3-A Vs. 3-B! Final Joint Training!

We arrived at Ground Beta to conduct our final joint training with 3-B. I decided to wear my regular gym clothes, I didn't feel like trying to cut off the right sleeve of my hero costume.

"Alright everyone, I know we've had quite the interesting month, but let's put that behind us for now. This will be the only time we'll conduct a joint training between classes. This will go exactly how it went two years ago. You'll each be in pairs of 4 or 5, then you'll be trying to capture one another in Irredeemable Prison Cells that have been set up at each base." Mr. Aizawa explained.

"Now, to address the elephant in the room," Vlad King spoke up, "As all of you know, Alyx Leonidus has suffered a substantial injury, for that reason..."

"He won't be conducting the joint training with us today." He continued.

"W-WHAT?!" We all shouted.

"What? Why?" I asked.

Mr. Aizawa looked at me, "Your injuries put you at risk for further harm. We can't allow you to use your Quirk until you're back at full health. I admire your tenacity, but you aren't going to be participating, sorry."

I felt Momo's mood drop heavily. Although it wasn't present on her face, I could tell she felt like shit times 100.

"Ah man, that sucks! Hey, I promise we'll make it up to you, alright?" Kendo reassured me.

I looked down at the ground and clenched my fist.

"No, I'm not doing that." I replied.

"Huh? Alyx..." Deku muttered.

I looked up at Mr. Aizawa, "I'm not gonna sit here and feel useless just because of these injuries I have. I can handle my own just fine!"

Mr. Aizawa's scarf started to lift alongside his hair. His eyes started to glow a bright red.

"You aren't participating, that's final, got it? You should be resting right now." He scolded.

"Y-Yes sir..." I sighed gloomily.

Everyone stepped forward to draw lots except for me. They got together in their teams, Mr. Aizawa and Vlad King lead us into the grounds. I was feeling more frustrated than anything else right now.

"How unfortunate! It seems as if you 3-A losers are one person short now! Not that it would've mattered anyway, he can't even-" Monoma chirped.

"Just shut the fuck up and keep walking, nobody gives a shit." I retorted.

Monoma stopped and turned around, "Oh really? Who are you speaking to, One Arm Wonder?"

"Monoma! What's wrong with you?" Kendo snapped.

Mikaboshi's arm appeared in from of me and grabbed Monoma's shirt collar.

"Let's set one thing straight, if I was able to participate, you'd be on the floor in an instant. Now get walking, please." I told him.

Mikaboshi's arm faded as he pushed him away from me. Everyone looked stunned at what they just saw. I could tell that Monoma was fuming on the inside.

"A-Alyx...What was that?" Yosetsu wondered.

"Nothing important, I'm not participating in this exercise, so there's no point in dwelling on it." I replied.

All of us entered a building that would survey the entire area that the training would take place. The first set was Yosetsu, Yui, Reiko, and Laura against Kaminari, Sato, Mina, and Kirishima. I sat down on a chair that Mr. Aizawa brought in for me and watched intently with my arm crossed. I watched the screen as the bout started up. I heard footsteps walk up towards me, I looked to my right and saw Mr. Aizawa.

"You'll be up next once this set is over." He told me.

"Hm? I thought I wasn't able to due to my injuries? What's with the change of plans?" I wondered.

"You've just proved to me that you still have some sort of fighting capability. But as soon as I think it's getting too risky, I'm pulling you out of there, got it?" Mr. Aizawa explained.

I nodded at him, "Yes sir, Mr. Aizawa!"

[15 Minutes Later...]

After a rather interesting match, we were down 0-1! Laura definitely didn't disappoint, I guess she really has been training without me!

"Tee hee! All that training wasn't there for nothing, you know!" Laura smirked.

I stood up from my chair, I was on a team with Momo, Bakugo, Shinso, and Mineta. We were up against the biggest names in 3-B, Kendo, Monoma, Tetsutetsu, Shiozaki, and Kaibara! I joined Momo's side as we exited the room.

"A-Alyx? What are you doing?" She asked.

"What do you think? I wouldn't be walking out of here without getting an all clear, now, would I?" I smiled.

Her eyes slightly widened and she softly smiled back. We got to our base and waited for the signal to start. A horn sounded off and we started making our way towards the others.

"Alright, Alyx, you just hang back. You'll be their main focus; I can already tell." Shinso spoke up.

