
chapter 12


       Fariya!! I heard voice call. I stirred and finally forced my eyes open.

    Antra? I called which ended up sounding like a question

   Yes, what are you doing on the floor? And why do you look like this? She asked all in one breath

    The doctor said something about a transplant and I.. I.... I, I couldn't complete my sentence as I broke into fresh set of tears.


      Antra quickly rushed to my side as well as Ben who also came with her

      It's okay, she said as she rocked me back and forth like a baby

       I finally stopped crying and explained all that is happening to them. When I was done, there was a huge silence as they try to process what I told them.

          What do we do now? Antra asked breaking the silence

   I really don't know, Ben said with frustration . But I can get people to volunteer for the test, at least there is still a chance we could get an outsider who will match

    Do you think it will work? I asked him with hope

   It wouldn't hurt to try, he said. Meanwhile we should go get ourselves tested first he said as we filed out of the room.


       Mummy, Maggie called from her bed

      What is it baby? I asked as I pulled her closer to me gently

   Will you hold me for a while, I feel really scared right now, she said

   Of course I would hold you but what is making you scared my little princess, I asked her

    Well I know there is something wrong with me and that is making you cry a lot. I don't want you to cry because of me, she said looking straight into my eyes

     There is nothing wrong with you baby, you are going to be absolutely fine, I said convincing myself instead of her

         But you told auntie Antra that I needed a transplant, what is that? She asked again

   Were you eavesdropping on our conversation, I asked shocked

   No I wasn't, I just woke up at that time and I slept off immediately after that, I promise, she said

     Ok then, I believe you but you don't have to worry about that, you are going to be absolutely fine in no time, I said smiling

       Ok but you have to promise me you won't worry about it again, she said

   I will try not to Maggie, now you have to go to sleep, I said as I rocked her gently

    Ok mummy, she said as she closed her eyes and slowly drifted off.

     It's been a week since we got here but still no improvement, if we can't find a match for her soon, the doctor said we might lost her and I can't afford to lose her, what would I do without her? I don't know what to do anymore, it's as if everything is just going worse.


     Antra and Ben have helped a lot with the hospital bills and everything but there is still no sign of a match.

   The nerve of him , Antra said fuming as she slammed the door when she's in the room, I am thankful the door is one of those that doesn't make loud noises.

   What is it Antra, what has gotten you Soo riled up, I asked her

    Is it not that son of a bitch who thinks he can come and demand whatever he wants and get it??  She said flinging her hands everywhere in an attempt to demonstrate

      Who are you talking about? And please calm down, I said leading her to the seat I was in before

            That stupid boss of yours, she said with venom

   My boss? I asked in shock

    Oh, yes of course. He saw me in the corridor just now and asked of you from me, I wonder how he even knew me

      Soo, what did you tell him, I  asked

   What else , I told him to fuck off

   Ok then, where is Ben? I asked

   He is with him, guess they've met before or something like that, she said waving her hands in the air

   We sat in silence for sometime before I spoke up

       Alright, is there anything you want to tell me? I asked after watching her fidget on her sit for sometime looking uncomfortable

        No, actually yes. You see the thing is when I saw that boss of yours, he looked ill, not that type of physical ailment that attacks the body, it's as if he is having emotional troubles and urghhh, never mind,you won't understand, she said

   But I do, you think there is something wrong with him emotionally and it can be linked to why he wants to see me, I said

    Yes that's right but I don't know why I care, she said going back to her old self

         Oh, but I know why. Because even if you don't like showing it, you care about people, I said smiling

     That's not right, she said firmly as if the thought of her caring for him is repulsive. How is Maggie? She asked evading the topic

  She is coping, she just fell asleep when you came in, I answered

     Such an adorable kid, she said, more like cooed

    I was about to say something when we heard the door open and Ben walked in.

   Hey, I said to him

      How are you , and how is Maggie?? He asked with a soft smile

    I am fine and Maggie, well she's doing as well as she can, I said feeling a bit depressed.

     I have something to say and I know you ladies may not like it well but please give me a chance.


      What is it? I asked in a small voice

      Fariya, do you think you can come with me to meet someone, it might not be what you need right now but can you please come with me? He asked saying each word slowly as if measuring the gravity of his words.

      Who is the person and don't you dare tell me it is that useless man you want her to go meet, Antra said as her voice rises at each word

        Antra!! Ben said with a warning look before turning to me. Do you think you can come with me to see him? I promise he wouldn't hurt too it would be in a public place and if you don't want to what he has to say anymore, you can just walk away with no one stopping you

    I really don't think I am ready to see him but what harm will it do, and I don't have to stay for long. So I found myself saying yes, which made Ben let out a small smile

    You really don't have to, Antra said by my side

   It's no worry, I will be fine, I said as Ben led me away leaving Antra to watch Maggie.















Yet the end of another chapter hope you love it???? Love you guys ❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️

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