after he was done teaching and asked to speak to him. Since she was his friend and almost sister he agreed also he could tell she was nervous about something and Thorn never showed her nervousness. She was always calm and collected even in the battle she was calm and collected so to see her like this worried ash. They went to her room and she sat down on the bed.

"ash I need your advice. I am in love with Luna and Dusk what do I do?" Thorn asked. Of all that she could have said this was not what ash was expecting. To be truthful he was unsure what to suspect but this was not it he knew. He sighed before he spoke.

"All I can say is tell them. If you don't it will eat you up and who knows maybe they feel the same way." ash said.

"I am not sure I can." Thorn said scared and ash sighed.

"You want to know what finally made me ask Dawn out besides the almost dying and letting slip that I love her." ash asked and Thorn nodded.

"I got to thinking what would it be like if I saw her in someone else's arms. Would it hurt?" ash said but he had to take a pause.

"The answer was yes it would hurt so I had to tell her before I lost her." ash said and took one more pause.

"Bottom line Thorn if you don't tell Luna and Dusk the truth you could lose them. At least one will love you back maybe both." ash said. Thorn smiled and hugged her brother and went off.

"Was it really necessary to be that mean?" ash heard a voice ask. It was his daughter Ruby who had come out of the shadows.

"No and I was not being mean." ash said and Ruby looked at her father with the you are kidding me look.

"She is right dad you know the truth why not tell her the truth?" Looking the other way he sees his other daughter Harperh who has also come out of the shadow.

"She needs to figure it out on her own." ash said.

"How come?" Ruby asked and ash smiled.

"When she is told the truth it will be that much better and more special for her." ash said. His daughters looked at him.

"Are you sure you are not being evil?" Harperh asked. ash smirked his daughters knew him so well.

"Ok a little bit of that but that is not my sole reason. It will be more special for her and all three of them. They are my sisters and I want them happy." ash said. The three then went to go and plan a game outside. Thorn was nervous but she had to do this. ash was right she knew if Luna or Dusk married someone else her heart would break. She was going to lay it all out on the table and hope for the best. If it failed she would leave the Ghoul School forever. She hoped that did not happen since it was her home. It was the one place that felt like home to her.

Luna and Dusk knew right away that there friend and, both, secret or not so secret love was worried. Yes you see both Luna and Dusk were in love with Thorn. Both of them had talked about it and were more than willing to share Thorn if she ever showed any interest. They also both agree to not fight if Thorn picked just one of them. They both knew that this was a lot of big ifs.

"Ann, Kim I love you both." Thorn said. Luna and Dusk were shocked. Thorn just told them that she loved both of them. Not only that she used their real names. It was something they did not do. Both Luna and Dusk were crying and before Thorn could say anything the two threw themselves at her and hugged her tightly.

"We are so very glad to hear that." Luna said

"We love you to." Dusk said. Thorn grabbed Luna and kissed her passionately. Afterwards she grabbed Dusk and did the same thing. The night the three fell asleep cuddled together. It was the start of a wonderful relationship. The next day Thorn did hit ash when he told her that he knew of the feelings held by Luna and Dusk. She was happy when he told her his reason for him wanting the confession to be special.

The next couple of nights ash made love to Dawn, Serena  and may. A month later they were not feeling that great. Lillie  and Thorn checked on them and they discovered what was wrong. When the three were told the truth they were thrilled. The three then planed on how to tell ash the news that was wonderful.

Dawn, may and Serena  were all very excited at this point for Lillie  and Thorn had just told them some wonderful news. Now the only hard part was how to tell ash. They all knew that ash would be just as excited as they were or even more it could go either way. Nightshade was very protective of them lately and that was what made them get checked out.

They started to feel a little sick but not too much so they dismissed it. However when Nightshade was always near them and was on the edge looking like she was going to bite someone they figured something was up. Once they figured it out they got to work planning on how to tell ash. They figured the direct approach was the best way. They also figured out why Nightshade was the way she was.

ash was worried about his wives something was wrong with them. Nightshade would not tell him what was wrong and that worried him even more. ash had gotten very clam over the years but he was not claim when his wives were in danger or when he thought they were in danger or hurt. Yes he was paranoid but that paranoia was what kept him alive.

"Ok girls today we are going to do something fun. You have studied much of history and many different warriors. Today we will start a who would win series. I will give two different warriors tell me who would win if they fought but why." ash said. Ruby nodded but she knew her dad was worried about her mom's. Harper and Bonnie  knew that as well along with Sarah. All the girls knew their teacher was worried.

"Dad go and see them." Ruby said.

"She right brother." Bonnie  said. All the girls in the class agreed.

"Girls I want to but all of us promised that teaching you was the most important thing. So I can wait a little longer. If it was really bad Lillie  would have come and told me. Someone would have come and gotten me." The students accepted this.

"Ok starting from this point on each week I will give you a three page paper that needs to be done at the end of the week." ash took a pause and was glad to not hear the groan form his students. If anything they were upset it was that short.

