"HERE....HAVE SOME WATER...." A silent voice spoke from my side and a classic glass tumbler came to my sight.

My eyes abruptly darkened as I looked at this woman. I frowned and pushed her hand away setting the beautiful piece of glass to ruins.

"No! I don't want water!!" I yelled at her and she shivered and took a few steps back. "Who was that guy?? And how can you say that no one came in unnoticed???"

"Ma'am...we have very tight security here and I can assure you they stood watch 24-7. No one came in or went out ..." the man standing next to her explained and asked her to leave.

"Are you kidding me?? So you're saying am mad??"

"No...miss...that's not what we are saying...."

"I think it precisely is. Then explain to me how this carton came into my room? I am telling you a man came and delivered this to me...." I begged him to believe me but he stood his ground and gave me reasons to why he wasn't.

According to him, there was a security guard outside my room and he had been there the entire time that I got into the room. And if he went for a bathroom break, he would ask his friend to cover his duty for him which seemed more like a fallacy than fiction.

"I understand your claim madam. We will look into it...." was all he said. That was not enough for me. Look into it? Really? My life was being threatened and all he could say was he will look into it?

I was so engaged and asked him to leave.

His service was useless to me and would add not even an inch to solving this mystery.

"Elly...." My ears immediately captured the voice of Adam and I rushed to open the door. He was still in the hallway when I rushed my hands on him into a hug.

I cried bitterly as disappointment formed scales on my skin. I didn't know anymore if being here was worth it. After fleeing Peru, I thought it was all over but suddenly someone sent an evil clown to drag me to the underworld.

Who was it that was playing cat and rat with me?

" here now...." he rubbed my back and I stood back. He touched my face and ran his fingers beneath my eye.

I took a deep breath and followed him leading me into the room. He sat me down on the couch and handed me yet another glass. I narrowed my eyes at him in denial. I wasn't thirst. Why were they giving me a glass of water?

"Am not thirsty...." I looked away.

"I know...." he protested. I looked at him and just grabbed the glass. If we had to go for a contest, I'd come out a loser.

"Thank you..." he responded and placed it down on the nightstand.

"I don't understand it....who keeps doing this??" he asked and looked him in the eye wondering if I should tell him about what Lana said.

"I also don't know...." I exhaled and rested my head on his shoulder.

"The manager called me and said you weren't consolable. He asked if he should talk to Kelly about it and I told him I'd handle it...." he sat forward and petted my hair.

"Thank you for not telling her...I really don't want to disrupt her wedding. First Jeannine and now this...." I felt sorry. Jeannine was out of the way and I still felt like a problem for Kelly.

First of all I excused myself to leave for my anniversary which was rude of me but she allowed me. Then I got involved with Jeannine and now I didn't even participate in her beach party.

This wedding is something big to her and I was supposed to consider myself worthy of being here but it seemed nothing of the sort was happening.

I had to change.

Threat or no threat, I was going to out my head in this wedding and make sure the bride gets just the best.

"Conan called...." Adam killed the long silence that coated us. I opened my eyes and looked at him.

"What did he say??" I asked so desperate like is go for a loan shark.

"He said he found something. He'll get on the next flight to Florida and he will meet us this evening...."

"Thank God...." I took a deep breath and hugged Adam. Finally we would know who exactly was causing all this mishaps.

"I just have to call him and tell him about this...." Adam gestured at the carton. "Maybe he might find anything related to it when he comes...."

"Sure..." I smiled.

He pecked my cheek and got off to make the car. I saw him walk to the balcony and as soon as he did, I quickly fetched my phone and dialed Aaron's number.

"Aaron did you do what I asked you to do??" I lashed out in anger and he knew very well that he had to work like an engineer with intense supervision.

"Yes ma'am. I bought a new phone as you requested and had its Simcard registered...." he explained and a smile bloomed onto my face.

"You did make sure that no trace of it will lead to you? I really do not want this backfiring on me..!"

"Affirmative ma'am. and do not worry....I have everything under control. Patiently awaiting your next command...." he replied in a serious tone that knew just how to make me play my game straight.

"Good job. Now I will send you a contact on your number along with a picture which you will send to the contact I'll send you, using the new you understand?"

"I do." I let out a deep breath and did just what I had explained.

I messaged Lana not so long ago to find me Jeannine's contact and she did in less than a second. This girl was playing games with me and now, she would know exactly what it felt like to mess with me.

After sending the picture to Aaron, I heard the door knob twist and I quickly put the phone away.

This matter was between me and Jeannine and I wanted no one else to have even a bit of it in the slightest.

Whatever insult or form of harassment she dared to send to me, I was going to send it back.