The star of time (i)

The teleportation from the tower to the house was a success. The door into the simulation turned blue and spat out the group. Knowing that they were back to their reality, they were at ease yet in trouble.

"Alright then... Where are the others at?"

Dennis asked. Looking around the room, they left a couple of hours ago.

"In the ship... We went to the United Kingdom while the rest headed to the north pole to track you down."

Dj replied, giving Dennis an answer while something wasn't right to him.

"Track me down? That can't be right. If it's by energy readings, then there should be one, not two..."

At that moment, Dennis was nervous for a moment as he felt a gun on the back of his head. Everyone turned around and saw Dennis being held at gunpoint by the stranger that they took with them. None of them raised even a finger to stop them.

"Put the gun down... We can talk it out if you want to, but you will gain nothing if you end up killing me..."

Dennis said to the stranger, and they didn't respond. They lowered their weapon and walked out of the room without a word. Sparing Dennis's life. They all looked at the stranger walk out and wondered what was in their mind.

"I'm calling Dwight..."

Owen said, and grabbed his phone. As it rang, no one responded. He tried again while they were walking out of the room, yet no response. Only one thing came to mind. Something went down while they were gone.

"Dennis, he isn't responding. Do we know of another vehicle that we can use?"

"There is an airport nearby, but none of us know how to fly an actual plane... There's the gate in the simulation, but that will take too long..."

"Or we can use this pocket watch."

Yen then handed over the pocket watch to Dennis that he received from Kronos.

"If we use it. It will take us to someone that might help us."

"Fine then, but we need to take the stranger with us. Last thing I want is for them to mess around with the place... And I'm going to destroy this place. If we want to fix this, we can't have no traces of X, me, or even Maxwell remaining."

Dennis said to his friends and walked over to the stranger that was sitting in the center of the couch offered his left hand while holding the pocket watch on his right.

"Come on, you are coming with us. Friend or foe, but I can tell that you are not our enemy."

Dennis said to the stranger. They allowed them to give it thought. After a minute, they tilted their head and looked at Dennis as he saw his own reflection on a black helmet with a headset mark on the face. They grabbed his hand elegantly and walked out of the house.

Once they were all out, Dennis was getting ready to cast a spell. Knowing what the house meant to him over the years, but this wasn't the house how he remembered.

"Goodbye home... I'll be seeing you soon."

Dennis said as he was feeling nostalgic.

"Dad, are you sure about this?"

Yen asked his father. Saying goodbye to something that was part of his life was a hard choice and hard to endure.

"Yeah... I'm sure about this..."

He then took off his glasses and put on the one Spike gave him at X's house. After he creates a small white particle. Almost as if it was snow. The wind then blows it towards the house while they all starred at it as a ray of light destroyed the house and two more showed up. Both targeting the tower and X's house. Leaving nothing behind.

Everyone turned their backs and walked away while Dennis opened the pocket watch where it took them to Kronos hallway.

They were all on the ground, disoriented after a warp of reality. The kids were on their knees while Owen was on the ground. Dennis was standing up while Dj was trying to gain his balance while keeping an eye out on the stranger was holding on to him.

"Everyone okay?"

Dj asked. They all replied with moans of pain while Dennis didn't respond.

"I got a question... Did you guys make a deal with a god?"

As soon as Dennis asked while looking at his friends. The doors that Kronos awaited were open and there Dennis saw her. Waiting for a throne made of clocks. He went over to her, knowing what he should expect. And when he entered the room. The doors closed behind him.


Dj shouted. He went to open the door once he placed the stranger on the floor, and when he did. He only found the room where they met Kronos for the first time.

Back in the room where Kronos was. Dennis was standing right in front of her with his hands in his pockets.

"Welcome, I have been waiting for you for some time now..."

"And I'm on a timer as of now. This has to do something that F did, right?"

"No, you are mistaken. This is something that you have been doing for quite some time now..."

Kronos said to Dennis. She then snapped her fingers and showed moments when Dennis felt that time was lingering over him. It made him feel lost and kneeled on his knees.

"You should understand by now that I want what is mine back... And you are holding a small fraction of it."

"You don't know what you have done just now..."

Kronos then raised an eyebrow while she saw Dennis smiling. His smile then turned into a laugh as he was getting up. It made Kronos feel fear for the first time in her life. When Kronos saw Dennis get up, she could look into his glowing brown eyes.

"What I have is not fragments of your power... You know my history..."

Dennis then calls out to Sin and points his blade at Kronos.

"You know what happened to me... Everything that I have done, and this is the aftermath that my other self achieved. He goes through life and hell looking for a way home while I lived a normal life. Now I'm living the dream that I wanted with his memories... Now part of him is now into a sword... the last fragment out of five of them..."

"He is alive... Somewhere... Dormant for the rest of eternity without a way to wake up from an endless dream..."

After Kronos said that to Dennis. He could figure out the exact location of his other self.

"You want to get out of here? Go back to the actual world and roam around as you wish?"

Dennis asked a question and call off Sin.

"Yes, I do. You are the only one that can do it. If you do this for me... I will help you find out more about who you are looking for..."

Kronos said to Dennis. With no other option for him to take. He accepted her deal and felt that something was forming the room. It was familiar, yet faint.

Dennis saw that his vision went blank and sees a bright grey start in front of him and vanished as he gained his sight back.