Chapter 27

They went to the store and Renee noticed the store was full of beautiful dresses and shoes. It looked more like a boutique than a regular store. Why had Jesse brought her here? She didn't need a dress or dress shoes. She never went anywhere fancy to need these things. She was more comfortable in her jeans and shirts anyway. That way if he bruised her, she could cover it up.

She looked at Jesse and said, "Why are we here?"

"This is part of the surprise. I would like you to pick out a dress and shoes. Please, try them on and let me see them, okay?"

"Do I really have to? I don't go anywhere that requires a dress."

"Well, maybe you will. Please, just go find some dresses and try them on. I'll be right here with Christian, waiting for you to come out and show them to me," Jesse said as he sat down on the chair outside of the changing room.

Renee sighed and walked around the store looking at the dresses. She found a couple that she liked but didn't think would look good on her. A woman came over and asked her if she could help. Renee told her she was just looking, but the woman insisted on helping her. She picked up a dress and the woman told her whether it worked on her or not. After finding 5 different dresses and shoes to go with them, she went to the changing room.

She put the first one on and looked at herself in the mirror. It didn't look bad, but she wasn't used to wearing a dress anymore. Would Jesse really let her go out in it and not cause a scene? When he knocked on the door, she nervously opened it. It was just a simple blue dress with a sweetheart neckline that she had on. It had roses embroidered down the sides and a cinched waist.

Renee stepped out of the dressing room and felt extremely self-conscious. The dress wasn't really revealing except for her legs from the knees down. It covered her breasts and didn't really reveal those, but she hadn't been in a dress in a long time. Jesse smiled. He liked the way it looked on her.

"It's nice. Do you have any others to try on?"

"Yes. I have four more," Renee said.

"Okay. I want to see them all."

Renee went back into the changing room and tried the dresses on, and came out to let Jesse look at them one by one. The attendant had her put the less revealing dresses on first. The fourth one had a Queen Elizabeth neckline that showed off her breasts and the last one was the most revealing. She also found it beautiful, but once she put it on, she realized just how much the Decollete neckline really showed.

It went a little bit past her breasts and didn't leave much to the imagination. It was a deep purple color and it stopped right above her knees. It had lace flower appliqués on the top and going around the bottom of the skirt. She turned to the side and saw the back of the dress was right above the small of her back. This dress was way too revealing. Jesse would never allow her to wear this out in public. She stepped out of the dressing room with her head hung down.

Jesse looked up as he heard Renee open the door. When he saw her, her head was hung down as if she was scared. He looked over the dress and the way it fit her, and his mouth began to water. He had the urge to set Christian down and push her back into the dressing room and take her right then and there. The front was barely covering her breasts. It fit her body like a glove. She slowly turned without even looking up to see if he was looking. The back of the dress showed off her back right down to the small of it. It stopped right above her knees and he saw a split going up one side to her hip.

He put Christian in his car seat and buckled him in so he couldn't go crawling away. He walked up to Renee and turned her to face him. When he lifted her head, he saw fear flash in her eyes. He wrapped his arms around her, not understanding the fear he saw there. He kissed her lips with all of the passion he was feeling. When he broke the kiss, he saw she was still looking down and not at him.

"What's wrong? Do you not like the dress? I mean, I'm having a hard time not pushing you back into that dressing room and taking you. You look gorgeous in it. Why do you look scared?"

Renee bit her lip and finally answered honestly, "I know how you are. If someone sees me in this dress and says something you feel is out of the way, I will get the punishment for it."

"I promise you that I will not say or do anything out of the way if a man says something to you as long as you can promise me that you won't respond back in kind."

Renee looked at him then and saw no dishonesty in his eyes. All she saw was lust. She blushed and finally agreed to the terms. She took the dress off and Jesse had the clerk ring up the last two dresses and the shoes. Renee was surprised by this but didn't say anything. She was trying to figure out why she would need one dress, let alone two. Once they left the store, Jesse drove her to another store. This one was full of makeup, hair supplies, and anything you would need to make yourself look fancy.

She tentatively looked at some things. She was worried about what his reaction would be to her buying something expensive or a lot of stuff. She would pick something up she liked but put it back immediately when she saw how much it cost. Jesse hadn't said anything about the things she was looking at. When she made it out of the makeup section, she casually looked at the jewelry. They had a big selection of beautiful things but she knew all of it would be too expensive.

When she turned around, she saw Jesse had things in the buggy. She looked at it and noticed all of the makeup she had picked up and put back was in it. She slowly lifted her eyes to find him looking at the jewelry. He was looking at the necklace she had looked at the longest. It was a beautiful silver necklace with little diamonds set into it. It had a real gold chain on it. She knew it was expensive just because of the little diamonds and was surprised when he asked the clerk for it.

She slowly walked away, acting like she hadn't seen him do it. What was he planning? This was a very expensive outing from what she could tell. Just the dresses and shoes were hundreds of dollars. Now the makeup and jewelry? She knew he made good money at his job and was able to take care of them, but how much was he really willing to spend? She was looking at the rings when he walked over.

"See something you like?"

"I was just looking. I don't have a need for jewelry."

"That's not what I asked. Do you see something you like? Do you like the wedding sets or just the regular rings?"

"I was looking at all of them. I'm not married so I don't see a need for a wedding set."

"Well, technically we are married," Jesse whispered.