Servant of the Axe - Form Up

Chapter Type:  Conflict (versus others)

The next day went very differently.  Our archers were called to the front right out of the gate, and began firing as the enemy came into range.

Oh, I suppose that was different, too.  The enemy archers were quicker to respond to our emergence from the gate.  But it was also more piecemeal than the day before. 

If you don't know what a leapfrog is, then we advanced our front row of archers, let them fire a volley, then a second rank of archers would advance past the first row and release theirs.  The infantry would advance to where the second rank had come from during this process.

For everyone who knows, we leapfrogged toward the enemy, who mustered before us in groups.

And then, way too early, the Cult of the Octopus (about two dozen of them) screamed and began to charge.