Today was the day that some of us dreaded, the first semester exams! Mr. Aizawa handed out a huge packet to all of us. I took up those study classes with Momo just in case. There was one thing she always reminded me to do, that was to slow down and take my time. I looked down at my packet and stared at it.
"Speed... I am... Fast..." I muttered aside.
I started to go through questions rather quickly, that's when I felt a hard kick on the side of my leg. I looked down and saw Momo's foot go back under her desk. I stopped what I was doing and looked through the few questions I answered. Most of them were right besides two of them, how could I have messed up a question that easy? I took a deep breath in and out, then I started to slowly go through my exam. A lot of these questions were easy, I guess this is why I should've slowed down years prior, I'm not sure how I would've missed some of these questions.
[2 Hours Later...]
I had FINALLY finished my exam! Normally, I'm the first one finished with my exam. I walked up and gave Mr. Aizawa my test, I sat back down in my desk afterwards and pulled out a notebook from my bag. I needed to design that new suit for Melissa and her Dad. This was gonna be the final one I ever request, so I didn't want to make it something bland. I drew up what I wanted my hero costume to look like. It was going to be a mixture of my 2nd hero costume that Hatsume designed for me and the kimono that Great Grandpa gave me. On the back of my hero costume, it was going to be the design of my hanafuda earrings, I'll also have a spot to store Overdrive and keep my sword.
The general color and pattern scheme was that it was going to be a dark blue and black, the sleeves were going to be checkered like Great Grandpa's and resemble that of a kimono's sleeves. I finished up my design plan and looked over it. This was everything I wanted piled into one hero costume, there wasn't anything missing, except for just one last thing.
"Hey, Momz, could you make one of those matryoshka dolls for me? Not the explodey kind please." I whispered.
She nodded at me and rolled up her blazer's sleeve. She quickly made one for me, Momo placed it on my desk, I started drawing an extra pouch to hold that doll in. I think I can keep it as a good luck charm! I looked over and Momo, she was looking through some of her notes. I tapped her on the shoulder and she looked over at me. I picked up my notebook then presented her my final hero costume.
"Dojyaaan!" I whispered.
Momo put her hand up to her mouth and giggled, "That drawing looks adorable, darling! Is that your new costume?"
"Uh huh! Melissa and her Dad are gonna make it for me." I whispered back.
Momo smiled and looked back down at her notes. There were still exams out, so I decided to take a nap. I woke up standing in front of that field of red spider lilies. This time, Momo was holding my hand and I could actually move. The person I saw last time was still laying inside of the bed of red spider lilies. I walked forward with Momo; the person's face was slowly being uncovered as I got closer. The lilies blew away revealing Hawks' face, I reached forward towards him, everything flashed white and I shot up from my sleep.
[Several Hours Later...]
"Baaaaabe... Alyx..." Momo whispered.
"Hm?" I uttered.
"Do you think my leotard makes me look fat? I've been meaning to change the look of it for quite some time." She asked.
I woke up from my near sleep and looked at her. I put my hand on her thigh and squeezed it.
"No. If you think you're fat, then I'm fat too. What exactly were you going to change it to?" I wondered.
"I was thinking more of improving the look of it to provide more defense. Plus, I'm not sure how I feel about it, look wise." She told me.
"I think it looks cute, besides, if you're looking for more defense, I say go for it. I'm assuming you're going to keep the spots you use to create the majority of your things open, yes?" I replied.
She nodded at me, "Yes, that's correct. I might consult with my costume designer about further changes. Did you send that design plan for your hero costume to the Shields?"
"I did, I'm hoping they get it done soon, but I'd imagine they have other things they need to work on. Oh! That reminds me..." I confirmed.
I sat up and she moved with me. I looked over at my closet and opened it with an Overdrive Whip.
I pointed towards a mask, "I'm gonna be wearing that fox mask over there as well! Great Grandpa made it for me a couple days ago."
"That rose design over that left eye looks rather pretty! Did he carve all of that by hand?" Momo complimented.
"Yep! It took him a little while, but it definitely looks amazing! I don't remember what he told me about it though. Something about it being enchanted or something?" I smiled.
I heard meowing at my door, I got up to let Luna in, I opened my door and saw her lying flat on the ground. Her head popped up to look at me, she grinned with delight.
"Hey! I gotta question for you!" She exclaimed.
"Hm? What's up?" I wondered.
"What's a love hotel?" Luna asked.
A love hotel? What the fuck's a love hotel? I looked over at Momo and lowered one of my eyebrows.
"Just a spoiler, that's where I'm taking you Christmas Eve as an early present." Momo chirped.
"That still doesn't answer the question. A love hotel? I've never heard of that before. Wait... Maybe it's like a hotel that's Valentine's Day themed! I mean, Valentine's Day is coming up soon, so that could be it!" I theorized.
"Woah, does that mean there's gonna be those pretty hearts there? Cool!" Luna beamed.
I nodded at her, "Yeah! I'd imagine that they'd be very pretty. Who said something about a love hotel anyway?"
