
An Intense Fight

[Susumu] hears the [Stranger] say something to him, but it just sounds like gibberish. He stands his ground, never loosening up. The [Stranger] then says, "Ho? Wee wa na? Abla ala hee na shala."

No matter what, [Susumu] will never understand a single word. Because the [Stranger] speaks a language he doesn't know. But as his focus is on the [Stranger] another presence shows up.

He doesn't know where it is. But he knows it's not just the two of them. The [Stranger] then sighs and says, "Nee na la sha."

After that was said, the [Stranger] dashed towards [Susumu]. Pulling out a dagger and thrusting it towards him. But unlike the [Stranger], who was being cocky; [Susumu] had crouched and pulled back his right fist.

Just with that, the difference between [Susumu] and the stranger, was displayed. The [Stranger] assumed that his or her enemy was unarmed. But with that assumption came confidence and ego.

Then the [Stranger] thought he had the advantage. But that cockiness had turned that advantage into a disadvantage; Which gave [Susumu] an upper hand on the first hit.

His right fist hits and connects with the [Stranger]'s stomach. With both bodies being nimble, they're quick and agile. But when that connects, the fist had pushed the [Stranger]'s body back.

The [Stranger] is surprised that they feel genuine pain. They didn't anticipate that such a guy would even pose a threat. That puts the [Stranger] on edge a little bit.

It makes them swell up in this hot swirl of energy called anger. The [Stranger] prepares their footing and runs back at him.

Switching the fighting styles mid-run, and then swinging the left arm towards [Susumu] again. But this time the [Stranger] strikes lower. With the attack being anticipated, again, the [Stranger] misses.

[Susumu] had evaded that left swing by standing up and kicking the [Stranger] with his left foot. He hits the [Stranger]'s face.

Which causes him or her to fall on their left side. And he takes that moment to run forward.

He starts running again but is interrupted by an arrow. He dodges it because of his instincts being able to predict it happening; And because of the sound of the arrow being shot. The [Stranger] gets back up after realizing that they just lost the element of surprise.

It frustrates the [Stranger] because now they'll have to resort to less sneaky tactics. So the [Stranger] dashes at [Susumu] again. But this time, [Susumu] doesn't fight back.

He evades the [Stranger] again. But this time [Susumu] hits the right side of the [Stranger]'s face. He then knocks the dagger out of the [Stranger]'s hand. It couldn't stay in the [Stranger]'s hand forever.

So because of the sweat that's coming from the hand. The [Stranger] had just lost their weapon. And that's what [Susumu] was aiming for.

Thinking, "It's hard to fight someone who has a weapon without losing." He reaches to go pick it up. But another arrow gets shot at him.

Hearing the sound, he quickly jumps forward and grabs the dagger with his left hand. Quickly turning around, he deflects it the second it got close. [Susumu] breathes heavily after such a close call.

He looks around while thinking, "What the fuck!?"

"Is this how this world is!?"

"Everyone is just fighting each other from every direction!"


"Even innocent people are being killed!!"

Being filled with even more anger. [Susumu]'s body swells up with very intense heat. All the bottled-up anger he had, combines with it. It's so intense that he can no longer resist lashing out.

At that moment, he had decided that he would either kill or incapacitate them. Thinking, "Since these fuckers really wanna fight this dirty, It's time to fuck 'em up!!"

To [Susumu], they had now become an enemy. There was no turning back after that. He was trying to be nice, but there's no turning back now.

[Susumu] gets up off the ground and quickly passes the dagger to his right hand. He gets into an offensive stance.

Putting his right leg back and left leg forward. He keeps his right hand between his face and chest and finishes off the stance with his left hand being further away from his body. That way, he has one hand armed and the other open.

He then locks his eyes on the [Stranger] and runs straight to him. The [Stranger] who had gotten up off the ground; gets scared of [Susumu].

To [Susumu], these guys are sly and intimidating. They are hard to beat but not hard to predict. His instincts are what kept him alive. If it wasn't for his instincts then he would have already had an arrow in him.

And that scares [Susumu] a lot because he has to take care of his six-year-old brother. But to the [Stranger] and [Archer], [Susumu] is very scary because he dodged arrows that were coming from the [Archer]; Even though the [Archer] is hiding in the wooden trees.

Meanwhile, [Susumu] is scary to the [Stranger], who had a weapon and was faster than [Susumu]. Because he seems to have no weaknesses even when he's wide open; But due to not knowing who he was and his weaknesses. [Susumu] is the strongest one there.

Also combined with the cocky attitude that the [Stranger] had. They lost almost any advantage they had. The [Stranger] sweats thinking, "Holy shiiiiit! I FUUUUUUUUCKED UP!!"

"I was too careless."

"Soooooo careless and arrogant."

"Why is it always me who fucks up this bad!?"

The [Stranger], who is sweating a lot, starts freaking out. But even with him freaking out, he still comes up with a new plan. This new plan was to distract [Susumu] long enough to get shot by an arrow. But to do so, he'd have to pick up the dagger that fell out of his pocket.

He knows he'll need that dagger because the [Stranger]'s instincts are telling him that he's dead. As soon as he grabs the dagger, he notices that [Susumu] is running at him. Thinking, "What!? When did he-"

Before he could finish that thought, [Susumu] had already swung at him with his own dagger. The [Stranger] blocks it with the dagger he quickly grabbed off the ground. The [Stranger] then jumps back after blocking it.

The last thing that the [Stranger] thinks is, "Well, we don't have much of a choice now."