Servant of the Axe - Logic Does Not Apply

Chapter Type: Conflict (versus others)

They came for us that night, bearing ladders so long that it took four men to carry them.  Someone to our right hadn't waited for the signal, and we were awake.  We couldn't dislodge those heavy ladders, but they were wood.  Enough flaming pitch poured on them, and they spread cheer throughout the defenders among the wall.

And then the orders of dumbness arrived.

Orders we could either obey, or be beheaded.

"Who issued these orders?" Peng Gang asked.  But the young girl didn't know, so we went.  All the way back down the staircase, through the courtyard and out the gate, where units were forming up into haphazard lines.

"General Mong Tu?  Who made that dolt a general?"

"So, we're heading back inside?" Lian Zhi asked.

"What?  Hell, no.  Someone in power tells you to march or die, you march.  Mong Tu may be an idiot, but he's still the idiot in charge."