"um, just so you know. Since I am going through a breakup.. I might be a little emotional at times, and just hate everything." Clarissa had said, as her, Rupert, and Emma were helping her move into the apartment, carrying in a few boxes that she had. It wasn't much considering that Clarissa had left half of her clothes and belongings with Laurence.
'Great, just great.
All I wanted, was a roommate, not some unstable girl, who might have a chance at ruining things around here in the apartment.
How am I gonna just have my guy time again, when now I'll be dealing with two emotional wrecks when that once a month period hits?
You know what? maybe I'll get another guy to move into the apartment with us. Yeah, maybe that's it.'
"WELL, just don't go hogging the couch, and eat all the ice cream." Rupert had said sarcastically as he was somewhat listening to the conversation that his sister was having with Clarissa. He was lost in his thoughts, as he already wanted to get another roommate, it may seem like Rupert hates women, but he doesn't.
He just doesn't like it when girls cry over stupid things like breakups. Half of his life, he has been single. And the other half, was spent with one person who he did care about. Just a little bit. But his ex thought he didn't care, and ended up breaking it off with him anyways.
Clarissa had glanced back at Rupert and let out a small laugh. "Ha, as if I would.. maybe i'll just go and get some of my own foods and put it in the fridge so you guys don't have a fit about it?" She sassed back to him, smiling more as he saw the glare on his face. The three of them put the boxes down in Clarissa's room, and Emma watched as the girl fell onto the bed, happy that she's already making herself at home.
"Is that all of your stuff?" She decided to ask, Clarissa, taking a seat next to her on the bed. It really wasn't much, and it made her worry just a little bit. There was only four boxes, one of personal items, another box of clothes, some photo albums, and a keepsake box. Is this what Clarissa had to live on before coming here?
"hm? Oh, yeah it is. I'll get the rest of my stuff eventually. It's at Laurence's place." Clarissa had said, sitting up again. She noticed Rupert sitting on the floor staring at something in her box, he pulled it out to reveal a couple photo of Laurence and Clarissa. Here, they did look happy as they were holding each other in their arms, smiling funny at the camera. He turned the photo frame around to show Emma and Clarissa.
"you still have the photos of you guys?" Rupert had asked, and this time he felt honestly concerned. No lack of sarcasm dripped in his voice.
Clarissa reached over and grabbed the photo frame from Rupert and nodded. "of course I do. The break up just happened recently, I don't want to throw away the memories instantly." She explained before placing it back in the box upside down.
"Hm, but didn't he hurt you like you said? I mean he cheated on you with your best friend-" Emma had started to say, remembering briefly that when Clarissa was rambling about life, she mentioned what had happened between her and Laurence.
Clarissa had cut her off, with a nod. "yeah yeah yeah, I just have my reasons for the whole situation. It's not bad that I keep memories of us is it?" She asked the two of them. "I mean look at you guys, you seem to have a strong healthy relationship. If you broke up, wouldn't you keep photos you have of each other?" She inquired, before seeing the shocked looks on their face, that quickly made Rupert stand up and fake gag at Clarissa.
"No- absolutely not! THis is not- WE are not!" Rupert had said, throwing his hands in a couple of directions.
Clarissa could hear laughter besides her, as she turned her head she saw Emma lying on the bed laughing up at the ceiling. "oh no honey! We're siblings!"
Clarissa made an 'o' shaped with her mouth, and looked back at Rupert with an embarrassed look, watching him walk out of the room muttering to himself.
"it's just- you two did look good together! If no one suspected you were siblings you could totally pull it off!" She said as she started to laugh at her dumbness, along with Emma, as she felt more comfortable with her in the room.
"Well, welcome to the apartment. I hope that we all will get along, some more than others." Emma said nudging her playfully. "Don't worry about Rupert, He just needs to warm up to you." She said as she stared up at the ceiling, enjoying the others company for the rest of the afternoon.