Shiny and New

Because dream logic, Anansi was now a dark-skinned human, in formal attire and smoking using one of those long wooden cigar holders. "Ah, now what were we going to talk about?"

"There's my new nemesis." I said.

"No, she's just going to kill you when you ascend. Or she'll imbue a champion to do it for you. The hate sex if you last to adulthood though, that will be epic."

"Wait." I said. "Hate sex is REAL? I thought Black Madonna was just making it up to watch me squirm."

"Eh-ha-ha!" he chuckled. "If that bothers you, just wait until you discover... Hm, but no, we aren't here to discuss sex, either."

"I'm here to thank my dream guardian." I said, "And perhaps Sobek, if he's willing to see me."