I nodded and hung back a bit with Mineta. We came at a crossroads and ducked into an alleyway. We stopped to listen for any footsteps or any sort of Quirk activating. It was completely quiet, which could either be good or bad. We made our way out of the alleyway and into the street. A window smashed out right next to me.

"GOTCHA MORON!!" Tetsutetsu yelled.

He was completely steeled up! I looked up and saw him soar towards me of all people!

"Mikaboshi!" I shouted.

He phased out of me right before Tetsutetsu hit me.

"ORA!!" Mikaboshi roared.

His fist slammed into Tetsutetsu, sending him away from me, he slid off the ground without any visible damage. This wasn't good! If Mikaboshi barely put a scratch on him, then what would anyone else do? Mikaboshi returned to me and I saw the rest of his team come through the building. I dodged a soaring headbutt from Tetsutetsu, which made him run right into Monoma!

"Hey, Leonidus." I heard Kaibara call over to me.

I looked over at him and smiled, he was just the guy I've been wanting to fight the most of Class 3-B! Better yet, he's someone I've had my eye on for the past 3 years now. I got into my new fighting stance as his wrists became drill-like.

"I heard you're a rather exceptional martial artist, if you're anything on Mashirao's level, you've got my attention already!" He grinned.

"I was just wondering when I'd get the chance to fight you, sorry it had to be like this, I'd prefer if I was able to use my Quirk. But don't worry, I think I can manage." I smiled back.

(I.R.P.: Listen to "Accelerated World" from Accel World)


Kaibara charged towards Leonidus with great speed. He threw a straight Jab that Alyx dodged. Leonidus retaliated with a strike of his own that was met by a counter from Sen. The two fought back and forth, neither had landed a blow against each other! Alyx jumped up and spin kicked Kaibara in the jaw, landing the first blow. Kaibara stumbled backwards, giving Alyx the opportunity to deliver an open palm fist directly to his stomach.

"I-I... I gotta hand it to you, you're really good!" Kaibara complimented.

"Thanks! You too!" Alyx replied.

Kaibara regained his barring and charged towards Alyx once more. This time, narrowly missing Leonidus with his now gyrating hand! A cut opened up on Alyx's cheek as the sharp hand of Kaibara passed him. He backflipped away from him, reaching into his pocket, and pulling something out.

"Smoke Bomb!" He shouted.

Alyx threw one down and the area around the two became nothing but smoke and fog.

"I can blow this away! This is pointless, you know?" Kaibara called out.

He began to gyrate his arms faster, then spinning around, generating a huge gust of wind that cleared the smoke out! Alyx came flying in and missed a devastating kick to Kaibara's sternum. Alyx rolled off the ground after a hard landing. Alyx quickly rebounded away from Kaibara, as he came towards him with a kick of his own, drilling the ground with a gyrating leg! Alyx activated his Overdrive in his left hand and shot off his Stardust Shoot at Kaibara, pelting him and sending him flying! Kaibara slammed into a wall and struggled to get back up.

Alyx stood up and coughed up blood, he quickly covered his mouth and blood dripped down his hand, wrist, and mouth. He dropped his hand and looked frantically around.

"Overdrive, The World." Alyx muttered.

Mikaboshi snapped his fingers and time stopped. He hurried away and Mikaboshi carried Kaibara off somewhere else. Alyx rested on a wall in a nearby alleyway, holding the right side of his stomach area.

"S-Shit... I must've hit that side... W-When I landed..." He panted.

Mikaboshi returned to him and helped him stand, "Alyx, are you alright?"

"Y-Yeah, I'll be fine. We need to... Get back to the others." He replied.

Mikaboshi phased into Alyx and he made his slow stumbling walk over to the others. Meanwhile, Mineta was managing to hold his own against Monoma! However, during their scuffle, Monoma managed to get his hand on Shinso! He copied his Quirk without problem as he continued his fight with Mineta.

"Come on, speak already!" Monoma fumed.

Mineta smirked at him as he was getting on his nerves, seemingly starting to throw him off his game. He was playing mind games with Monoma without speaking, which was steadily pissing Monoma off, he missed Mineta with a fist made of steel! Mineta rebounded by smacking him in the face with a whip made from his Pop Off Quirk. Monoma fell backwards, rolling onto the ground, and looking up at Mineta. His eyes glanced over to the right and a look of genuine shock fell over his face.

