Apprentice Apothocary

I looked at her extended hand as she might have looked at my own. Not since Red Hare, a goblin witch doctor, had an apprenticeship worked out in my favor.

"In my defense," I said, "you haven't given me your name."

I'd been about to say that she was human. That... might work out for others, and if I live long enough, might also work for me.

"Wendi." she said, shaking the hand slightly up and down. "Our landlady and boss is named Gwendolyn."

"For one year and a day." I said. "A trial apprenticeship."

She beamed as though she knew what she was getting. "Great! Where should we start?"

"Citizenship papers?" I hoped out loud.

"You need Gwen for that, she owns the house." She tapped her chin idly. "We need twenty parcels of anti-allergen tea. Powder, not mixed and boiled. Do you know the recipe?"

I recited the one I knew of.

She frowned. "Learn to say no, masteress, I do not." <1>