
"I've taken a liking to you three. Since I don't have anything to do at the moment would you mind if I tagged along?" Asked Morgan.

Everyone turned their head to Morgan while I lifted my head up. Chuck looked less than pleased and let out a small sigh. Chuck began walking over to Morgan and pulled him away from us. Chuck began talking to Morgan out of earshot leaving us in the dark.

As we watched the two of them talk Morgan began to laugh and patted Chuck's head. Serene and Alice both helped me to my feet as we watched Morgan and Chuck.

"Chuck, you know that I don't like going to events like that. What makes you think I'd want to go to one now?" Morgan said loudly enough for us to hear.

I turned towards Serene and Alice and shrugged. I began walking towards Morgan and saw a big grin on his face. He quickly grabbed me by the wrist and placed me in front of Chuck.

"How about you send this young fellow in my place? I'm sure he'll do just fine, maybe even better." Morgan said.

I quickly turned my head towards Morgan and gave him a confused look. Morgan still had his large grin on his face and gave me a wink. He turned his head towards Serene and Alice and signaled them to come over.

"Sir, you can't just invite three random kids you found. It's like you're trying to make a joke of yourself." Chuck said.

I still didn't understand what was happening and kept giving the both of them funny looks. All I knew what was happening was that we might end up going to some event. After a couple of seconds of just standing there Serene and Alice arrived.

"Now that you're all here allow me to explain what's happening. I'll be sending you three to a formal event where nobles and other important people hold a party. The party is for a noble family's son." Morgan explained.

I finally got away from Morgan's grip and moved towards Serene and Alice's location. Chuck still looked annoyed at Morgan while Morgan kept his eyes on us.

"You three don't have to accept this invite but I would highly recommend that you do. If you get lucky and play your cards right you could end up having a noble family liking you." Morgan said.

I looked at Alice and Serene and they both just shrugged at me. I let out a small sigh and turned towards Morgan.

"Yeah sure, we'll go in your place but we don't have anything fancy we could wear at the event." I said.

"That won't be a problem. I know a place on the second floor that sells really nice outfits. The party is next week and it'll take us a few days to arrive on the second floor. Let's not waste any time." Morgan said with enthusiasm.