[F] CH 8.2 - Heart Throb (PU)

Trigger Warning: Child Abuse 

Jaehwan drove up the wide and lengthy driveway. The security guards recognised the sticker on his car's windshield instantly and let him in. He was nervous of course. It was quite late, around midnight and he felt weary but still certain that his Master was waiting up for him too. Once he passed his car keys to the jockey waiting up outside the garage, he pulled out his suitcase and opened the door to the mansion.

"Master? I'm home~,"He cooed and a maid walked up to him and greeted him smartly after she bowed. "Welcome home, Ryu-sama. The Master's in his office. I'll get him for you,". Jaehwan nodded and let her take his suitcase and he took the mesh bag with him. He looked around, feeling small in such a grand room.

'This place hasn't changed..'.

Taking a picture of the foyer, he sent it to Aki to let him know that he had arrived at his Master's place safely. Sometimes he was in disbelief that his Master was incredibly wealthy; He didn't even know how long it would take to earn such an amount of wealth.

After a few minutes of waiting in the foyer, his Master ran down the stairs and hugged him. "Jaehwan~~ You're here to see me~~". He looked around, confused and even tried to look out the window. "You didn't bring Aki-kun with you?". Jaehwan shook his head and hugged the man back. "I couldn't. He has work tomorrow,". The man nodded and caressed his cheek, pulling something out of his pocket. "Well, since only both of us are here, put this on again. Take off the ring but make sure that when you do, this is around your neck,".

He snapped a dog's collar around Jaehwan's neck and grinned. "It still fits..I'm rather pleased,". Jaehwan just allowed him to do whatever he wanted submissively, even if the rough leather of the collar scratched against his scar and made him very uncomfortable. The man played with the tag on the collar and slipped an arm around Jaehwan's waist. "My precious, you're still too skinny. How are clothes ever going to fit you properly? You can't keep tying up your shirts forever".

Jaehwan just looked away, blushing as his Master led him to the kitchen to get a bite to eat. "They've never fit me anyway, Master. I can't even fit into the clothes that Aki gets for me,". The man seemed surprised as he sat Jaehwan down at the dining table. "He bought clothes for you? What kind of clothes?" He asked while waiting for the maids to bring something from the kitchen.

"Sometimes. He buys me shirts. But they're all still so loose, I still have to tie them at its side anyway,". The man smiled and petted the boy's head sweetly. "Ah..guess I'll have to stuff you with food for the time being. You'll be a good boy for me and eat everything on your plate right?". The boy nodded and ate his supper while chatting with his Master.

'It's still like old times, before I left. Even around me, or Aki, Master hasn't changed. He's still as controlling and intimidating as ever'.

A staff member had left Jaehwan's suitcase in his room. While getting ready for bed, dressing himself up in his pyjamas, the man barged into his room. "What? You're not sleeping in my room?". Jaehwan looked up, slipping off his shirt, buttoning up his pyjamas. "It just doesn't feel right if I do, Master." The dark haired man gritted his teeth and grabbed the boy by the collar, almost choking him. "Have you forgotten who's your owner? You'll do as I say, won't you, pet?".

Shujin buttoned up the rest of the younger male's pyjamas and petted his head. "Be a good boy and come to my room once you're through here,". Jaehwan sighed and adjusted the collar around his neck.

'He's always been like this. He's so controlling over everything I try to do. It's like I don't have any free will to him. Yet, I feel like I'm in great debt to him because he raised me when no one would. I have to listen to him, right?'.

Sending Aki a goodnight text, he let out a huge yawn. It was already two in the morning and he could barely keep his eyes open. He charged his phone before sleepily making his way to his Master's room. "I knew you would come here eventually, my good Jaehwan," The man said, smiling as he bundled the boy into his arms. "Master~ You feel really nice and warm," Jaehwan yawned again and nuzzled into the man's chest.

"Sleep. You drove all the way here so late at night. I don't know what you were thinking,". The boy wiped his watery eyes and huffed. "I had to fetch Aki from his work. Then I also got held up by a lot of traffic. Nnn~ I'm sorry Master...". He was so sleepy that he started trailing off. The man just laughed and held him close, whispering to him until he fell into a deep sleep. "Shh..That's an obedient boy. Sleep in your Master's arms. I'll continue to love you if you continue being obedient, my Angel,".


Jaehwan's Flashback

"Born on the 12th of December xxxx, Ryu Jaehwan?".

"He's the only child here who's Korean,".

"Sounds interesting. How long will he be around?"

"I don't know. We still have plenty of kids and the orphanage is going to close next month since we haven't had any donations,".

"I'll take him with me,".

I thought I could be free. To finally get out of the facility. Where the children isolated me for being a foreigner. Where the staff made me do sexual favours for them in order to be able to go to dinner. That man, he took my hand and led me into a new kind of hell.

