Blood and Bandages

If it were me, I'd have given the lessons on first aid before the first floggings.

"Okay." I said to Sougwa's... boyfriend? Man-slave? Cultist?

"This," I said, "Is a Plainstrider Healing Potion. Takes a day's nutrition to work, takes an hour to work, provides a day's worth of healing. There are side effects of trying to use more than one in a day."

Astrolocus squinted at me, "At what cost? If our squad suffers, does yours not prosper in comparison?"

"I don't see things that way." I said. "The potion's magic will expire with the coming of the new moon. Why should it go to waste?"

"Fine." he said. "No strings attached. You got this from Rebis?"

"I got it by abusing an empty pot for two hours." I said.

Astro wasn't the strongest of us, but he was quick of mind and swift of wit. "You MADE this? You have to teach us."