
To The Village

Hours later, after crying, [Fleecy] eventually gets back up; Never forgetting what all his brother had done for him, and their dead parents. For just the whole family. Knowing his brother wanted to give rest to their parents. [Fleecy] comes up with the idea that he should try to bring the whole village to rest; Like what his brother did with their parents.

[Fleecy] thinking that is what he should do for the families that had been brought down, like his parents. So they can be buried somewhere that has life. [Fleecy] thinking to himself, "Because it's the right thing to do when people are killed for no reason. And so [Susumu] knows that i notice that he's doing his best."

Eventually, after standing for a minute with his thoughts, [Fleecy] starts walking around the vicinity for materials that help him on his journey. He sees a few vines lying around, with some more mush-sticks and some rocks.

He starts to bash some rocks together to see if he can sharpen them. Swinging the rocks into each as hard as he can. One after another. The sound gets so loud that it echos into the forest. It's so loud that is all [Fleecy] hears in his ears.

He hears the rocks starting to spark. That's when he notices how hot the rocks are. And after realizing it, he sees that his hands were sweating. [Fleecy] didn't notice that he was sweating from his hands because he was so focused on making the tools he wanted.

He even notices that the rocks smell different. The air was being filled with tiny fragments from the two pieces of rock. These fragments are so small that [Fleecy] had mistaken them as dust. He starts to cough from it being in the air. Then [Fleecy] walks away from the rocks for a moment so that he can breathe properly.

Eventually, he gets back to working on his tools an hour later. And after working on it for an extra hour, he manages to break one of the rocks into two. One piece is a lot skinnier and thinner. While the other has an odd shape but now has a sharp end to it. With that being the result, [Fleecy] then sighs in relief. Because he now has the ability to make the tools that he imagined in his head.

He uses the vines that he had grabbed earlier to put the two rocks together with two sticks each. But before he does that, he pushes each rock into one of their respective mush-stick. Steadily feeling water come out of each mush-stick. Both pieces of stone manage to stay in the mushy-sticks because of how sticky they are inside. [Fleecy] then uses the vines to tie the top part of each stick to keep rocks from falling out.

[Fleecy] sighs and then lays down, from how tiring it was to make the first part of the tools he wanted to make. That's when he realizes that he could finish the ones he crafted himself. And go to the village to steal the tools. Thinking, "No one will need them anyway."

Now having a stronger sense of hope, he quickly finishes the tools he made. Then he grabs the wooden sticks and pushes them inside the other two mushy-sticks. Then he ties them with vines to hold it all together. Feeling more confident, [Fleecy] puts his two tools, which are now hatchets instead of axes because of the size of rocks and sticks are; into his makeshift bag.

[Fleecy] then gets up and walks towards the cave that him and his older brother had came from. With him remembering how dark it was in the cave, he prepares himself mentally for the journey he is about to take.

[Eros]: "How prepared are you!?"

"Do you have what it takes to go in that cave!?"

"Only true warriors have what it takes!!!!"

"Are you a man or are you a crybaby!?"

[Fleecy]: "I AM A MAN!!"

"And I! HAVE! What it takes!!"

[Fleecy] then walks into the cave with [Eros]; Exiting the fence made of sticks that goes around the entire field, and it was arranged in a way that creates a slightly imperfect circle.

Meanwhile, [Susumu] is still running through the forest thinking, "Where the hell am i!?" The air blowing through his ears and around his face; Hearing all kinds of sounds. He hears the wind, the animals, and even the grass making sounds. He even hears the pebbles and dirt that he kicks.

Eventually, he runs into the bear-looking monster again. Out of fear of being hit by it and being scared that those orbs are following him. He evades the animal by quickly landing on his left side and sliding under it.

[Susumu] quickly gets up on his feet by pushing himself up with his hands. In a crouching pose, he lifts his left leg up and pushes himself with his right leg. While thrusting his left leg forward and then down; He begins to go back to running. With the boost of speed he got from that momentary stop, he immediately takes off running as fast as he can.

Twelve hours later, after running for so long in a forest. [Susumu] eventually comes to a stop. Feeling tired from all that running, he looks around. [Susumu] then sighs because he sees no animals in sight. He then leans on a tree; while slowly falling down until he's sitting down on the ground. He nearly cries but before breaking down into tears. He hears the sound of people from a distance.

At first, he wants to check out where these people could be at; but then notices that everything seems to look dimmer. So then [Susumu] starts to look up at the sky. But sees that the sky is darker than it was earlier. That's when [Susumu] starts to realize that the sun is going down. So knowing that the sky is almost black, he begins to climb up a tree for safety. And once he gets to the top of the tree, he looks for a comfortable spot to sleep at.

After finding one, he stares at the dark blue sky. As the stars slowly appear, [Susumu] spaces out into his thoughts for a while.