
"We… did it?" I asked myself, collapsing on the floor from exhaustion.

The aura that had surrounded my body throughout the battle had finally vanished. My entire body felt heavy and it took everything I had not to pass out.

"How pathetic, I said to myself, "while Emma's trying to find the keys I'm stuck here on the ground not being able to move."

I let out an annoyed sigh as I turned my attention to something else.

Aoi was standing right next to me.

"Pathetic? From what I've seen, you're quite the opposite."

Aoi helped me to my feet and allowed me to lean on his shoulder.

"Not only did you manage to find Metalbeard's hideout, but you forced him to get serious in a fight."

He looked like he was about to say something else but stopped himself.

"I found the keys!" Emma shouted, raising the keys up for everyone to see.

"Thank you, I think I can move on my own now." I said, nodding my head at Aoi before moving over to Emma.

"I'll deal with Metalbeard so you two go focus on saving your friends." Aoi said.

I nodded my head and continued moving towards Emma.

When I caught up with her, she was flipping through the keys.

"How many keys do you need! I just need the one that unlocks this door!" Emma said, trying one of the many keys in her possession.

"Here let me try." I said moving her aside so I could stand directly in front of the door.

Emma offered me the keys but I shook my head. I lifted my right leg up and kicked down the door using what little strength I had left.

"That's certainly one way to open the door." Emma laughed.

"Let's not keep our friends waiting, shall we?" I smiled.

We both both gave each other a thumbs up before entering the room, a confidant smile covering both our faces.