"GIVE THE DRESS TO HER!!" A loud demanding voice broke through me and I was awaken. I turned left right to find Jeannine and Kelly right in front of me.

"Did you not hear me???" Kelly repeated and I was the one trembling.

"W-what?? But...I...saw it..first..., why would I give it???" she defended herself pushing the dress behind her like a little girl.

Kelly rolled her eyes and wasted no minute. She snapped her fingers and pointed at Jeannine.

Out of nowhere, two powerful women grabbed hold of her and snatched the dress away, keeping in mind that it shouldn't be damaged.

I looked at them and of course took a step back. They were the tallest women I'd ever seen: the length of Goliath. They had the muscle of Dwayne Johnson not forgetting a bad attitude. Awful combination.

"Here...." one of them thundered and gave the dress to me. Looking up at her made me feel shorter than I already was. I felt like a doll that had escaped from her dollhouse and she was out to fetch me. Creepy.

"Why the heck did you do that for????" Jeannine, now red with anger as a tomato, yelled at Kelly.

"Did you forget you're on probation? You're sick remember....why do I feel like you keep forgetting? Did you perhaps make that up and it's actually a false allegation???" she asked straight forward and Jeannine's expression froze.

"Uh-- no....I...did...i.uh...did not..." she stammered.

"I thought so....." Kelly gave a scornful look and walked to her chair.

She took out three A4 papers which she handed to Jeannine. As she was reading it, the expressions on her face changed from sad to depressed then to gruesome.

What exactly was there?

Kelly went back to her seat and took the microphone.

"Time's up girls! Next stoppp.....Sparrr!!!!" she yelled and the whole place went into a ruckus, with everyone running all over.

Kelly grabbed me and Jeannine by the hand and took us aside.

"I am a woman of dignity and I value my image so well that I am not going to place chase...." she pointed it out looking at both Jeannine and me.

Wasn't she on my side? Why was she suddenly acting like I was the evil one?

"I already told you....she poisoned me....!!" Jeannine insisted and am not sure for what fool she took us to be as no one would believe such a story.

She had no evidence and I clearly had no reason to kill her. Considering the incident back at the salon, she was the one that was supposed to play culprit with me as the victim.

"Good. I believe you. See??" Kelly said the last part looking at me.

"This is the lab result of the blood sample we took from Jeannine and it confirms that she was really poisoned....." Kelly announced and my heart broke.

How was that possible? I never did such a thing.

I turned to Jeanine to try and read her thoughts thinking that maybe I'd get a clue.

Unlike me, she was rather shocked as I expected her to be.

She had clearly won the battle. What was I going to do now.?

"But....uh...." she started out if words. I scanned her for more clues and figured this was all a game and Kelly was the main host, with me and Jeanine as the players.

All this was a joke.

She was just helping me beat Jeannine at her own game.


"So because of that, you can't take part in any of the activities we are doing over here. Utterly nothing..."

" don't understand....I am doing alright now...I am fine....I can walk, I can move I can jump ...." the desperate girl pleaded and used whatever form of evidence she had to prove herself innocent. I could see her tearing apart and the tension in her was evident.

"You are my guest, Ms and it's my responsibility to make sure that you're absolutely fine. I have already sent a copy of your treatment your inbox and am sure you'll comply. You're the accuser and if you want to win this case you have to stand by the fact that you're raising. Which is why I have cancelled out your name on all function's attendant's list...."

"YOU DID WHAT????" Jeannine's eyes widened and tears formed.

"You heard right...." I added.

"You will hereby not be able to take part in any activity and be ensured proper rest. You will have two saline transfusions twelve hourly and will be kept on sedatives for proper monitoring...." Jeannine read out the entire facts from her phone.

"This is torture....I promise am fine....listen to me please....." she begged but to no avail.

"If I listen to you, then I'd have to listen to Eleanor and believe she's right and you're wrong...." Kelly walked towards Jeannine who swallowed rather loudly.

"No don't do that...."

"Thank please report to your room while we go for a spar....." Kelly ordered and Jeannine stood there dumb minded.

Kelly snapped her fingers again and the two giant girls came over in less than a minute.

They must've had sharp hearing sensation to detect such a sound from afar.

"Take her to her room please...." she ordered. "And be sure to give her a room with proper lighting and no sockets. I want her to rest not to be on her phone....."

"Okay Boss....." the nodded and carried Jeannine away.

As she walked, she glared at me and then at the dress in my hands. I didn't know just like me, her eyes landed on a treasure.

I could she the pain in her as she walked away. Her forehead was wrinkled in rage and her cheeks popped as she constantly breathed in and out. She was still looking at us until she went out of sight.

This wasn't gonna be as easy as I thought.

"You're messing with her...." I stood by Kelly holding onto my newly found dress and stilettos.

"If I won't make her pay and confess to her crime herself then my name isn't Kelly...."