
*Homecoming night*

My dress was going to be all black and Suga went out to buy a black and white tuxedo.

I told my mother to drop me off in the very front of the school so she wouldn't see Suga.

She yelled from inside the car "If you get raped I'll beat you up! When I call you, you better pick up or I'll go in there myself and take you out by your hair."

I closed the door after I said "Ok."

I went in and showed my pass. I got a text from Suga and said "Tell me when your near so I can walk with you here."

I felt my heart skip a beat as I couldn't feel the way it felt to get off the car with your date and walk in together. I texted back "I'm already here."

Suga quickly came over to me and I saw his eyes widen.

I rolled my eyes and said "I know I didn't do nothing to my hair. I barely had time to put on this dress."

We both chuckled and he said "Your personality is still beautiful and your beautiful either way."

We started to walk towards the crowd and he asked "Want water?"

I smiled and said "Yes!"

I had to shout over the music but got confused when I saw him take out his wallet.

"It's not free?" I asked.

Suga chuckled and said "No but it was. They are gathering money for some charity."

Sebes was the one selling the water and he said "Oh you came with Moni! What about Dillon?"

Suga shrugged and said "I haven't seen her but I came with Moni!"

Sebes gave the water to Suga and said "Don't pay me I still owe you that homework."

Suga chuckled and said "Thanks!"

We walked away and I asked "He likes Dillon?"

Suga nodded and said "She doesn't like him though."

Dillon came from behind and said "Suga! You made it but you didn't tell me!"

We both smiled at her and he said "It was a last minute thing."

Dillon said "And you are? His girlfriend?"

I smiled as I looked up at Suga's gummy smile and he looked down at me.

Suga extended his hand wide open for me to hold and I quickly held it.

"We'll see you later!" Suga said as he pulled me away from her and got lost in the crowd.

We stopped in the middle and he tried to hold my other hand but I had my phone. "Let me see your phone. I'll put it in my pocket." He smiled as he said.

I said "Ok but tell me if it vibrates!"

Suga nodded and put it in his pocket.

He put one hand on my back and the other held my hand. I held his hand and I placed my other on his shoulder.

Before we started I said "I don't know how to dance. So please be gentle."

Suga got red and said "A bad girl like you don't know how to dance that's funny."

The slow song began and I felt like I would die in his arms literally. My heels were killing me but I thought about being on a trampoline. The pain started to fade away as I closed my eyes and danced.

I opened my eyes and looked around as I felt someone starring at me but I didn't see anyone.

"Hey are you okay?" Suga asked.

I looked up at him and said "Yes I was just looking at the decorations. They are very elegant."

Suga chuckled and the music changed to twerking music. I got red as we both looked at eachother and saw other people twerking.

He held my hand and said "Come I want you to meet more of my friends."

I raised my eyebrows as he treated me like his girlfriend instead of his date and I loved the feeling.

After meeting so many of his friends I said "Can you give me my phone? I'm going to the restroom."

Suga nodded and gave it back to me. I went to the restroom and looked at the screen and chuckled. I said in my head "Suga gave me his phone." We both had the same exact phone but not the same home screen.

Curiosity hit me harder than a bus and I went to the messages. I frowned my eyebrows as I just saw guys names but not for long. I rolled my eyes and said "This dude got hoes I swear." I went to his gallery and he had many pictures of him with guys and girls. I checked his contact list and it was filled with both genders.

I got sad as we didn't even have a picture together and I didn't even know what we were. I got out of the restroom and he was standing by the door.

I gasped and said "What's wrong?"

Suga smiled and said "I felt a phone vibrate in my pants and it was yours."

I thought it was my mom that I snatched my phone out of his hand and looked.

Suga looked at me and said "It says Jasmine."

I chuckled and said "Oh sorry well I'm going to go sit down. I'm feeling tired."

Suga said "If you want me to carry you bride style I will. I'll be with my friends but I'll come back for you."

I nodded as I took a seat and Jasmine quickly went to go sit next to me.

"Hey! What do you think about the decorations?" She asked with a soft smile.

I admired them and said "Oh I see you made them, huh? No wonder I fell in love with this place."

Jasmine chuckled and said "I saw you looking around."

I nodded and said "So, it was you who was starring at me."

Jasmine chuckled and said "Yeah with that dress you can be noticed from 10,000 miles away."

I laughed and said "Oh be quiet!"

Suga came around and pulled me up from my seat as he said "It's true!"

Suga said "Let's dance."

This time we danced differently he put his arms around me and hugged me tight. I felt his breath on my neck as we both danced.

Suga smelled so good that I didn't even want to let go but sadly I saw Jasmine wave her hands at me. That was the signal I didn't want to see. I knew my mother had texted and it was time for me to come up with a plan. Jasmine came over as a few minutes past and she saw I didn't do nothing.

Suga let go and said "Is everything ok?"

Jasmine said "Yes just need her help in something!"

