402. The Final God Battle: The Wild Out - Part 2


The story contains graphic depictions of violence, sexuality, strong language, and/or other mature themes.

[The Spiritual Core's warfare: Arc 19]

Once upon a time, on Planet Earth, a young girl was born; the story goes that her identity was never adequately clarified, but she was effectively known as the 'Holy Light.'

Her title depicted the real life of one's planet. Humankind did not know the Dimensions that had appeared alongside her birth, only of the Spirits that had been destroyed or disappeared.

The woman... The Holy Light, the heir of all the inhabitants, was not born alone. The arrival of the Demon God, whose name was Rez, caused anarchy, and humanity was on the brink of extinction.

Humans terrified him because of his recklessness and hunger for blood, and Demons started to manifest all over the Earth and The World of Zero, alongside alternate races such as The Inner Fiends, The Shades, Wraiths, and Spirits.

To combat the challenge, a new breed of people has awakened, the 'Spiritual Duelists' and 'Substitute-Duelists,' who have been dubbed the "First Army to Face Evil."

With their Legendary Weapons, the Ginken. This swarm of humans increased the world's cleanliness to the greatest extent possible, overwhelming the Demons of various grades and placing their survival at risk.

But, after several years of waiting, the 'Holy Light' gave birth to a human child, a girl of theoretically greater worth than Zero herself, but unlikely to become the next 'Holy Light,' their Goddess gave the girl to a friendly family, and since her mother needed to participate in protecting the divinity, the girl's memories were wiped.

But there is another royalty trapped within the shadows that have been concealed for millennia, even longer than the birth of a Demon...

The only one who has beaten the 'Holy Light's own is the Fiend Lord. Its lurkers will undoubtedly be wiped out, and the newfound foe will ready the battlefield...

- Hidomari City, Sunday, 1:43 pm -

Tsuneo's figure was floating in the air, a grin on his face as he looked down at the fallen Codey.

"I expected you to be more difficult. However, you look to be less difficult to work with than that 'Most Trusted' Guard from a few years ago. But what can I expect from a beginning God who doesn't even comprehend his own strength?" Tsuneo's right arm was free and resting on the side of his pocket.

The cement that had been launched into the air and caught by the wind had fallen onto the floor, encircling Codey, who had just managed to get up and wipe the blood from his lips. "I thought you'd be more of a challenge than merely talking and seeming to be powerful." I was perplexed as to why Codey had stated that, and then I observed that he clenched his fists and soles at the same time, and then launched himself into the air.

Codey appeared in front of Tsuneo with great speed, twisted his wrist, and with full strength, smacked Tsuneo in the face, sending him flying, and then chose to pursue after him.

- Hidomari City, Sunday, 1:44 pm -

The three females who had been fighting Tsuneo for the entire time were all on the verge of defeat.

Fortunately, Kylin emerged from the doorway. "Hey! Girls. What are you up to?!" While the other two were feeling a little worried, Kylin assisted Jessica in standing up. "Tsuneo... He's really powerful. Even the three of us couldn't compete with him on an equal footing... We'd need Tim, Ayuka, or Ellie, or any combination of the three..." But the instant Ume said that Kylin's eyes clenched.

"No, it does not. We have Codey. He's holding his own against Tsuneo. I believe he is our only hope. Calling for the final three would be inadequate, they would be too late to arrive on time, and there would be another note. Ayuka is unable to use her skills owing to the regulations that have confounded her." Kylin explained, letting Jessica rest on her shoulder.

"What about Kanji? Has he showed up?" Kylin inquired, perplexed, as he tried to locate him. "No, he hasn't. It's terrifying to think he's still someplace in this place..." Eva exclaimed, irritated with themselves. "Second, do you believe Codey will be able to overcome Tsuneo?"

"He overcame Kin, and I'm certain he'll do well against Tsuneo. They're on equal footing... and, though I'd lie to deny it, it appears like Codey may have a slight advantage." Everyone else felt a glimmer of optimism when Kylin answered in that manner.

- Hidomari City, Sunday, 1:44 pm -

When an arm appeared from behind the mounds of collapsed walls and ceilings, they began to tremble. Kanji breathed deeply as he moved on to the second arm and, eventually, the complete body.

"Christ, this was worse than sleeping beneath a mound of rubbish..." Despite the fact that Kanji was covered in blood from the falling parts, he appeared to be in better shape than predicted.

He took a step nearer Ryoko's dead corpse, feeling despondent. "She was as light as a feather. Was her physique truly so frail...? But, for the time being..." Kanji noticed that the walls he was locked in had vanished, and he was free.

"I have to locate the rest." However, as soon as he stated that, he felt a big quake around him, which startled him and made him check behind him. "What's the matter with him?! What is the deal?" Kanji was perplexed by the scene on the outside as he witnessed two warriors continuing to bash each other with great strength.

"Is he really devoting his life to the Demon God's alternative...? Oh, Codey... What made you go so far?"

- Hidomari City, Sunday, 1:44 pm -

The wind blew in from the north, passing between the two Gods' bodies, who were exchanging glances.

When Tsuneo swung his golden claw, Codey braced himself for an ignorant evasion. But, by springing and then rotating his body backward, Codey stretched both of his arms and flapped his energy wings, pummeling out a larger wind-wave that was holding Tsuneo at bay.

