
chapter 13

             Fariya, I heard James say in a soft voice as soon as we got to where he was.

            Good afternoon sir, I said in reply as I studied his appearance. He looks disorganized, Soo different from the forever tidy James that I am familiar with. He has lost all of his anger and he looks dejected, with his slouched shoulder and stress lines, he looks older than his former self.

          I will just give you guys space, I will just be one holler away, Ben said interrupting my thoughts before walking away out of earshot but still in sight.

      Hmm, how are you Fariya, he asked avoiding my eyes

         Am fine thank you sir,you asked to see me, I said

         Yeah, ummm.....I.....uh...., He stuttered

    I think you should take a breath and organize your thoughts sir,I said feeling a lot of sympathy for the man that has replaced my boss...... Oops, ex boss

              Yeah, He replied. Actually, I wanted to apologise for all that I have done to you, I know I haven't been fair to you in all the time that you worked for me. I know I don't deserve your forgiveness so I won't ask of it but I want you to ask you if one favour, can you please grant me that?

      What favour are you asking of me? I asked confused

        Actually, I heard what happened to your daughter and I was hoping you would let me go for the test, he asked his eyes gleaming with hope

               You want me to let you donate a bone marrow to my daughter? I asked in disbelief

    Yes, I know it would be hard for you to know that your daughter has the bone marrow of a monster like me, but I want you to consider it as a sorry, besides it wouldn't hurt for me to go for the test, it's not even decided that we have a match yet , he said trying to convince me

    Ok, but I want you to know you are not a monster. You might have done somethings the wrong way but that makes you human. I am not sure I have forgiven you yet but I understand you have made your mistakes and you are sorry for it, I said feeling as if a load has been lifted off my chest

          Thanks alot, you don't know how much this means to me, thanks, he said clasping his arms together as if in a prayer with his eyes closed and a wide smile on his face

           I would have to go now, I said to him

       Yeah, in the mean time I will go for the test and see how it goes, He said excited, standing up to leave but not before going to say bye to Ben.



      How did it go? Ben asked on our way back to Maggie's room

          Well, he apologized and said he would like to go for the test and see if he could be a match. I wonder who told him about Maggie

       Oh well, I am guilty of that I kinda told him since we are running out of time, I hoped it wouldn't hurt to tell and see if he was interested but when he didn't say anything, I didn't think there was a need to tell you of it, he explained in a rush as if he was afraid the word would be slapped back into his mouth.

        It's fine, I am actually glad he asked. because of it, I have something to look forward to and my hope has risen but I hope it isn't crushed again,I said hopefully

            I love the spirit, he said with a bright smile,Automatically brightening the mood.


        Fariya! Fariya!! I heard faintly as I felt someone tapping my arm to wake up. I slowly opened my eyes and realized it was Antra.

     What is it Antra? Why have you woken me up? I asked with a frown displeased at being woken up.

     Well, the result is out. Ben went to get it, she said sitting down

        Ohh Antra, what if it doesn't match what would happen then? I asked anxious

        We will cross that bridge when we get to it but right now let's hope for the best. How is Maggie? She asked

            She's been doing better than when we get to the hospital. If I didn't know better I would have thought she is getting better, I said

       It's going to be fine, you just watch and see, she said moving closer to me and wrapping her arms around my body.

          Do you think she would like this, I heard a familiar voice say before the door of the room opens revealing Ben and James.

Which immediately I felt Antra stiffen. Before I could process her action, she sprang yo going for James as I struggle to get my balance from where she almost knocked me face first into the ground.

          I looked up to see Ben restraining her and James slowly backing away.

         What do you think you are doing? Ben asked her through clenched teeth

   Why don't you let me rip his eyes out, he thinks he can come into this room majestically as if he owns it after all he has done. If not for him, Fariya wouldn't be in this position right now. Do you know how hard it is to see my best friend break down in front of me without an idea of what to do to make it better? Do you?, Antra said yelling

           Antra you have to calm down, if you have forgotten he is the one who has volunteered to help us and without him Fariya wouldn't have gotten this bundle of joy. You have to stop taking this personal, Ben said

    Ohh, trying to defend my friend has turned into a bad thing. I am sorry then, Antra said visibly annoyed

           You don't have to be hurt, he has to be here for the result. I was the one that invited him Soo we would view the result together, I am sorry if I hurt you. Ben said in a soft voice kneeling in front of Antra.

    It's fine, I don't have a problem with it if Fariya doesn't but if she doesn't want him here, he leaves, she said look at James with disdain

        Soo Fariya do you want James here or you want him to leave, Ben asked

        I don't even know how to reply. I don't want him to come too close but he has a right to be here after all it's his result and h is the one to donate.

      It's okay, I will go wait outside, James said walking outside

      Wait!! I stopped h before he steps outside. I guess it is okay if you stay after all, it's not as if you are going to inconvenient any of us

      Ohh, great, He said with a big smile happy I stopped him

              Alright ladies, now that it is settled, let's reveal the result, Ben said lightening the atmosphere with his cheery voice.

         Please be quick about it, you are killing me with nerves, I said  feeling very nervous

           Calm your bubbles momma of the day, we would get to it soon but I think we should go have lunch first, Ben said stalling

          If you don't open that result right this instant I swear I would rip your heart out and throw it in the gutter. Antra said with venom

       Woah woah ,Calm down tigress I will open it now, you don't have to kill me, Ben said laughing as he opened the envelope

          What does it say? I asked straining my neck to see

    There is no need to break your neck, it is a match, Ben said  smiling

       Really??? Yesssss, I yelled as I jumped up and fist pumped the air

          Mummy, I heard Maggie say from her position on the bed. Oops, I had woken her up with my scream.

         What is it my baby? I asked her as I walked towards her

         Why are you screaming? She asked looking around

       You are going to be fine again, I said smiling

          Soo you won't be sad again, will you? She said, her smile mirroring mine

              I won't be sad again and we will live happily ever after, I said tickling her.


              Neil? I heard James say behind me

























Thanks for reading, love you all❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️

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