Episode 5: Lost Labyrinth (2): First contact (3)

The room fell silent as we heard the organ-like shapes beat.




They both looked at the glasses boxes containing the organ-like shapes.

"That's... not it," the middle-aged man said. He began to step forward towards me his sight was set at the big table near the corner of the room.

Sam was looking towards me. He pointed his finger at them, then the big table, and then shook his hand.

"Erm!" I began to say. "Sir, I'll have a look. I'm closer."

"Hmm..." he nodded. He crossed his arms and tapped his foot on the ground.

I slowly walked up towards the table and then tilted my body down pretending to look around and inside it. "There's nothing here, Sir."

"Hmm..." he scratched his slightly grey beard and stepped forward again. "Really...?" He shifted his eyes and glared at the table where the Petri dishes were. His sight was glued to the weirdly distorted mark on the table for a moment.

I turned my head and realised that I accidentally left some marks behind while putting the piranha solution into the Petri dish.

"Shit," I muttered in a really low voice.

The middle-aged man proceeded forward and said, "Move aside, I'll take a look." He placed his hand on the side of his waist.

Sam poked his head up again and his eyes were sternly staring at the back of his waist. He kept signally with his eyes.

The other guy didn't move an inch forward. Instead, he moved backwards and he stayed close to the door. He held on to the door handle firmly.

I stepped up and slightly blocked the way.

"Get out of the way," he said.

"Erm... Sir, there's really-"

Before I could finish my sentence, he shoved me out of the way and walked around and across to the table. He slowly opened the table door and his eyes widened.

"I see. I see."

"Sir...?" the other guy, near the door, said.

"So that's the situation... huh?" He reached behind his waist and pulled out a gun.

Dashing towards the glass shelf, I grabbed a couple more bottles before he was ready to aim at me. I turned around and chucked them at him then ran to the other guy.

The bottles cracked and the liquid dripped down the walls and splashed on to the middle-aged man's hands. He released his grip in pain and dropped the gun on to the floor - his other hand holding on to his wrist.

"Argh!!!" he screamed.

The guy, near the door, shivered and hurriedly closed the door but Sam was holding on to the other side of the handle. keeping it open.

The middle-aged man looked down at the floor and the walls; it was melting everything.

The gun was also slightly dissolved on the surface of it but he hastily picked it back up and pointed it at me with his shaking hand.

"You!!!" he screamed.

Sam ran towards the glass boxes and grabbed it. He placed his leg forward and lobbed it towards the middle-aged man aiming the gun at me.

The box hit his arm pushing the aim towards the glass shelf. Out of shock, the man pulled the trigger and blasted the bottle inside. The liquid exploded into a fountain and rained down on everyone.

I let go of the other guy pushing him away and leapt at Sam. My suit protected me from the rain as I blocked it from harming Sam.

The other guy quickly creeped out of the room and shut the door fiercely.

The middle-aged man screamed in pain as he tried to shield his body with his back but the liquid was melting through it.

"Sam!" I shouted. "Don't move!"

Sam was shivering as he held on to his hand.

I was breathing heavily and the front of the mask was starting to blur as my breath condensed on to it. Little droplets formed as it fell down the transparent mask.

"Sam!" I continued shouting. "Hey! Are you alright!"

I controlled my breath and looked squinted my eyes.

Sam's finger was red and slightly swollen.

"Hey! What happened!!! Did the liquid hit you??!!" I shouted again. I could hear Sam sniffing a little.

"*Sniff* *Sniff*..." he continued.

The liquid rain dissipated and I wrapped my body around Sam dragging him along the side of the table as we ducked down. I made sure not to let the backside of my suit touch him since the liquid was still there.

"Sam! Grab the bag, we're leaving this place, right now!"

"Ugh..." he glanced over to the far corner under the table where he hid the bags.

"Go now! I'll distract the guy. You open the door and we run!"

Sam swayed his hand a little and then dashed towards the bags.

I turned around and glanced towards the middle-aged man.

He was lying on the floor shrunken like a turtle hiding in their shell.

I turned my head right a little and saw the gun lying on the floor.

"He mustn't get that!" I told myself. I ran towards the gun.

The glass shelf was shattered. The pieces of glass dropped down on to the floor one by one as I reached out to the gun, but suddenly, I felt a nudge and my legs collapsed; I fell on to my back.

The middle-aged man crawled up towards the gun. He reached out his bloody hands and shakingly grabbed it.

"You!!!" he screamed.

I turned to my side shielding my front body from his aim.


"Huh?" He was confused.

*Clack* *Clack*

I turned around and he was pulling the trigger but nothing was happening.

*Clack* *Clack* *Clack*

He continued to vigorously pull the trigger but nothing came out of the pistol.

"It's... broken?" I sighed. I was relieved. "Phew..." I breathed out.

Standing up, I walked away from the liquid on the ground and walked away towards Sam.

"He has no fighting power anymore..." I thought to myself.

He continued to pull the trigger. "AHH!!! AHHH!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!" His scream echoed throughout the room.

Sam was watching us. He was stunned by the sound while wearing both bags - Rose's on the front and mine on the back. It looked like he was going to go to a camp.

I stopped in my track. "Maybe... I should still take the gun with me... it's still dangerous for him-"
