The next day the car Bi ordered was delivered directly to Ji's apartment. Bi contacted him to make sure that the car arrived there without being scratched at all

"Hello Ji, I have ordered the car you want, and asked the dealer to send it to your apartment. Has the car arrived there yet?"

" I have no idea. I do not know yet!"

Ting nong ting nong

Someone pressed the doorbell of Ji's apartment

"Wait Bi, looks like there is a guest"


Ji opened the door and saw 2 men standing there. One person is dressed as a courier complete with a hat and the other is neatly dressed in a shirt and tie

"Excuse me, is this Miss Jingga's residence?" Said the man wearing a tie as soon as he saw Ji open the door

" Right. What do you need? "

"We are officers from the official Sukajaya car dealer. We are here to deliver the car ordered by Mr. Biru on behalf of Mrs. Jingga "

"Oh, please come in first, we'll talk inside." Ji invited the 2 people in.

"Bi already, the dealership clerk came to drop off my car. Thank you so much my twins. We'll bet again, shall we?" Ji ended the call with Bi after mocking him

"This is the completeness of the letter and also the key! Please sign here as well as here as a receipt! "

"Is there anything else I need to sign? Ji asked after he signed all the necessary documents

"No Miss. Everything is done. Your car is parked below. Let's see together. You can check it out right away! "

" Good! "

They walked out the door into the apartment parking lot and saw Bi .'s new car

"Wow, this is my car? Finally, my new sports car has arrived" Ji looks enthusiastic and very happy

" Thank you "


"It turns out that this lady smiles cheerfully makes her look so beautiful"

Ji, who previously had a stern face, now smiled cheerfully, and his smile instantly hypnotized the two men. They looked at Ji with sparkling eyes

"Yes, you're welcome." The two men answered in unison with nodding their heads repeatedly. Then they walked away from Ji and occasionally turned back to look at him

Drrt drrt drrt

Ji's phone rang again. He saw the phone screen with the name

"My Lord"

" Hello "

"Hello my queen. What are you doing?" Ed asked from the other end of the phone

"I want to try the new car that Bi bought. The car just arrived" he answered cheerfully

"Be careful when driving. Don't forget to wear your seat belt and don't drive at too high a speed. My queen now I'm at the airport, I'm checking my boarding pass "

" Now? May I meet you before leaving? I'm going there now."

" No need. If you come to see me now, then I won't be willing to leave you here. So you just wait for me to come home okay? Remember, have to wait for me to come home! "

Ji furrowed his brow feeling that there was something odd about Ed's tone

"Master General, has something bad happened? "Ji's tone turned sad

" Nothing. It's just, I'm afraid that you won't be willing to wait for me until I come back to your side again."

"Master General, we are engaged, and we will be married soon. How could I not wait for you. If not with you, then who will be my partner at the wedding? "

"You're right, this is just my concern. My queen already, I have to go now. My plane will be taking off soon."

"Well be careful and don't forget to let me know when you get there! "

"Yes, my queen. I love you"


Ji's heart suddenly beat very fast. I don't know why this feels weird he feels

"Love you too"

This is the first time they have expressed their love for each other directly. But Ji was not at all happy. She keeps staring at the dead phone screen

"What is this strange feeling? I hope nothing happens to him."

Ji thought by raising his head and closing her eyes


At Nugraha's company, Fabian was checking documents when his secretary came in with the tea he usually drinks.

" Excuse me sir. I brought tea for you"

Fabian looked away from the document in his hand and looked up at the girl's face

"Bring it here!" He said short

"Please sir! "

" Thank you! Get my assistant here! "

" Yes sir! The secretary turned around and walked out of Fabian's room.

Not long after, the door was knocked again, and his assistant came in from behind the door

"Master called me? "

"Is Leo back yet? "He asked with authority

"His bodyguard reports that young master Leo is on his way here after previously going west."

" Alright then. You can go back to your room! "

"Sir, are you all right? Your face looks so pale! "

" I am fine. You call Leo and ask him to come here as soon as he arrives in this city."

"Okay sir, I'll do it right away! "

Fabian's assistant left his room and called Leo

Tuut tuut tuut

"Hello, Mr. Jack"

"Young master, are you still in the western city? "

"I'm on my way to the southern city. What is the problem? Did something happen to dad? "Leo sounds panicked

"No young master. The big master just ordered that you come straight to the office as soon as you arrive in this city! "

"Okay, I understand. I'll be right there" Leo replied casually then hung up the phone between them

"Bro, is everything okay? "

"Yeah, nothing. Dad just asked me to come straight to the office as soon as we got there "

" Oh, I see "

"But, I feel uneasy. I don't know why, but my heart feels uneasy." Leo's tone sounded worried

"Hopefully it's just brother's feelings. And there's nothing"