"Y-Yaoyorozu... Her leotard, Mineta, it... It ripped!" Monoma exclaimed.

Mineta quickly turned his head, "SHE WHA-"

He stopped in his tracks as Monoma had effectively brainwashed him! He cackled at the top of his lungs as he approached Mineta with the capture tape.

"Mineta, you did well, you got him right where you wanted him." Someone chimed in.

Monoma quickly turned around but dropped his guard. There stood Alyx Leonidus, bleeding from the mouth, eyes firmly fixed on the target in front of him.

"Ah, it's just you, One Arm Wonder! You had me worried for a minute. It looks like that fight with Kaibara wore you out, look at that! I thought you Class 3-A idiots were built to face off against anything, regardless of your condition?" He smirked.

Alyx stayed quiet, although Monoma's words irritated him, which Monoma could visibly see. His smirked widened into a grin as he walked towards Alyx. Leonidus fell to one knee, coughing up more blood and breathing heavily.

"Pathetic, you really should've just stayed in the observation room. You barely can go 5 minutes without being exhausted! Now, I'll be copying that Overdrive Quirk of yours, seeing that your too weak and fragile to even use it. What good are you gonna do against someone like me, 3-A Loser?" He laughed.

His hand quickly approached Alyx, right before it touched him, Mikaboshi shot out from Alyx!

"ORA!!" He shouted.

Mikaboshi's fist slammed right into Monoma's face, sending him stumbling backwards.

"W-What?! What... Was that?!" Monoma thought.

Alyx stood back up and turned to face Monoma, "You know, if there's one thing that pisses me off the most... That's when people underestimate me. I'm gonna make you regret calling all of us losers, Monoma."

Monoma looked up in fear as Mikaboshi immediately began his rapid-fire strikes against him!


His fists pelted against Monoma faster than what he could see!

"W-What... There's no way... H-He couldn't have reacted in time!" Monoma thought once more.

"ORA!!!" Mikaboshi thundered.

His last punch sent Monoma flying into a nearby building. Mikaboshi phased back into Alyx as soon as it was safe. Alyx looked over at Mineta and smiled.

"You just keep surprising me, Mineta. You guys can definitely handle yourselves without me, I'm certain. I've already trapped Kaibara, so don't worry about him, just focus on those in front of you. You held your own against Monoma, that in itself is a pretty great feat." Alyx mumbled.

His smile remained on his face as he lost consciousness. He fell forward onto the ground in front of Mineta. Mineta shook his head and turned around.

"Alright, asshole! I'm not falling for your tricks this... Time?" He shouted then muttered.

He looked around and the damage caused from moments prior. Mineta looked down at his feet and saw Alyx.

"O-Oh, man! What do I do? H-He's bleeding and I don't freakin' know how to treat that!" Mineta panicked.

Mineta looked over at the others, "W-Wait, everyone else! They'll stop fighting and help me out! I hope..."

Mineta put Alyx's left arm around him and started to drag him towards the others. Fortunately, the area was in the view of one of the cameras being used in the observation room.

"GUYS!! ALYX IS HURT BAD!! PLEASE, HELP ME!" Mineta squeaked out.

Everyone's attention turned to Mineta. They stopped fighting among each other and rushed to his aid. Shota Aizawa and Vlad King leaned forward and looked at the screen.

"What's going on? Why have they stopped fighting?" Kaminari wondered.

"I'm unsure, let me look." Aizawa replied.

He moved the camera over and saw what he didn't want to see. He told Vlad to stay with the other students as he rushed out of the observation room. Vlad King called Recovery Girl to hurry out to Ground Beta ASAP.

"Okay, everyone, calm down. He's still breathing and neither is there any blood coming up. Keep him on his side so he doesn't choke, just in case more blood DOES come up." Kendo reassured.

"Hey, Metal Man, how cold's your steel?" Bakugo asked.

"Pretty cold! Especially with how cold it is right now, why?" Tetsutetsu responded.

Momo put her hand on Alyx's forehead, "Because he's burning up, I don't have any sort of way to make a cool cloth, neither is Todoroki out here."

Shota and Recovery Girl made their way over to Leonidus. Aizawa wasn't sure what happened, but surely, he could get answers from everyone else.

