Chapter:6 Introducing Mr. Bipolar


I was playing temple run on my phone. I guess it was a satisfactory option than being bored.

"We don't keep ineffective workers here. But for a fallen angel we can reconsider it." An unknown masculine voice broke my attention. I looked up and truth be told the guy was quite handsome with his blonde hair and chiseled jaw and a pair of warm brown eyes that reminded me of my best friend.

"That's a quite lame pick up line, don't you think so?" I huffed at him and he just grinned in return?

"No way, I got a Ph.D. on this topic. I was born to be a boss in this matter." he winked at it me. People can be too flirty these days!

"I guessed that, Because the boss is the genus of the scientific name of cow," I smirked. I think it won't take much time to blast his narcissistic mind.

"Haha very smooth. You hurt my big fat ego badly. It's bruised now." He placed his hand on his heart dramatically, "By the way, I am Drake," he provided me with one of his killer teeth flashing smile which is normally used for a toothpaste advertisement. Hey! I ain't no producer here, so what's the point of smiling like that in front of me.

" Lavender," I smiled back. I couldn't help it 'cause I was a little bit giddy inside.

"Shit! I forgot to tell you something!" Drake unexpectedly stood up as if the seat burned him.


"Mr. Rochester has asked you to meet him now." He said and got up, "see you later fallen angel." He winked and walked away before I could kick him in the ass. Save that for later honey!


Knocking at Mr. Rochester's cabin, I waited for his reply though I didn't need one. After all, I am here for training and I would be behaving still like me...I mean Ms. Crescent the only living bit*h...

At last, a deep masculine voice blurted out those words "come in" from the other side which rang in my ears like some music. Hugging my resume file tightly, I took a deep breath. Before entering, I practiced trying to look like a confident woman. But trust me, with sweat forming on my forehead and sweaty palms causing me to slid away from the file, I was looking far from arrogant.

I opened the door finally and entered the enormous room. I have never caught a glimpse of such an architectural design before in my entire life. Pristine white walls with the glittery layout of black and silver color rendering a hypnotizing view. A large mahogany table was placed in the center and behind the desk instead of the wall, there were glasses. Belgium imported reflectors were exhibiting the symmetrical view of sky scrapes disappearing into meandering clouds. The only word that came to my mind seeing that was.....WOAH! A set of white couch and a round table was in one corner while a wide shelf shaped like " the statue of liberty " containing different files in another corner. Even the floor beneath my feet was made of glass which was sparkling because of the sunlight. The whole room was the autograph of the money itself!

Clearing of the throat from behind me drew me out of my thoughts. I abruptly turned around and the last drop of my composure was blown away after seeing the man sitting his legs crossed in front of me who was inspecting my attitude properly.

The Smokey-eyed Monster!!! He is that Cedric Rochester!! CEO of The Silver! Why didn't I notice that before?

His knuckles were intertwined together professionally, resting on top of his thigh. I couldn't avert my eyes from him. I couldn't decipher the sentiment that I was feeling. Why was I feeling so sad suddenly? My heart twisted a little, making me yearn for comfort that I never found.

I was quite sure he had done some magic on me. Both of our eyes were on each other, never averting, not even for a second. My eyes started exploring him more.

He was sitting there like the epitome of perfection which was almost forcing me to ogle even more. I never noticed someone to be this perfect. The sharp jawline of his can even cut through the glasses. His hair was gelled like the other day. He was wearing a white linen shirt with a black necktie which loosened up a bit. Suddenly the entire room felt very heavy and hot for me! I was sure my heart was going to explode anytime soon. Those piercing gaze coming from those emerald grey eyes made me shiver!

He looked so yummy! My inner goddess was wide awake in his presence.

"Ms. Lavender Crescent, are you hearing me?" The way his tongue slipped my name was irresistible.

Oh god! What are the other things he could do with that! I wish...

"MS. CRESCENT!" He slammed his hand hard on the desk so hard that made me close my eyes in fear. His eyes were getting angrier by the growing seconds.

Focus! Lavender...focus!

"Um... Ye.. s... Mr. Rochester?" Blood rushed to my cheeks at my distracted composure.

"I don't like irresponsible and indifferent people around me because they are worthless. Hope that you'll save that in your mind." His voice was stone cold and his eyes emotionless.

"Yes, Mr. Rochester." Fear set my pulse racing hearing his icy voice.

"Just because you are the heir of the Crescent that doesn't mean, I'll let offend or disconcert me. You have to toil harder than anyone else to clarify your qualifications." His eyes were wearing a difficult expression. I nodded at his statement. What happened to my smart mouth today?!

"Whatever... take this iPad and reschedule all the meetings of this entire week and after that week you are going to attend meetings with me. And if you have further questions, you can ask Ms. Adams." He said showing his cold demeanor again. Will the ice break like ever?

Moody but a beautiful bastard.

"But my work doesn't incorporate rescheduling meetings....." I tried to revolt. After all, I am Ms. Crescent.

"So far I remember, I didn't ask for your testimony, Ms. Crescent, did I ?" He stood up from his seat and started coming towards me taking small steps and at the same time I was stepping backward until my back hit the wall. He caged me between his arms making my breath hitched. I was breathing heavily by then!

"Two things I abhor the most, one occurs when someone invades my personal life and the other is questioning my decision." He whispered, leaning towards my ear. His warm breath was fanning my neck. My stomach clenched because of his proximity

"I....I..." I was not able to reply. Stuttering like a brainless dumb, my mind again went blank.

"Why do I get the feeling that you are going to try to break every rule? I suggest never dare to do any of it. Understand?" He said and I nodded like a doll in his collection. His grey eyes were sparkling with anger and something I couldn't figure out. He masked it before I could inspect more. Avoiding my gaze, he released his deathly grip from my wrist. I almost ran out of the room breathing like a maniac. I didn't dare look behind me before closing the door damn loudly. I swear everybody in the hall could hear the continuous hammering in my chest.

"And fooling around with my workers doesn't include your works, Ms. Crescent." Wait! What?

Urgh! What happened to my stupid brain when I need it? Feels like I had run a marathon...Gosh!

Why does it feel like I have known this guy all along with my life? My heart keeps yelling that even he had known me better than myself!


It had been six hours since I busied myself in rescheduling those fudging meetings! My back was aching like shit now and because of typing at a stretch, my fingers had slackened their feelings. It's like my neurons have lost their connection with my body. I'm feeling more than fatigued. I didn't even have the time to go out at lunchtime. Thanks to Charlotte as she brought me lunch and gave me company! She is completely a life redeemer. I owe her a lot man!

The earlier encounter with Cedric Rochester or should I say the Greek God in disguise who made me blush was embarrassing. My cheeks turned red like red chilly I guess even when I think of it. Oh yeah! I don't like being compared with a freaking tomato! It feels so...whatever!!!!

Who is that guy?! Why does he act as he knows me? Why on earth only his gaze can make me lose my sanity? He made me breathless within a second. What is he?! A wizard from Harry Potter or a soulless vampire like Edward Cullen. Truly, I don't have any freaking idea about this guy!

But one thing I can assure everyone that he can suck the hell out my soul just only with his intense look! Hell yeah!! LUCKY ME!!! Thoughts of him had made my heartless heart beat erratically. How ironic is that!

Okay, calm the fuck down my beloved heart or you will explode anytime soon...then don't blame me for being six feet under! Duh!