Every day, I would be raped. My "adoptive father" made me sell old newspapers he'd collect the day before along with the flowers and herbs he would pick from the streets to make a living while he went to work. I just remembered being the only child in his care, wearing a ragged and rough hood. He simply regarded me as a "mutt" that he had gotten to use to his pleasure. Every night, I'd be dragged to his room and defiled.

"Jaehwan, you're just as cheap and small as those flowers that Daddy picks. Hm?".

"Daddy..please stop. I-It really hurts.."

"What? My dear, you are just a tight bud who doesn't want to flower. Hm? Daddy's going to pollinate you all night long as long as we're together, so open your legs and be Daddy's good little cumslut,".

Then I had had enough one day. I decided to run away from "home". I hid behind the alley of a bakery, shivering in the bitter winter. The vent allowed me some warmth however that just wasn't enough. A man came and knelt down before me. He looked at my face, which had tears streaming down it. He looked at the bruises on my arms and the tears in my eyes. Then, he pulled off his own coat and bundled me in it, taking me with him to his car.

"Mister..why are you being kind to me?".

"I don't like the sound of Mister. For starters, why don't you call me Master?".

"Okay, Master."

"Dry those eyes, little angel. You'll be living a new life from now on."

That day, I was saved. A few days later, my 10th birthday was celebrated. I somehow couldn't grasp the last time I had celebrated my birthday. Maybe before Mother was seized and executed, before my Father was taken along with her.


"Jaehwan! Run! Hide!".

"But, Papa-".

"Don't 'But Papa' me! Run! Run as far away from this place as you can!".

My eyes overflowed with tears.

"Please. Don't look back at your Mama and Papa. We'll be okay,".

I ran until I was far enough from my home. I saw people who looked like officials from another country of some sort. They caught my Mother and Father. I took one last look at my childhood home and before I knew it, flickering yellow flames were reflected in my hazel eyes.


"Oi! Jaehwan!".

Hazel eyes burst open. Jaehwan's brow was covered in sweat. He breathed heavily. "M-Master....."He huffed and clutched at his chest. "I'll get your pills, wait here!". The man got up and made a mad dash all the way to the kitchen.

'Aki probably shouldn't see me like this. He probably shouldn't know about this. If Aki knows...if he knows that my heart can't take such pain...'

Black coveted Jaehwan's vision as he bit a pillow hard, trying to distract from the growing pain in his chest.

'He would probably break up with me'.




The birds twittered in the bright morning skies. The black haired boy woke up to a figure sitting next to him. He gasped after closer inspection.

'Aki? Just why? Why are you here?'.

His boyfriend was holding his hand gently as he rested his head against the empty space on the bed. Jaehwan's Master came in and noticed that his beloved pet was awake. "I called my driver to fetch him over. A good thing I did. You seemed to calm down after he held your hand to sleep,".

Leaning over in bed, Jaehwan groaned. He caressed Aki's head weakly and smiled pathetically at his Master. "Thank you for calling him over here, Master,". The man smiled back and sat on the edge of the bed. "You should be grateful he loves you so much. He couldn't sleep a wink and he'd let you suffocate his hand,".

The man swept his dark hair back and rested his chin on his hand. "I guess there are things that Nakanishi-kun can do for you better than I can,". Jaehwan gazed at Aki, who seemed to be dead asleep. "Does he know...about my heart?". The man sighed and got up to pet his darling on the head. "I had to tell him at some point. He would have thought I did something to you if I didn't,". Jaehwan nuzzled into the man's gentle hands.

Most of the time, they were rough, violent. But sometimes, like now, they were extremely soft, gentle. The man pulled his arm away and squinted at Jaehwan. "Don't tell me you had intentions to hide it from him forever, you silly boy,". Jaehwan shot him a shy smile and the man sighed.

"Jaehwan, I don't know what to do with you sometimes. You really don't know how much he worries about you,". His Master eyed their interlocked fingers. "He came all the way here for you, he really loves you that much,". Shujin knew that Aki truly loved Jaehwan . Especially from what he had seen last night. He practically let Jaehwan squish his hand like it was a fish caught in a net. "Master."Jaehwan began and sat up.

Pecking him on the forehead, Shujin sat beside him on the bed. "Hm? What are you trying to say, Jaehwan?". The boy looked down meekly, letting himself get kissed tenderly. "Thank you. For everything. For letting me go out with Aki. I..I owe you a lot.". The man laughed and patted him on the head. "You're my sweet little angel. All I need is you in my life. That's the only thanks I need,".