Suga nodded and shouted from behind "I'll wait for you!"

We waited for him to turn and walk away. Jasmine hugged me and said "Run with those heels! Your mom should be close! I'll tell him you felt sick and left."

I nodded and said "Wait until I leave and make sure he doesn't come after me!"

Jasmine nodded and said "Hurry and go!"

I ran outside and waited for my ride which felt like hours. Suga kept texting where I was.

"I'll text you later." I said outloud looking around. My mother came and said "I called you like three times and you didn't answer!"

I nodded and said "The music was so loud that I didn't hear it.

I texted Suga "Sorry I left home because I started to feel really sick, goodnight!"

I put my phone on silent and saw him blow up my phone with text messages.

I pouted as I finally got in my room and said "Sorry Suga."

My mother came in my room and said "Hurry up and take that dress off."

I nodded as I took off my painful heels and felt really sad.

*Monday Morning*

I decided to wait for Suga in the auditorium and I felt nervous. I saw him come in and looking at my cousins direction but I wasn't over there.

"Hey." I said

Suga looked over his shoulder and said "Come with me we need to talk."

He pulled me by my hand and I said "Don't pull me."

Suga let go and I sat next to him. His friends weren't there yet.

Suga looked over at me and said "You never text me back! You left!"

I chuckled and said "Calm down! You act like were dating."

Suga looked at me like I was crazy and said "It was a date until you ditched me."

I opened my mouth and said "I said I got sick and that's why I left."

Suga closed his eyes and leaned back in the seat. He said "The party had just started and you left early. You looked fine."

"I was there a long time so you must of had fun! I looked fine but I wasn't. If you want to be mad then stay mad. You don't see me tripping about you getting a new date afterwards." I said very calmly.

Suga turned to look at me fast and said "What?"

I rolled my eyes and said "After, I left you, you went to go find a new date and that's Dillon. Don't try to deny it because I will smack you."

Suga asked "Is that a threat?"

I calmly said "Nope it's just a beautiful warning."

Dillon came and sat infront of us and then Mark sat next to Suga.

Dillon said "Wow look who decided to show up after two days, lost. You had us crazy looking for you but then we found out you ditched Suga."

Mark said "You ditched him!"

I squinted my eyes and asked "You saw me?"

Mark got red and looked at Dillon.

Dillon got red and said "I mean you left without saying nothing so you ditched him."

I leaned back in my seat and the rest of Suga's friends came around to sit.

It only took seconds for me to shut her mouth as I said "I don't like people spreading shit about me! I don't need to give any of you explanations about anything. The only thing I'll say is that I texted Suga that I left because I felt sick! I don't give a peanut if you guys believe or not! If any of you guys got a problem you can all go suck a finger because I don't care."

Everyone looked at me scared and I was mainly saying it to Dillon.

Dillon then said "I don't think you should ask him on a date and then ditch him."

I said "I don't think it's right knowing the reason why I left and then you replacing my spot."

Suga said "Okay I forgive you."

Dillon said "What?! You can't be serious."

I said with a smirk "Look at the bright side you actually got a date for the last 30 minutes of homecoming."

I clapped my hands as I got up from my seat and Suga grabbed my hand.

Suga said "Don't go. Stay here."

I pulled my hand away and said "I don't stay where I'm not welcomed."

Sebes got red as I looked at him and he said "I mean your rude. How do you want us to like you?"

I smiled and said "Being honest isn't rude but you not liking the truth is a different thing. I don't want you guys to like me anyways."

I walked off and saw my cousins wave at me.

After, a few minutes Suga came and joined me.

I looked at him confused and said "Can I help you?"

Suga smiled and said "I just wanted to tell you that I yelled at my friends for treating you like that-"

I interrupted him and said "No it's just Sebes and Dillon. They need to date like as soon as possible."

Suga chuckled and said "I hope they do so they can stop being rude."

I asked confusedly "Shouldn't you be mad?"

Suga said "I was thinking you would make it up for me, for Senior prom night."

I looked over at one of my cousin that was awake and her eyes widen.

I said "Well go back and stay mad."

Suga asked "What? Why?"

I said "I'm not going."

Suga asked "What?! Why?!"

I said "I got a job and will work around 57 hours a week. This job won't give me days off and even if I ask for it a couple of months in advance they will say no."

Suga said "That's not true."

I nodded my head and said "If I'm dying I need a picture of myself in the surgery room with my guts hanging all out of my body."

Suga frowned and said "What about you going to church?"

I said "That's early in the morning but after that I leave to my job. That's why I also didn't text you back because I been working over time too."

Suga smiled and said "It's ok I know you work hard."

When I looked at my cousin she was already asleep. I then looked over at Dillon and she was starring at us both.

I chuckled and said "Did Dillon lose something over here?"

Suga looked at her and looked back at me and said "She's just admiring your beauty and personality."

I smacked Suga's arm playfully and said "Hey! Stop it."