Chapter 4

The next morning the kids were getting dressed. Mrs. Donna was making breakfast and Mr. Joseph was already at the table drinking coffee and reading the newspaper. They all came running down to the kitchen.

"Morning guys and gals," said Mr. Joseph.

"Today is Friday," said Martha.

"It sure is," said Mrs. Donna putting breakfast on the table.

"Yeah no school tomorrow either," excited Haskel.

"Cool," said Peter.

"Well you guys better get going, you don't want to miss the bus," smiled Mr. Joseph.

"Oh, we better go then, come on," Martha running out.

They ran to the bus stop just in time, the bus started to arrive.

"Phew, that was close, we almost missed it," said Martha.

"Yeah almost," said Haskel.

As they got on the bus they went to the very back and sat down, the bus drove to school. When they arrived they went to their class and started doing their work. Then they went to gym class and started watching the football players practice for a game coming up.

"This is cool," smiled Peter.

"Yeah, we get to watch Haskel practice," said Martha.

"Wow," said Peter.

They continued to watch until the gym coach whistled, they all got up and went inside to go to their next class which was English.

"Remember class, the project on writing a story of your own, how is it coming along?" asked the teacher.

"Mine is going good, especially having a little help from someone who's been writing his own for a while now," said Martha.

"That's good, Peter how is yours coming along?" asked the teacher.

"Almost done actually, I started it a long time ago and almost finished, its called The Ranch," said Peter.

"Can't wait to read and grade it," said the teacher.

So she let them work on their projects before they went to lunch. The bell rang for lunch all the kids gathered their belongings and went to lunch.

"So what did you think about practice?" asked Haskel.

"Pretty neat, not to bad," said Peter.

"Yeah hopefully when I get bigger, I'll be in with the big boys, like eighth grade or even freshmen," said Haskel.

"Wow, I bet you will, you are good from what I've seen so far,' said Peter.

"You think so?" asked Haskel.

"Yeah," said Peter.

"Just don't get hurt when you get older," said Martha.

"Well I can't promise you that, I've seen some of our freshmen, juniors, and seniors get hurt from playing, so I can't promise that I won't get hurt," said Haskel.

"That's true," said Peter.

The bell rang and it was time for them to leave to go home. So they threw all their trash and went to the bus stop and got on the bus and sat down until it was time for them to leave. So the bus started to leave and took all the kids home.

When Martha, Haskel, and Peter arrived home, supper was already on the table when they got there.

"Smells good," said Haskel.

"Thank you, it's meatloaf with potatoes, green beans, and macaroni and cheese," smiled Mrs. Donna.

"My favorite, the last foster home I was at, they had the same thing and it was good," said Peter.

"Good, I'm glad," smiled Mrs. Donna.

Then Donna's husband came inside from being at work.

"Something smells good," said Mr. Joseph.

"Yes it's meatloaf," said Martha.

"Well it smells good," said Mr. Joseph.

"It's all on the table ready to be eaten," said Donna putting the glasses on the table.

"Well it all looks good, let's eat," said Mr. Joseph.

They all sat at the table and started eating.

"So Peter, what would be your reaction if someone out there wanted to adopt you?" asked Mrs. Donna.

"Well I would be thrilled, excited and hoping to go exploring new things," said Peter.

"That's great," said Mrs. Donna.

They continued to eat and started a conversation. Once finished they all cleaned up and went to bed. Peter was not asleep yet, he was wide awake and thinking about what Donna was saying. Then he finally went to sleep.