"Do any of you know what happened?" He asked.

"W-Well... For starters, he was fighting Kaibara for a bit until he started coughing up blood. Then, it was like he vanished out of thin air only to reappear behind Monoma maybe 10 or so minutes after? Then, this weird thing came out of him and punched the hell out of Monoma! That's when he fell over and that's when I came to." Mineta explained.

Shinso looked down, "Weren't you facing the other way? How did you know?"

"I have ears, idiot! You know, the things you use to hear? It wasn't that hard to figure out what was going on from what I heard. Plus, I already knew about the Kaibara fight!" Mineta countered.

[3 Hours Later...]


I woke up in Recovery Girl's office, I guess I really did black out after all. She must've healed me since I felt a bandage patch on my cheek plus, I didn't feel like garbage, so that's good at least. I slowly got up from the bed and Recover Girl spun around from her chair to look at me.

"Thank goodness you're alright! You had us scared half to death there after what Minoru told us. You've been good at being careful with your injuries so far, just be glad that today didn't injure you further." Recovery Girl told me.

I nodded at her, "That I am, I guess I should start staying away from fights from now on. Although I guess trouble does follow me wherever I go it seems!"

"Well, try not to get into any more trouble, alright?" Recovery Girl remarked.

"Yes ma'am! I'll try my best." I replied.

I picked up my tattered and torn gym top and black shirt. I thanked Recovery Girl as I left her office. I should check up on Hatsume to see how that prosthetic arm is coming along. I made my way to the workshop, slid open the door, and rested my left forearm on the door frame.

"Hey, Hatsume! How's that arm coming?" I asked.

"Oh! That thing is coming-" She stopped talking.

I looked over at her after trying to figure out what a giant pair of robotic legs were doing in her junk pile. She had an open mouth smile while blushing, almost as if she was intoxicated, she was even drooling! Did her brain short circuit or something? I walked over to her and waved my hand in front of her face.

I grabbed her shoulder and shook her a bit, "HATSUME!"

"HUH WHAT!? I was listening!" She quickly exclaimed.

"Is that arm coming along well?" I laughed.

"O-Oh, yes! It is! I'm almost finished with it as a matter of fact, I'm not gonna show you until it's done though." She giggled.

"Alright, sounds awesome! Well, I'll see you later, Hatsume!" I beamed.

I walked towards her door but she stopped me, "Alyx, wait!"

"Hm? What's up?" I wondered.

"W-Well... There's that Fall Dance coming up and... I know you and Yaoyorozu are a thing and all but... Could you take me to it?!" Hatsume replied.

"U-U-Uh... H-Hatsume, a-are you sure there's nobody else that can take you?" I stuttered.

"That's the thing, nobody ever asks, I guess it's because I'm too 'wacky and energetic' for them." She lamented.

"Oh... Hmm, I don't see why not! You are working on an arm for me after all." I agreed.

Not only that, but it was the fact of how she said that nobody has taken her to a single dance. She rushed over and hugged me.

"Thank you thank you thank you!" She grinned.

I smiled and hugged her back. I'm gonna have to talk with Momo about this. I doubt she'd have a problem with it. Besides, it's not like I'm gonna end up spending the entire night with Hatsume. I'll just be hanging out with her more than usual. I returned back to the dorms after leaving the workshop, I already knew that I'd be spending most if not, every single day here instead of doing any sort of Hero Work-Study.

[10 Minutes Later...]

I walked into Momo's room as she was just about to lie down in her bed.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you if you were going to take a nap." I apologized.

She outstretched her arms, "It's alright, darling, I was waiting for you anyway."

I walked over to her bed and fell into her arms. I put her blanket over me before facing her.

"So, I visited Hatsume after I left Recovery Girl's office. She asked if I could take her to that Fall Dance since nobody ever asks her." I told her.

"Oh, goodness! That sounds rather sad, that poor girl, she does a lot for everyone but doesn't get anything in return. If you said yes, I understand completely. She deserves someone to at least get her out of that workshop for once." Momo replied.

"R-Really? You don't care if I take her?" I questioned.

She shook her head, "Not at all, of course, as long as the both of us do that slow dance portion of it. I don't mind if you take her."

I had a lot of planning to do, I'd imagine Hatsume would want to slow dance with me too! There's gotta be some way that I could work something out... But what?