That night was not difficult to master. I fall asleep smoothly from the horrible psychological exhaustion, I start to dream of a memory, the memory of the firefly garden. I was with my mother, Satoshi and Soshi when we were kids and we watched the stars and some fireflies lighting up the dark sky....

- Mom, look! - my smiling younger self pointed out before my mother died, a week before she passed away. The star I pointed to was a shooting star.

- Make a wish, my dear," she said so lovingly, her image will never fade from my mind. I closed my eyes making that inner wish.

- What did you wish for? - asks little Satoshi.

- I'm not going to tell you, it's se-cre-" I stuck out my tongue in amusement "it's secret..."

- Come on! Tell me - he insisted.

- I wished... That we'll always be together - I smiled at him. Remembering this, I could feel a warmth go through me. "We'll always be together" I remembered again... Until I wake up. Slowly I open my eyes and see a face in front of my face, a boy with tender eyes, short black hair and very young "it can't be..."

- Soshi! - I exclaim happily. I rush to hug him - you're alive.... - I give small sobs. -I missed you- I said very happy to meet again, he laughs with me and hugs me too with some tears - Satoshi did he do something to you?

- Princess... Satoshi is not like you think? - he looks at me very convincingly, I look at him with confusion.

- But he... He killed my father... I saw it- I try to make him change his mind.

- I know, but that's not what really happened," he explains.

- What are you talking about? - I ask him more and more confused.

- I would have to tell you that," Satoshi suddenly appeared behind the door. I frown, very confused in this situation, "Soshi? Leave us alone," he asks. I got mixed up with this state we have found ourselves in. Satoshi sits down next to me.

-What are you doing here? How did Hiroki let you in? - I question him without understanding what was going on.

-He's not here... your guard left too and the lady let me pass - he looks down for a moment not knowing what to say to me after yesterday's fight and how I rejected him - sorry... what happened yesterday... I shouldn't have done that

-that's right... you shouldn't have - I tell him still a little upset about what happened, I just don't feel so much resentment towards him anymore, I want to have some explanation right now and he is going to give it to me. He gives a long and deep sigh, then he returns his gaze to see me and continue saying.

-Naomi... I must tell you the truth," he looks at me so hard that I can't understand what he is talking about.

-What truth...? - I ask her very uneasily

-The truth... the situation of how your father and mother... were killed... it was because of a person who wants to harm you... But you also have to understand the true position you have in the royal family including me, but it was not a reason to do what I did to you..." I look at him intrigued. My skin is getting so tight... - Naomi... You are not a princess...- He mentions me seriously, my mouth became dry at this revelation in less than a second, I frown without understanding what is really going on, if he is telling me the truth or if this is just a joke - Or... at least not entirely.

-Satoshi... Explain yourself, I don't understand you at all- I demand him very confused forcibly swallowing saliva or the little saliva I have, I feel my mouth so rough that it looks like dry paper or cloth of clothes.

-Your father is not the true emperor... My father is... When I was a child my father didn't want to rule, he told me he gave the throne to his younger brother.... Your father Naomi... You are not a princess or at least you are not the heir to the throne, but since my father didn't want to rule he decided that you would be the management to the throne together with me, he wanted us to rule together.... But when my father died, your father decided not to follow his treaty.... I still don't know why... But that's not the recurring issue of why your father died... Naomi... There's someone who not only wants your throne... But your head as well... And I know who is the person who killed your mother and forced me to assassinate the king! - He tells me all this so seriously that it was really scaring me more "how is it possible that they forced him to murder my father? who can be so horrible to do something so atrocious as to take the life of a family?".

- Who is it? - my voice and hands are shaking more and more nervously.

- Oyuki, Naomi... The aunt your father asked me to stay with when he ordered me to leave? That woman is ruthless, with a heart full of hatred and spite. A person who knows you... Envious that because of her cruelty has taken many lives from people who did not deserve it.... She killed your mother... She forced me to kill your father... She manipulated me... She told me that if I didn't do it she would go against you.... In fact, she doesn't know that right now I'm with you and I'm afraid that by my presence she will hurt you- I try to analyze every moment without losing my sanity, remembering how my mother was found full of blood... remembering my dead father, imagining that ruthless, cold and vile woman who took me from my own house, my throne, my family... and now will go against... Hiroki. Satoshi takes me by the hands - Naomi... I really ask you to marry me," he pleaded.

- Satoshi... I... I can't- my voice is shaking, I'm still trying to process the previous information and how all this was possible.

-Is it because of Hiroki? - I keep quiet because I didn't know what to answer him about it. - Did you fall in love with him so easily Naomi? - I swallow saliva nervously.

-... I don't know... Satoshi... I don't know how to look at you anymore... - I told him so cold that my heart somehow broke -first... I must think about all this... How is all this possible, I don't understand anything...- I tell him with a lost and stressed look. He slowly gets up crestfallen and walks away leaving me alone to think a bit about all this frenzy.