As Robin told, Jack's men came exactly on the specific day and collected the amount.

However, it became really very difficult for him to arrange the exaggerated interest amount to pay from the income of his shop. So, he started failing to pay on date.

And both the men, experienced in the skill of collecting money, started their cruel game to show Robin that he should pay the amount on time and any postponement will be extremely painful.

Whenever Robin failed in arranging the money, two men came and threw tea cups or water glasses away which smashed into pieces. One month they smashed two plastic chairs, broke into small parts and threw out the tea table.

Next month, they increased the barbarity and broke the TV set. Next they held Robin by his shirt collar and violently shook him and pushed him down on the ground. They even started misbehaving with his wife.

Robin knew that he has to face such barbarity every month and this huge tension created intense fear in him. He could not sleep. At night he would sit on his bed and start thinking. He lost hunger, he developed high pressure, lost weight, started feeling pain occasionally in his heart, mentally he became very week, he started forgetting the things.

More he thought about the barbarity of those people, more critically diseased he became. After some time he had his first heart attack and he was hospital for some time.

His daughter Nina sent her 15 year old daughter to his house to stay for a few days during her vacation..During that two men came for collecting their interest as the amount was due.

As the money was not ready, and in their usually way of showing their barbarity, they threw out whatever they found in the room. Suddenly, they saw the girl standing in the bed room.

One man went, caught her hand and pulled her out. They said Robin " OK, you take 15 days extra to arrange your money, these 15 days we will sleep with this beautiful girl," saying this they started kissing her infront of them and pulling the girl out with them.

Mrs. Robin ran and stood before them and said. " You leave the girl, and come and take your entire loan and interest amount tomorrow evening. I will pay the full amount, and also bring the loan document, I have to tear it infront of you.

They were stunned, left the girl, became a little soft and said," You pay the interest, are we forcing you to pay the principle?

Mrs Robin said." Please do as I said, she took the girl inside and they left the house.

Mrs. Robin collected whatever gold ornaments she had, and gave it to her husband to sell and arrange the entire amount and settle the loan amount fully. But Robin had only to sell the chain and got the amount needed.

The two men came in the evening. Robin paid them the amount, collected the document and tore it into pieces in their presence and they left the house.