Playing with the tag on Jaehwan's collar, Shujin let the golden tag gleam in all its splendour. "If you can read what it says here. I'm your owner. I've always been. I'm always going to be taking care of you, near or far. So, I expect you to behave and to be obedient. That's all I want from you,". Jaehwan smiled a little and pecked the man on his cheek. "Okay, Master. But, you'll allow me that one instance right?".

Thinking back to how Jaehwan deliberately pushed him away to protect Aki, Shujin laughed. "Yeah, you seemed so angry back then. It was like watching a kitten attempt a lion's roar. It was really cute,". Jaehwan felt his hand being squeezed and looked at Aki. "Kiki, are you alright?". His partner looked up and yawned but he pulled Jaehwan's waist closer to him, snuggling. "I was so worried about you, Jae. Your Master called me to say that you woke up with chest pains and that you lost consciousness,". His voice sounded muffled as he buried his face in Jaehwan's pyjamas.

"I'm sorry to worry you, Kiki. I'm okay now,". He pet Aki's head and realised from his tear- stained face that he had been crying. "I've called the school to say that I'd be away for today. I gave Asuna money for a train pass. Your Master's driver picked me up and sent me all the way here. I-I-"He drawled sleepily and Jaehwan covered his mouth. "I think you need some rest, Aki. Don't strain yourself like this,".

Sighing in contentment, Aki rested his head on Jaehwan's chest. "Mm~~ cosy~". Shujin chuckled and felt about for Jaehwan's heartbeat gingerly. "It's back to normal now, thank goodness. I'll get breakfast for the both of you. Don't go anywhere,". After his Master left the room, Jaehwan carefully pulled Aki onto the bed with him and cuddled.

'He came without a second thought. He skipped work to come see me. He must have been so worried'.

Dark rings around Aki's eyes caught his attention and dampened his mood.

'I don't think he slept at all'.

Sunlight from the large palladian style window reflected in his hazel eyes. Jaehwan sighed in relief. "It's a miracle that I'm still alive and well,". He looked down at Aki and smiled a bit, reassuring himself over and over. "I'm okay. I'm fine. I'm doing okay. I'm safe. I'm loved. With my Master and Aki. I'm doing okay,". Jaehwan shook his head rapidly, trying to get rid of those bad memories from his childhood.

Even though he knew that it wasn't really possible. He didn't know if this was a gift or a curse. He just couldn't forget. The good and the bad. Sometimes, the lively yellow flames that sparked in his eyes made him shrink back in fear even as an adult.

That little white house, grey brick roof with a trim picket fence. That picture-perfect happy family.

They all disappeared so fast.


How fun and exciting! Aki swung around the staircase. He had never ever seen a mansion in real life so he was quite thrilled. "This is huge!". Jaehwan and his Master laughed at his excitement. "It had to be. How else would I have had the space to raise Jaehwan?"The man chuckled and patted Aki on the shoulder. Aki had begun exuding his excited puppy-energy and both the pair of Master-Pet could tell that he was adorable without even trying.

"Sir, I thought you told me that Jaehwan wasn't all that active,". The man brought them to the garden while talking. "Don't underestimate children. When Jaehwan was 11 or so, he liked dashing about the house. Even fell down those very flight of stairs once...He never ran down the stairs again,".

Sitting with them at the picnic table outside, Shujin served both of them some tea and some biscuits. "It's warmer out today. A good day to sit outdoors for once. If you're hungry, I'll get the cooks to make us something,". Jaehwan held the teacup in both hands, smiling. "It's quite alright, Master,". Aki nodded and sipped on his tea. "That breakfast you gave us earlier was really filling,". The man scratched his head and patted his lap, inviting Jaehwan to sit with him.

"What am I going to do with you guys? There really isn't much to do at home,". Jaehwan seemed to have something else on his mind. "Could you please take us to that shopping complex that you've built recently? Please~~," He begged, eyes glistening like the clearest drop. Aki's jaw dropped.

'This man built a shopping mall? God, his riches don't ever stop rolling in'.

The man stroked Jaehwan's back softly and nodded. "I don't see why not. Especially with the symbol on your collar, the people there will treat you nicely,". Jaehwan grinned and looked at Aki. "Will you come with us, Aki?". However, his partner shook his head. "I have to go back and see Sumi off at the airport with Asuna. But I'll always be ready to call you,"He smiled back and pecked Jaehwan on the lips. The boy pouted but the man patted Aki on the back.

"I'll arrange transport for you to go to your school. Drink up your tea and say goodbye to your little angel before I gobble him up,". Aki laughed and kissed Jaehwan once more. "I'll see you at home tomorrow evening?". The dark haired male nodded and kissed him back. "Mhm~ Tell your brother I said goodbye!".

