
chapter 2


      Early the next morning, she went to the main building to start her chores for the day when she got there, dirt were littered everywhere,all the plates were smeared with palm oil and in the laundry room, there were many dirty clothes. She was surprised because the house was clean before she left yesterday night and she washed the plates, there were also no dirty clothes except the one he wore.


       It seems I have been forced to teach you where your place is in this house James said from the stairs.

      Fariya turned around to face him and he continued, you will have to take care of the house , wash the plates, do the laundry and also come to take care of my bedroom.


       But sir, why have you done all of this?asked Fariya.


     Are you asking me that question, it's like you have forgotten that you are just but a house maid in this house and your work is to clean ,so you should start cleaning because my friend is in this house and I don't want him to see this house dirty said James rudely.


       She left there in tears to start working. She worked from morning till evening before she finished everything. She was very exhausted that the only thing she wanted to do was to sleep but James has other plans . He stopped her from going to in because he wants to go out with Jacob.


       While outside, Jacob stopped James saying he wants to have a word with him.


      Seriously man, I don't like how you treat your housemaid, you yell at her and say Soo many mean things to her and it's really not right  I mean she is the one who stays with you two - four - seven, if something were to happen to you in this house, she is the one you will turn to but if you continue to be mean to her , do you think she will want to help you, by the way it is nice to be kind; Jacob said to James hoping he would put some sense in his head


     Wait Jacob, James said starting to get angry are you not my friend, ain't you supposed to take my side? Or are you going to take the side of a lowlife ?


         It's not as if am taking the side of anybody it is just that I care for you  and I don't want you to go astray, that is why I am advising you


       You are starting to piss me off, I don't need your advice or whatever you call it. I don't need it and I am going to very much appreciate it if you don't stick your nose in the affairs of my house because I don't really like it and you don't know that girl, that's why you are siding her james told him


      Okay, if you say so but It will be good if you are a little nicer to her


       Let's go James said while getting into the car



          Fariya opened her eyes and realized she had been sleeping all this while, then she thought of James. I wonder where he is now ,he told me to wait up and I can't go to sleep because he told me to wait up and I can't sleep on this couch also because he would start yelling at me all over again and I am really tired of being yelled at, she thought to herself, as if on cue James and Jacob arrived she hurried to open the door for them so as to prevent any insult.


       Welcome sirs, said Fariya as she opened the door. Hope you had a nice time.


       James just went inside but Jacob replied her we had fun, thanks and thank you for waiting up.



       Antra is this you!! Exclaimed Fariya in joy


        I am the one oooo, Antra said turning around for Fariya to see .


        See how you are looking fresh Fariya told her friend what did you bring so I will be as fresh as you are asked Fariya teasingly.


        They were chatting and laughing when Antra saw welts on Fariya's body.


        What happened to you Fariya, where did you get those welts  she asked feeling concerned


          It is a long story, just forget about it, it would soon go away


       What do you mean, I am your friend and you expect me to see those welts and just forget about it because you say so? This is highly unbelievable, Antra said in disbelieve


        Alright I would tell you what happened. Fariya poured out her mind to Antra. She told her all that happened while she was away .


          After narrating it all, Antra just stared at her as if she were a ghost . So after all the beating and maltreatment, all you did was keep quiet and let him do as he please? Wait, do you use your head, he treats you like trash and all you could do was apologize when you knew you are not at fault, you are too nice!! If I were the one, I swear that man would have been rotting in jail. I don't take such s****, my boss knows that and to why he knows his limits. Antra said looking at her as if she is from another planet.   

         What do you expect me to do?asked Fariya exasperated


       If I send him to jail, what will I feed on, where will I get a job. If he even goes to jail, of what good would it be to me, it's just better for me to let him be .


     One day he will come to his senses and realize what he is doing is not right


       okay if you say so,I will be going now before my boss notices am not at home.

I know this is not much but am trying to improve

          Pls don't forget to vote and stay posted for the remaining part of the story