"Oh, that one boy, Mineta? I just call him 'Grape' because he looks like a grape!" She giggled.
My eyes narrowed and I could tell Momo's did too. Huh... Something about Mineta and a love hotel didn't sit right with me. The more I thought about it, the more I started to connect the dots together. I shot my head over towards Momo.
"YOU WHAT?!" I shouted.
"Is that eagerness I'm sensing, darling? You have been hanging out with Mineta recently, haven't you?" Momo laughed.
"It's not eagerness, it's shock that you even knew about a place like that!" I replied.
Momo giggled as I stood there in disbelief. After a rather interesting conversation with her, she left my room to go downstairs. I turned to look out of my balcony door and saw a familiar looking bird perched on the railing. It was staring in right at me! I walked out and it flew towards the top of my head.
"Hey, I never thought I'd see you again!" I grinned.
"Chun! Chun!" It chirped.
"Hmm... Wait! I should probably give you a name. How about... Chuntaro!" I suggested.
"Very good! I like that!" It replied.
"Awesome! That's what-" I stopped myself.
Did this bird... Just... Talk? I'm honestly not going to question it at this rate. I walked back inside with my new feathery friend to make a makeshift bed for him. My phone started ringing, for some reason, Momo was calling me. I quickly finished the bed for Chuntaro and answered her.
"Hey, what do you need?" I asked.
"I need help immediately! Someone's broken into my room!" She exclaimed.
I hung up my phone and rushed towards her room. Who in the hell would break into her room? Mineta? But why would she need my help? I burst through her door.
"Hey! I'm here, what's wrong?" I announced.
The room was completely silent and still. I shut her door and locked it behind me just in case the culprit tried to make a run for it. I looked around her room, has she always had a canopy bed? I guess she did some renovation, but the cloth was closed, meaning whoever was in there was holding Momo hostage! I quickly pushed back the cloth and...
"Get your hands...!" My voice trailed off.
"I had thought about this for quite some time today, but I've forgone the whole love hotel thing, so instead... Merry rather early Christmas, darling!" She smiled.
The sight of what Momo looked like sent me into the Seventh Plane. I opened my eyes and saw that I was standing in front of that manor.
"Hey, Mabel, can you hear me?" I called out.
It took a bit, but I got a response, "Father! Yes, what do you need?"
"How old were your version of Momo and I when we had you?" I wondered.
"You two were 20 and married for about 2 years, why?" Mabel informed me.
"I'm about to speedrun your conception, possibly, it's not entirely a guarantee. I'm currently praying to how many ever Gods there are out there and my Great Grandfather that fate doesn't change course right here, right now. That's all I needed to ask!" I explained.
I left the Seventh Plane and snapped back into reality.
[The Next Day...]
"Hey, bro, why are you carrying Yaoyorozu?" Kirishima questioned.
"Not to mention you look rather happy, waaay happier than normal. Did someone hurt her and now you're gonna kick their ass? That's normally the look you give when something like that happens." Shinso added.
I looked over and smiled, "Nope! I'm as right as rain, my two good buddies! Hey, do you think that we'll start up more Hero Work-Studies soon, that'd be awesome!"
"Now you're just scaring me, could you stop being that happy? Please? Your feelings are projecting onto me and I'm not liking it one bit." Shinso told me.
"Hee hee! What? I'm just really happy about today!" I beamed.
Momo put her chin on my shoulder and blew hair out of her face.
"We're both rather happy about today, in fact!" She chimed in.
Laura made her way over to us and she started to giggle. Shinso looked at her with great confusion on his face.
"Ah, I know that feeling all too well, Yaomomo. Did he do the thing?" Laura chirped.
Momo nodded her head at her statement and Laura nodded back at her.
"What in the fuck is going on? What are you two talking about?" Shinso wondered.
Now, it's time for a Taisho secret! Did you know that Overdrive users' lungs are rather large being the amount of oxygen needed to take in while they use the Quirk? That means that they're exceptional in the stamina department, rarely ever running out of breath, if they ever at all! Combined with Total Concentration Breathing, a person could go hours on end doing rigorous activity, whether it be fighting or jogging! So, basically, I was going hours on end having-
"Alyx, are you okay?" Kirishima asked.
I snapped out of my trance, "Hm? Oh, yeah! I was just thinking to myself."
What was I thinking about again? Hero Work-Studies? I'll probably remember it sometime today.
[Several Hours Later...]
In the middle of Present Mic's English lesson, my phone started vibrating, who'd be calling me right now? I waited for him to finish before asking him if I could excuse myself to the bathroom. It kept going off until I answered it.
"Hello? Who is this?" I questioned.
"A-Alyx... Please, you have to help me... For the love of God... Please!" Rei quietly wept.
"Rei? How'd you... Scratch that, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" I replied.
"Doe, s-she's gone crazy! I... I don't know what's gotten into her, but I think she's going to kill me, please help me." She pleaded.
Doe's gone insane? This sounded too good to be true. I needed to be careful with this, Mr. Aizawa should be able to help me!