Crimson: Part One

"Ashe, give us some cover fire. Bahn, I need you to attack from behind. Steven, I need you with me for a head-on assault." I said.

Everyone nodded and began their attacks. Me and Steven ran right towards Crimson, moving out of the way of an arrow Ashe shot. When Crimson dodged the arrow me and Steven both closed in and attempted to strike her together. Crimson blocked our attacks leaving herself wide open for Bahn to strike.

Crimson let out a small yelp before kicking Bahn away and sending explosions in our direction causing us to jump back. Our first attack was successful.

Lightning struck down around the red ring. The winds were heavy and the raindrops didn't show any sign of stopping.

"This plan seems to be working really well so let's stick with it. Make sure to mix up your movement so she doesn't predict our moves." I said.

Me and Steven ran at Crimson again, attesting to push her back so Bahn could strike from behind once more. Ashe fired an arrow that cut Crimson's cheek causing her to stumble back. Right as Bahn went for another strike, Crimson aimed her blade at him and fired an explosion.

Bahn was launched into the side of the mountain and stayed there. Ashe ran up to Bahn to check if he was ok leaving me and Steven to fight Crimson alone.

"Bahn's fine, he's just knocked out. I'm surprised he's even alive with how hard he hit the wall." Ashe said.

Crimson swung her blade at me but I parried it giving Steven an opening. Steven attacked Crimson and slashed her arm. Crimson caused another explosion causing me and Steven to fall back.

As we watched Crimson from afar we saw that blood was dripping off her. But something didn't feel right, this whole thing was going to well.

Crimson began to let out a horrifying laugh causing everyone to freeze. When she was done she focused her eyes on her wrist. Slowly, she reached towards her wrist and removed an item that was on it. The item came crashing down on the ground leaving an indent. Crimson was wearing weighted clothes. Crimson began moving more pieces of weighted clothes until all she had left was a chest piece and some arm guards.

Crimson turned to face me and just smiled before completely disappearing. I quickly turned around and saw her behind me trying to go for an attack. I readied my weapon and blocked her attack. With the amount of power behind her strike I ended up losing my balance and fell over.

"She wasn't even at full power when we first started out. Just how strong is this girl!" Yelled Steven.

Crimson turned her attention towards Steven and began walking towards him. Crimson vanished again and showed up behind Steven. Before she could strike him however, Ashe fired an arrow into her back.

Crimson stopped moving completely. The only thing that was moving was her hair in the wind. She began to twitch suddenly. She moved her arm to where the arrow was and took it out. The evil smile that was once on her face was gone, replaced with an emotionless look.