Have you ever been criticized? Do you take it seriously or ignore it? Criticism is an act of expressing disapproval. It is also criticizing someone or something. Criticism can be positive and negative. It's either you take it in a positive way to improve or negatively that can cause frustration and have low self-esteem. When you are criticized, you sometimes feel down and frustrated, or you have to ignore it because it's not true. We are criticized for our appearance, abilities, and actions, but don't take it seriously, sometimes you need to evaluate yourself. Accepting criticisms is good because some part of it is true and the other is not.
Handling feedback and criticisms is sometimes hard. In our life, we face criticisms in different ways, sometimes it's difficult to accept, but in the end, it only depends on you. I've experienced lots of criticisms throughout my life like they criticize me because of my abilities and actions, that I am not good enough, but a part of it, I accepted it, and I take advantage to improve. Sometimes I don't care and ignore them because it's not all true and just let it be, say what they want to say about me. Sometimes when our parents criticize us, it's hard to accept. I was being criticized by my parents like they want me to be like my cousin, like do this and that, I felt hurt because you are being compared to your cousin, it feels like I'm not good enough and all, but I know that I have my advantages and I have what she doesn't.
Some people criticize you but don't know that they are hurting your feelings already, and I dislike that kind of person. I dislike it because they don't feel what we feel if they criticize us. For them criticizing is good because they feel good about it. Don't listen or take their criticism seriously. You need to analyze and evaluate it. Some people criticize other people because they envy you or something. It's their way to not be criticized. Some people, if they are being criticized they go to their friends and ask if it is true or not. I asked my friends if it is true that I'm a snob or not kind to their perspective, and they say that it's partly true, and I kind of accepted it. Remind yourself that, learn to take the advice use it as an advantage. If you don't take the advice, then you can't do better. Always evaluate yourself, and you need to be aware of yourself.
Dealing with criticisms positively is important. These are ways to turn your criticisms to your advantage:
· Listen and ask questions. When being criticized, ignore the voices. Instead, listen to it and understand what is being said. When you understand it, it's easier for you to evaluate the criticism and take action against it.
· Decide how important criticism to you is. Ask yourself if the criticism is valid, important, relevant, and many more.
· Decide what to learn from it. If the criticism is valid, evaluate it, and learn from it. This could help you to improve.
· Decide what to do about it. If the criticism is valid, decide what to do about it and, require action, it's better if we resolve it and do better from time to time.
Nobody likes to be criticized, I mean all of us. Some people are having a hard time accepting it, and some people don't, and I like those people who don't take it seriously, but rather make it an advantage for them to improve in the future. Criticisms are often destructive and constructive. There is always some truth in every criticism, either we accept it and take action, but don't start a fight, ignore them, they don't know you entirely. Just be confident, and do not let fear get you. It's best if you consider other's points of view because they can help you and they would advise you to face it and make it an advantage.
"Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain, but it takes character and self-control to be understanding and forgiving" –Pale Cornegie
"The trouble with most of us is that we would rather be ruined by praise than saved by criticism" –Norman Vincent Peale
"If you have no critics, you'll likely have no success,"
-Malcolm X