Chapter 181:Call Adam Right Now....

"Eleanor .....what are you looking for?????" Lauren asked. I ignored her. I continue with what I was doing and suddenly felt a harsh pinch on my arm. I turned my gaze only to find an angry Lauren. She was holding on tight to my arms and it was beginning to hurt.

"WOULD YOU ANSWER ME!!!! What is going on???" She asked harshly like an evil step mother. Cinderella? No. I wasn't ready to live her life. Enough was enough.

"Call Adam right now....." I ordered snatching my hand away from her. I was sweating and my entire gown had gotten wet. My hair had shrank into patches of thick fibre that fell off my face.

"Are you kidding me? Why are you obsessed with him? Just look at you? You look hideous like a ghost on halloween. You just woke up after passing out for over twelve hours and all you think of is Adam? Do you have any idea in the slightest what is going on outside?? You always pass out and in a blue, drop a bomb which explodes over social media. First it was the case with Natalia and now there's a video of you circulating online assaulting a princess!!!!! Are you insane!!!!" She shouted. I rubbed my eyes and sighed. I didn't care about all that. If I was going to lose everything maybe this was the time for it and I was ready. I didn't want to be the other woman in Adams life. Ria was, and she had to be made compliant.

"Are you done yet???" I asked frustrated.

"W-what?????" She glared at me in shock. I walked past her towards the door but my eyes caught sight of her purse. I opened and dismantled it in a second finally finding my phone. I let out a sigh of relief and walked to my bed.

Suddenly, a team of nurses and doctors walked in. I held the phone to my ear and turned around to look at them. They all seemed shocked to see me. They looked around the place and I followed their gaze. The bed sheets were everywhere, and droplets of blood stained the floor. I quickly looked at my hand and realised I had been bleeding the entire time.

"Ma'am...we need to attend to you...please aren't well...." One of the nurses walked to me and I raised my hand at her.

"Stop right there. Don't you dare come close to me...." I warned. 'the number you're dialing is unavailable. Please try again later...' the automatic computer voice replied. Why wasn't Adam picking up.

"Eleanor...." Lauren jumped in but I looked at her horrified.

"I know you'll have to get my consent to attend to me, it is against the law for you to just force treatment on me and believe me when I say I will not hesitate to open a case against you....!" I hissed and tried Adam's number again.

Why wasn't he picking up my calls? What was going on? I walked to the window and the entire place was full. A large crowd of almost half the city had gathered outside. Many with banners and charts that said 'down with Eleanor'. I breathed in and a sharp pain pierced my side; my cheeks flushed hot with blood. I was trembling and could barely support my hand against the glass window.

"Adam won't pick up. Your number has been blocked from his phone and it doesn't matter how many times you'll call him. He will never pick up. .." Lauren spoke to me in a calm and collected look. I knew for sure she was many things but lying wasn't one of them. She was telling the truth. The painful bitter truth.

My knuckles whitened around the phone and it dropped from my hand; smashing against the floor. I felt weakness in my knees and a knife turn my gut. My heart missed a beat. Adam blocked my number?? Why? Why was he doing this to me? The thought alone was cold and maliciously striking my chest. A hot tear ran down my cheek and I bit off a grasp covering my mouth.

"'s alright....." Lauren bent down and wrapped her arms around me. I cried bitterly letting out the full force of the heart break. I never imagined I could ever part ways with Adam. That was in itself like mopping the ocean; a mere dream.

"Hey hey hey...calm down....don't gonna be fine....just let them treat you. You need a sedative..." Lauren convinced me but I quickly shove her hands off.

"No! I need to see Adam..." I cried.

"'re mentally can't see him. You need to get treated....."

I felt like I was dreaming. Mentally unstable? Are they kidding me now?

"Yes my dear. You have what we call Obsessive Love Disorder. You're obsessed with Adam to the point that you've become a threat to him, to yourself and to everyone else. You have to stay away....from him...." The doctor nodded as he walked toward me. I noticed he hid a syringe behind him and I was sure it was a sedative.

I had to act fast. I couldn't let them take me to sleep now. I wasn't ready. I had to talk to Adam at any cost.