Soon after Aki left, the man brought Jaehwan out shopping. The collar was switched out for a choker, to stand out less in the public eye. He gave his darling a tour of the mall and bought him more clothes. Jaehwan hadn't seen the shopping complex his Master had built before but he was aware that he had been working on it.

He called it "Tenshi Shopping Complex" after Jaehwan, who he usually referred to as an "Angel" affectionately. Hearing this was enough to make Jaehwan hum a tune. "I can't believe that you named this place after me," He chuckled shyly as he ate the ice cream that his Master had bought for him. "Why? I can't not name it after the most precious possession I own,".

Jaehwan ate his ice cream quietly while his Master held his other hand and walked with him around the shopping complex.

'I wish that my parents were still around so that they could see Master. So that they could meet the man who's been looking after me for the past 11 years'.

Vibrant lights and lavish interior of the mall really made him stop and stare as they had a look around.

'I wish they could meet Aki. I would have wanted them to get along with both of them, my Master and my boyfriend'.

Then he bit on the ice cream cone before realising something. That if his parents were still around, he probably wouldn't have met neither his Master nor Aki. He would have been raised differently. He would have gone back to his own native country to work. That's right... There would be no chance that he would have met either of the people he loved so much.

He tossed the wrapper in the recycling bin before he hugged his Master. It caught the man off-guard but he hugged the boy back. "Master-" The younger male began but the older man hushed him. "I know,". The man cupped his cheeks and smiled. "Why don't I help you feel better at home?". Jaehwan didn't know what to say but he just went along with his wishes submissively.




"Strip. Lay on the bed for me,". Jaehwan buckled the collar back around his neck again and looked at his Master pathetically. "What? Need me to do it for you?". The man slipped off Jaehwan's shirt and pulled him closer by his waist. "I've missed this body of yours. The last time I touched you, I did something rather cruel to you, didn't I?".

Stinging pain from being whipped to shreds with a belt flashed back in his mind. His Master's harsh words and scoldings replayed themselves. The sound of his clothes being pulled off him roughly haunted him. Everything..he remembered everything so vividly.

"You had no choice...You said it was a punishment for breaking your rules". The man hugged him tightly, kissed him on the head. "I'm sorry, my Angel. Let me hold you again, and overwrite your memory of that punishment,". Jaehwan hugged him back, his mind a little hazy. "You said you didn't want me to forget that punishment,".

'It's not like I'll be able to forget it anyway'.

The Master unbuckled his belt and pushed him onto the bed. "Well, I was angry at the time. I say a lot of things I don't mean when I'm angry. I'm okay with Nakanishi-kun. He's very sincere and genuine about maintaining the relationship between both of you,". He kissed his pet passionately on the bed and smiled at him. "How did it feel, to be embraced in bed by another man other than your Master?". Jaehwan blushed and looked away. "It feels different..the way you and Aki touch me. Even your body heat is different,".

The man began unbuckling the belt around Jaehwan's hips and pulled it off. "My little Angel, whose body feels hotter?". Jaehwan moaned softly and allowed his Master to touch him in between his legs. "M-Master's body feels hotter..". That made the man grin as he fondled the boy roughly. His hands began unbuttoning Jaehwan's jeans. The zipper was pulled down and the jeans were discarded onto the marble floor. The man loomed over his pet, smirking. "Then, allow me to make you melt in my arms,".


*Ring Ring!*



Laughing on the other side of the phone, Aki's smile was almost as bright as the stars in the sky. "That's right, my darling. How have things been with your Master?". Jaehwan, who was relaxing on the patio, watching the night sky smiled as soon as he heard his partner's gentle yet smooth voice. "Pretty good. I'll be home tomorrow and we'll get to cuddle again!". Aki melted once he heard that. He was making a hot drink, you could hear a metal spoon clinking against the insides of a cup. "Yay~ I can't wait for you to return home! I've missed you so much,".

Giggling shyly, Jaehwan sipped on his glass of chilled wine. He was waiting for his Master to change so that they could relax together. "Kiki, I miss you too~ But we'll be able to see each other tomorrow,". Aki made an "mhmm" as a reply and they continued chatting until Jaehwan's Master arrived, Aki in his pyjamas drinking a hot chocolate and Jaehwan wrapped up comfortably in warm layers of soft, expensive fur.

To Shujin's surprise, he had received an unexpected invitation whilst he was changing.

One that would break Jaehwan's heart and trust if he had found out about it.

_φ(・ω・ Author's Note

I just want to make it clear that I do not support the act of being attracted to minors who are not able to consent. I do not condone, support or encourage any of the harmful actions that are depicted against the protagonist while he was a minor.

At this rate, I need to start providing stomachache medications to you readers. My apologies. But if you've forgiven me, could you please leave a vote for the chapter? Thank you for reading this chapter of A Heart To Heal! ♡