Ji drives his new sports car to work. In front of the building, you can see Adel and Bina who also just arrived, they were both so fascinated by seeing Ji's car. Not only the two of them were enthusiastic and stunned to see Ji's car, but also the other employees

"Wow, Mrs. Jingga. Do you really have this car now? The fastest car in the world. The production is also only a few dozen units. And at an unbelievable price, about 1 unit is priced at around 30-40 billion" Adel was so enthusiastic saying it to Ji

"You look so happy Del?"

"I'm so happy just looking at your new car. How about you Ji? You don't seem happy at all?!"

"I don't know why I keep thinking about Ed who is currently on his way back to country A. My heart is not calm. My heart keeps beating uncontrollably. I hope nothing will happen!"

Ji, Adel and Bina talked while walking towards their study.

Adel and Bina continued to watch Ji who looked gloomy all day long.

"I actually feel worried seeing Ji like this. It's not like he usually just stays silent without saying anything" Adel said to Bina with his eyes fixed on Ji

"That's right. Has Mr. Edward not given any news, if he has arrived there or not?" replied Bina who was also looking at Ji

"I don't think so. If there was news of course he wouldn't be this gloomy"


Ed was still on the plane, he got a window seat. He kept staring out the window, looking at the white clouds that seemed as if they could be reached with just a hand, the seas that seemed bright blue and the lands that seemed green. He smiled looking at the window as if Ji was smiling cheerfully at him.

But suddenly there was a loud voice,

Gejug, the plane rocked unstable



Now the plane becomes noisy with the screams of panicked passengers

"Roger. Report the watchtower, our plane with flight no. xxxx from country F to country A lost control. We ask for directions to make an emergency landing "

The pilot tried to control the situation by making an emergency landing. But they are on the ocean level and are now trying to dive sharply to land on land before the plane loses control even more

"Passengers, please calm down! Put on the life jackets in front of your seats as well as other safety equipment. The plane is having a bit of trouble, that's why we're going to make an emergency landing. Please don't panic, and the captain is doing his best!"

You can see the panicked faces of all the passengers with the screams getting louder and louder


Ed only thought about Ji's face with his sweet smile when joking with him

"My queen, I'm sorry, whether I can keep my promise to return to you or not. I always love you. I hope this is not the end of our story. I want to live happily as your husband."

Ed muttered as he closed his eyes, with tears in his eyes and tightly gripped the handle of his seat



The glass that Ji was holding suddenly slipped out of his grip and fell to the floor. Everything broke even hurting his leg. Ji stares out the window and remembers Ed's last words on the phone

"My queen, you have to wait for me until I come back to you!"

"Ed, are you okay? Why is my heart hurting so much right now? I hope nothing happens to you!" Muttered Ji with a faraway mind

"Ji, are you okay?"

Adel and Bina who heard the sound of something breaking and quickly entered Ji's room to see how she was

"I'm fine. You don't have to worry" Ji tried to smile, but it was hard

" Is it okay? Your leg is bleeding Ji! " Adel looked panicked when he saw the blood on Ji's leg

"Really? Oh, just a small wound from being hit by broken glass"

***Breaking news

The aircraft with flight number xxxx originating from country F with the destination of flight to country A, has an accident. The plane suddenly lost control and experienced an explosion after previously making an emergency landing around the Blue Sea.

The number of passengers is estimated at 100 people. The following are the names of the passengers on the plane. Currently, there are 40 people who died, with 45 passengers who suffered injuries, both minor and serious injuries, and 15 people are still in the search stage.

For those of you who want to find information about relatives or relatives who were on the plane, please contact the number below. We will serve for 24 hours

That's all for the news this time. See you***

Ji's face immediately turned pale after seeing the news from the television in his office

"Adel, what was said in the news, isn't it true? The plane that Ed was on had an accident? Ed said that the plane was going to take him to country A. That's not true? He must be fine right? But his name is not on the survivor list"

Ji's tears spilled as soon as he finished watching the news, he sat on the floor without thinking about the broken glass that was still on the floor, until his legs and hands were now injured

"Calm down Ji, Ed must be fine. We'll be there to find the information. You calm down first!"

Adel hugged Ji. He and Bina looked at each other, they were sad after hearing the news

"Ed should be fine. We are getting married. How did this happen to him? I have to go to the information center immediately."

"Ji calm down first!"

"No, no. I have to go there immediately. Oh, no Dad. I have to contact Dad. The location of the fall is close to country A. Dad can definitely look for it! Oh no, I have to call Ed's number first "

The panicked Ji tried to stand up to reach for the phone that he had placed on the table with his body shaking

Tut tuut tuut.

The number you are calling is out of reach

" No connection, Mr. General pick up the phone. Answer the phone. Please let me know if you are okay. Shit no answer! Dad! Now call dad!"

After dialing Ed Ji's number, she called Yudha again

"Dad! Pick up dad, why not lift it up?"

Ji with tears in his eyes kept muttering


Adel's hard slap landed on Ji's cheek making him silently lower his head

"Don't be like this! You must calm down. We will go find out about Ed. But first treat the wounds on your hands and feet. We have to remove the broken glass that stuck in your hands and feet before the wounds get worse!" shouted Adel with tears in his eyes. After seeing Ji like this for the first time

" How can I feel the wounds on my hands and feet? If I don't know if he is also injured or okay " Ji looked at Adel with tears filled with sadness