
The Strangers

[Susumu] wakes up from his nap in the medium size mushroom tree. His eyes open up, and he takes a brief but quick; breath. The bright flamingo pink light from the sky; shines his eyes. He sees a beautiful view of the forest. The light shining on the mush-tree shows a nice cinereous color.

Slowly rotating, he sees how the color of the mush-tree fades out into a dark grey color. Then it fades back into that color on the other side of the mush-tree.

[Susumu] turns back around to see the view he had before. He sees every shade of blue and purple, with a mixture of pink from the sky. Looking down at the wooden trees and the small mush-trees.

Only the medium and large mush-trees block his line of sight from every direction, every thousand miles. Which is one million, six hundred nine thousand, and three hundred forty-four meters apart. Every mush-tree seems to be that far apart from each other; Regardless of where the mush-trees are.

[Susumu] being so shocked by the beautiful view of the forest; He looks straight down. That's when he notices how high up he is.

The mush-tree he is on is roughly around three hundred twenty-eight feet high. Which does scare [Susumu] initially; But he thinks to himself, "How can i save my own little brother if i get scared of every bump in the road?"

Clenching his fists and pushing his teeth together; He grabs the two sticks he used last night out of his pocket. Then he jumps off the mush-tree.

Falling, while feeling the air push against his body like strings of paper; His clothes begin to feel tight on him. As if they were able to fit the whole shape of his body. His heart starts to pound, fearing that he'll go splat if he hits the ground.

But out of fear and instinct, he decides to turn around. Then he pierces the mush-tree with the sticks he's holding; while being one hundred feet up in the air. The mush-tree resists the weight of [Susumu]'s body being pushed down on the wooden sticks.

The speed at which he was falling begins to slow down. But as soon as he thinks he's safe enough to climb down the tree. His sticks snap apart.

[Susumu] gasps as anxiety and fear swell up in his gut. He sees his life flash before his eyes. But then he lands on the ground on his back. He survived because he was only twenty inches off the ground.

[Susumu] doesn't breathe for ten seconds because he needed to process what just happened. But after he does, he puffs out carbon dioxide from his mouth because he had realized what all had happened.

A tingly sensation begins to swell up. At first, the sounds that start to come from [Susumu]; are muffled. Then you can hear him start to giggle.

[Susumu] then rolls over and gets up. Revealing the tears that are slowly falling out of his eye sockets. He was slowly starting to cry. But only at the fact that he could have died at the age of fourteen.

After standing up, a few tears slowly go down his cheek. And then finally falling off of his face. He wipes his face and darts off into the direction he was facing.

The sound he made from his feet was so loud that the group of people he heard last night; Had heard him.

[They] begin to run towards him. That's when he hears sounds coming from behind him. [Susumu] begins to think, "Crap! Something noticed me and is following me. This is bad!! This is SOOOOOO bad!!!!"

His adrenaline activates, and he begins to go a lot faster. The chasers notice this, and one of them starts to pick up their pace as well.

[Susumu] starts to notice that there's a noise that's getting closer to him. He starts to break into a cold sweat. But being under pressure like this helps [Susumu] realize something.

The something was an idea he had just thought of; This idea was for him to take a deep breath and hold it. Doing so would constrict his lungs. That way, his body would be forced to use up the oxygen that's in his lungs. And not the amount that is outside of him.

Doing this helped the power from the adrenaline condense his muscles. Instead of only numbing the pain, it gives him small amounts of power. Which helps his calf, quadriceps, and hamstrings run faster without feeling the fatigue and slowing down.

Such a technique causes his pursuers to make a choice. [They] either give up, split up, or keep going at the pace they're at. Surprisingly, [They] choose to split up.

Which makes less noise that's noticeable; And makes it harder for [Susumu] to know where they're at. It worries [Susumu] and puts him on edge. It was so unexpected that he didn't know what to do.

Being very unsure of everything; He focuses on running back to the field. But then he hears a sound from his left, getting louder and louder. The hair on [Susumu]'s arms and neck stand up.

Feeling his adrenaline fading from him. He begins to start sweating again. That's when his instincts tell him that his body is going to get kicked from the side; Right on the stomach and rib cage.

So in five seconds, he came to a halt and jumped as far back as he could. Because he trusts his instincts, he avoided the kick. And the [Stranger] fell on his or her side. The person makes an "OOF!!" sound from the pain they just felt.

[Susumu], who had already landed on his feet, started to feel very uneasy. Because he had ran into someone who could catch up with him and have the initiative to fight him mid-run.

Feeling nervous, he begins to prepare himself for what might come and begins to get into both a defensive and offensive stance.

He clenches his right hand into a fist. Then moves it closer to his face. And at the same time, he moves his left hand forward while clenching it. He jumps up and puts his right foot behind him and his left foot forward. Then slightly turns his torso to the right after landing.

That's when the [Stranger] starts to get up and say, "Ho abla low langa. Hee la shanga?"