"Each week the topic will be a historical question. I want you to answer it." ash said and took a pause to make sure he had not lost anyone and he was happy to see that he had not. He had taught the girls well.

"Now I am not going to give simple topics I am going to ask you the tuff questions. I want you to explain your points. There is no right or wrong in these questions." ash said and paused.

"I am doing it for a few reasons. Number one to make you think outside the box. Number two to deploy your critical thinking skills. Number three to make you be able to defend you points and lastly it is kind of fun." ash said. He saw that everyone had gotten it.

"Ok your first paper is simple. Had the 300 Spartans not been betrayed would they have beaten the Persians?" ash asked.

"There are many answers to this. I suggest looking up what the experts say and go from there. However and I can't stress this point enough I do not want you to repeat what they say. I want you to use your own words." ash said.

"You girls are very smart and very creative. Feel free to be creative. If after looking at some of the experts you have another idea use it but be sure to back it up." ash said.

"One last thought before I let you go. Remember that history often hinges on small events that at the time seem unimportant but in reality are very important. Try to imagine what it would be like leaving at that time." ash said. He then dismissed the class. His daughters and sisters gave him a hug. He had dinner duty that night so he did that and made sure all the girls ate and went up to there rooms.

Sometimes the girls would delay going up. However tonight they all knew ash was worried about his wives and just wanted to see them and hold them so they did not delay they went right to bed. Once more his daughters and sisters hugged him. Lillie  gave him a knowing smirk and she did not look worried so he knew it was not bad but he was still worried. When he asked her she only answered with a you will see.

Back downstairs Thorn and Lillie  the two healers since ,Thorn had become one to give Lillie  some time off once in a while where talking.

"So do you think he will faint?" Thorn asked.

"Ten dollars says he does?" Lillie  said.

"No he is going to cry but I agree. Ten to you if he faints and ten to me if he cries." Thorn said. Lillie  and Thorn shook hands. Thorn's relationships with Luna and Dusk were wonderful. They had gone thought the witch marriage ritual and were now married. Well Luna and Dusk were married to Thorn and all three were very happy about it. Thorn was really happy when she found out she won the bet the next morning.

ash gets to his room to see all three of his wives in there nightdress's. He gets changed into his pants and sits on the bed. His wives lean on him. Dawn on his chest while Serena  and may on his shoulder. Dawn takes his hands and puts them on her stomach.

"Ok can you please tell me what the results were? I am really worried." ash asked. Dawn smiled.

"We are sorry we made you worry. The news is that we are all pregnant." Dawn said. ash's eyes lit up and he started to cry. He pulled his wives close to him and gave each a huge kiss.

"I am sorry very happy. How far along are you?" ash asked.

"About two months." may said.

"We are all having girls. Is that ok?" Serena  asked. ash smiled brightly

"Yes that is ok actually that is wonderful." ash said.

"We would have thought you would want a son." Dawn said.

"I am very happy that we are having children. As long as they are happy and healthy and their mothers are healthy after giving birth I do not care about anything else." ash said. He called over Nightshade who looked a little sad. ash pulled her up and hugged her.

"I am not mad just do not cause me to worry." ash said and Nightshade licked his check and went to sleep in her bed on the other side of the room. ash pulled his wives closer to him and the four went to sleep. Dawn, may and Serena  were happy to know that the news was met well and ash was thrilled about the news. The next day after class he called Bonnie , Ruby, Sarah, and Harper and asked them to stay behind.

"Ok ash based upon your mood and the fact that you look like you have won the lottery I am guessing it is good news." Bonnie  said. ash smiled.

"Ruby, Harper you are going to be big sister's soon." ash said and waited for the girls to figure it out. He was not disappointed for they figured it out quickly. He got hugs form the girls and the girls hugged their mothers later that night. The news was met well with the entire school.

It was the next few months that were hard for Dawn, may, and Serena . They had mood swings and odd cravings. Two of them being vampires it made it harder. The need for blood for pregnant vampires was greater. They had to have it once a week and sadly they could not hunt themselves. ash was able to hunt and get the blood and he did not once complain. Serena  also need some but since she was half werewolf and half vampire she only needed it once every two weeks.

"How come you are not upset at all of this ash?" Thorn asked. ash was also insulted a few times due to the mood swings.

"My wives are carrying are children. They are doing all the work. The least I can do is hunt for blood for them. Besides I love them and I know they do not mean it. Also I did get them pregnant so it is my fault." ash said.

Seven months later all three of his wives went into labor. Dawn was first and the next day may and the day after that was Serena . Dawn gave birth to a girl with blonde hair and green eyes. She was named Mara. may gave birth to a girl with black hair and blue eyes and she was named Amber. Serena  gave birth to a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes and she was named Rose. All three girls were healthy and happy. All three of his wives broke his hands but once again he did not complain. He was just so happy that nothing mattered to him.