"Ms. Eleanor listen to me very carefully..." The doctor started, creating rapport. I swallowed my pride and felt it go all the way down my gut. Kill or get killed. That's where this had gotten.

"You want to inject me a sedative don't you? So that I fall asleep and never get the chance to talk to Adam....isn't that right???" I asked and he shook his head.

"No....that's not it..."

"She put you to this, didn't she? Ria....Iridessa. So much of a princess if you ask me. She's so cheap and wicked. She did this. Didn't she? She asked you to accuse me of being mentally unstable so that I'd be locked away in some asylum while she lives happily ever after with my boyfriend...."

"No. You's not like ---"

"You misunderstand!!" I shouted. "Adam is in danger. I have to protect him from that horrible woman. Please....let me go...." I begged. I was out of ideas and plans. Adam was the only one on my mind but I couldn't even get through to him.

"Eleanor....if there's anyone in danger then it's us....we need to stay as far away from you as possible...." I

Lauren yelled at me and I staggered back in shock. Before I could even answer, she grabbed me by the arm and pulled me to the corner.

"What are you---"

"Eleanor, a video of you harassing the queen of England got out ....." she spilled the beans and my eyes widened. "The situation out there is not so good. From being on Vogue's cover and being woman of the year to this.....are you serious??? I remember telling you Adam was going to be the death of you and here we are...."

"Oh my God ....." I raised my hands to the back of my head and let what she said sink in.

"We couldn't do otherwise and bring you in, admitting you with a psychiatric report that said you have been stressed and depressed for a very long's what bought us sometime to come this far.....if you go out now, you risk everything we've worked so hard for. Do you even know they are thinking of taking the award away from you????" she asked again and I only fell to my knees burying my fave in my lap.

"Eleanor.... we're back to when the world hated you..." she reminded me and the butter memories made me cry. I couldn't believe it. I was more than satisfied and confident when I arrived in America from England. I was happy that I had delt with that seductive blonde and had her away from my man. Unfortunately, I did not see it coming. Everything was spinning out of control and I could see Adam slowly drift away from me. That woman had him under a spell and I didn't know any magic to break it. What would I do? I had no idea whether my actions were right or wrong. Adam told me to always follow my heart. I did everything my heart told me to but I felt like I wasn't getting anywhere with it. No one understood me.

"You have to stay here.....don't go anywhere....." Lauren adviced but the demon in me wasn't taking it. I pushed her out of the way and headed for the doctor.

"Look here doctor ..." I fell to his feet and begged. "Please .. let me just talk to Adam. I promise and give you my word, I will be back. In fact, you can come with me to his house. You can take me from their and I will comply just as long as I talk to him...." I thought about it and using force would mean I lose. I was outnumbered and they were all teamed up against me. I couldn't win.

"Please give her one more chance....." Lauren begged. "I was the one who gave my consent to you to treat her when she had passed out. Please....grant her just this wish...."

"Ma' don't understand. I might lose my license if I don't handle this well. She might be a famous person and having some drama in her private life but she's a patient and it's my duty to save her life as well as that of those around her....." The doctor defended and I rubbed my forehead. This was getting nowhere.

"...and even if I had to let her go....the hospital's security would pick up the fact that she was leaving and she'd be caught. More than a thousand people are outside the hospital waiting to have her answer their's almost impossible to get out...." He worried again and I sat in despair.

When did my life turn to this? Almost the entire world was outside waiting to see me and all with evil thoughts. How do we kill her was the question on their heads. I just loved. How was that wrong?

I just cared about someone and suddenly I was the wrong one. Why was I being treated unfairly? She, the princess of Buckingham, snatched a man away from me but no-one says a thing about it. Not even a finger was raised against her. Then, I, fought for the man I loved dearly. And suddenly I was the villain. I was wrong. I was at fault. I was responsible for the violence and had to pay for it. Really? How was this fair in any way to me? I had so many questions that demanded answers. And only Adam was the one who would provide these answers for me. That's why it was necessary for me to meet him.

"Okay.....I'll give her the permit to go in condition that we come along...." The doctor finally agreed. I wasn't too excited about it. I'd rather be in this hospital if I had it up to me but as circumstance had it, I had to get out.

"So...what's the plan???"