I know that each of us has experienced this kind of situation every day, especially students. You are tied between to quit or not to quit, giving up, or not giving up. This is a serious decision to make especially when you are a student like me (college student). This situation needs or seeks to advise from other people or you will or can decide about it. Think with your mind and your heart.
I'm a college student today, and somehow I have experienced this type of situation wherein I'm confused if I will quit or not (Course/Program). I studied Industrial Engineering at Malayan Colleges Mindanao, my dream school, an Engineering school, for me, this school is one of the best schools in Mindanao. I admit that it is hard studying at Malayan, but it is also fun and exciting. Whenever the situation is hard like I want to give up like maybe Engineering is not for me, but I want to pursue Engineering. I tend to think that if I will quit or not, for me, it is a matter of life and death situation because it is hard to decide on your own. I felt down and depressed every time I have a failing score or grade in our Maths subject. I overthink about the matter as I stare blankly, I'm not eating well, and many more. I will try again. I want to try it again. I want to pass the subject. I want to graduate in Engineering so that my family will be proud of me. I will study hard from now on. For now, I will be positive that everything will turn out well, and I can do this. I can pass the subject.
My advice if you are in this kind of situation:
· Just think positive
· Don't overthink because overthinking can lead to anxieties and depression.
· Don't hesitate to tell your family and friends about the situation because they can also help with your problems.
We are still young, anything can happen to us anytime, whether it is good or bad, right or wrong, accept and embrace it, maybe you will find your true purpose in life and your flaws will be your strength.