Remember how I had begun the bad process of mingling my mystic wastes with my physical?
Well, I was cleaning dishes after breakfast (she never did ask what happened to the second chicken) when Wendi stormed in. She glared at me for a few seconds.
"Where are your ears?" she asked.
"These holes here and here." I said, sensing her irritation but having no means of locating the cause.
"How am I to grab hold of those and drag you to the scene of your crimes?"
I set the dishes down gently. "Which crimes am I accused of?"
"There are spirits, trapped in the midden house, screaming for help."
"I fail to see how that is my crime. Why are spirits... oh."
I saw it.
"I see how this is my mess to clean up."
"Bwaagh! What are your DOING?"
"Lowering the back of my pants."
I touched a finger to one of my spinnerets and began to pull forth a length of silk.
"That is not natural." Wendi said.