Within seconds, Codey's wings fluttered harder as his body shot higher into the air like a rocket, allowing Tsuneo to pursue him.

Codey sent a whirlwind soaring with a stroke of his boomerang behind his back. Tsuneo, on the other hand, rapidly stretched his right arm on his back and then swung forward as he came into touch with the boomerang.

However, once the boomerang sailed behind Tsuneo, it unleashed a deadly tornado.

Codey traded places with a boomerang and swapped postures by crossing both of his arms. This time, Codey's body was behind Tsuneo, and the boomerang was flying from the front once more, but this time it hit Tsuneo in the stomach, stunning him.

Codey raised his right arm behind his back and began to send out intense red energy that was generating 'Shodō,' and then directed his palm forward, releasing the assault and surprising Tsuneo.

Tsuneo, on the other hand, swept his left arm behind him and conjured a grey bubble that stopped both Codey and his assault.

Tsuneo flung himself away before shooting into the air toward Codey, tensing his fist and preparing to slam him, but in surprise, Codey stiffened his fingers and burst the time freezing barrier once his roar was heard. Tsuneo, taken aback by what had transpired, missed his assault, which had been averted by Codey, and began to notice the silver sparkles.

"That's no longer going to work!" Codey rushed behind Tsuneo, locked his right leg to his stomach, then stretched it, only to kick Tsuneo in the back and send him flying at breakneck speed.

Tsuneo's corpse smacked onto the road's shoulder and, with a thunderous crash, began to be excavated farther down to an open pit.

Codey attempted to conjure a tremendous burst of crimson energy in the hopes of unleashing it.

However, doing so was wasting his time, and instead of unleashing it at the correct time, Tsuneo took advantage and released a powerful burst of energy that totally ignored Codey's strike, stopped it, and then propelled the body into the air while Tsuneo vanished in silver light.

And shocked Codey, who was being beaten up all over his body.

Tsuneo swiftly raised both arms over his head and fired a powerful Time Bomb after striking his back, stomach, and finally his head, and the kick sent Codey farther into the distance.

With the realization that he would have to destroy it, Codey immediately abandoned his landing and swung his right arm circularly behind his back, unleashing a red energy beam that rayed through the bomb and revealed its core, before unleashing a great force of the wind.

And as a result of compromising his flawless landing, Codey's body was now smashed into the floor, which irritated Tsuneo's eyes.

"So pitiful... You could simply have fallen on the ground and halted the attack..." But, with a huge mouth and received karma, Codey appeared behind Tsuneo, placing his right hand on his back, and then launched a wind pulse, smashing Tsuneo's body into the ground owing to his boosted force.

Following that, Codey rapidly elevated his left leg, bent it, and collected force after precisely calculating the distance between Tsuneo's knocked-out body and the sky.

With the wind radiating from Codey's left hand, which was aimed toward the wall behind him, he rocketed down and stunned Tsuneo, who was attempting to defend. Tsuneo, on the other hand, was too sluggish, and his body was squished by the sole and slapped into the ground.

A gigantic crater and another whirlwind formed, as cement and other tougher bodies floated through the whirlwind. The strong wind even reached the building where Kylin and the others were standing.

Codey exhaled and lifted both of his arms as his body was struck by a crimson thunderbolt, which quickly became two red daggers made of energy, which Codey crossed in front of him.

"Cutout! X-Cutout!" Codey swung both of his daggers forward, unleashing a barrage of crimson crosses that began to rain down on Tsuneo.

The earth was first vibrated as it pulsated. The second one struck, vibrating the earth, and the third one struck, exploding once and releasing a cloud of dust that enveloped Tsuneo's body.

Tsuneo took advantage of the cloud at the time and began charging a silver attack on his hand, which was lying near his right hip. "Scumbag, you're a moron. Is he genuinely certain that he can overcome me? I'm going to get rid of him..." Tsuneo's insignia on the forehead began to sparkle as he became enraged at the situation, and the earth under him began to break.

("What is he doing now? For the following five seconds, he hasn't come out of that screen. I couldn't believe my words if I thought he'd been slain that quickly.") Codey slowly began to drift down, but only at the instant, he opened his palm.

Tsuneo's body rushed forward, blocking Codey's view. Tsuneo grabbed a Time Spear in his left palm and tossed it forward, piercing Codey's chest and charging it with energy.

"You're a moron, aren't you? Demon!"

When the spear detonated, badly wounding his chest and sending him soaring into the air, Codey's jaws trembled, and Tsuneo was repulsed as well.

Codey's body was now embedded in the wall, as a mass of pebbles and rubble collapsed on his damaged body, and silence reigned supreme.

But stating so was futile. The debris and stones immediately began to float in the air, flattening themselves out, while Codey emerged from behind it with a creepily serious expression.

The symbols continued to flash on his body, which was nearly hollowed out on the chest. However, as Codey swept both of his arms apart, spreading them, the regeneration entirely repaired such a severe cut.

And then the identical two red daggers emerged, absorbing the red energy wings and scattering them into sparkles, at which point Codey's eyes overcame Tsuneo's eyesight.

Tsuneo began to see pitch dark with red gigantic eyes searching for him, which made him feel uneasy and even a little agitated, as well as afraid.

"You're done..."

To be continued...