
In the woods at night, Molly runs through the woods away from the cabin. She staggers onto the road, where a car is approaching and she says "Stop!" She stands in the middle of the road, hands out and Dean says "Holy-!" He stops the Impala just in front of her and Molly says "You've got to help me." She goes to the passenger's side and pounds on the window, which Sam rolls down and Molly says "Please. Please!" Sam says "All right, all right. Calm down, calm down. Tell us what happened." On the road Sarah, Sam and Dean have parked the Impala by the road and all four of them are standing around it and Molly says "I-I swerved, a-And we crashed. And when I came to, the car was wrecked and my husband was missing. I went looking for him, but that's when the man from the road, he... he started chasing me." Dean asks "Did he look like he lost a fight with a lawn mower?" Molly says "How did you know that?" Dean says "Lucky Guess." Sarah asks "Ma'am, what's your name?" Molly says "Molly. Molly Mcnamara." Sarah exchanges a look to both Dean and Sam and says "I think maybe you should come with us. We'll take you back into town." Molly says "I can't. I have to find David,He might have gone back to the car." Sam says "We should get you somewhere safe first, Then Dean, Sarah and I will come back and we'll look for your husband." Molly says "No. I'm not leaving here without him. Would you just take me back to my car, please?" Sarah says "Of course. Come on."

In the woods the impala parks by the woods near the crash site They get out, Molly leading them into the woods and she says "It's right over there." They come upon the crash site, but the car is gone and she says "I don't understand. I'm sure this is where it was. W-We hit that tree right there. This... this doesn't make any sense." She goes and invest and out of earshot Sarah says "Dean, we got to get out of here Greeley could show up at any second." Dean then asks Sam "What are you gonna tell her?" Sam says "The truth?" Dean says "She's gonna take off running in the other direction." Molly says "I know it sounds crazy, but I crashed into that tree. I don't know who could've taken it. It was totaled. Please. You have to believe me." Sarah says "Molly, listen, we do believe you but that's why we want to get you out of here." Molly says "What about David? Something must have happened and I have to get to the cops." Dean says "Cops... that's a great idea,We'll take you down to the station ourselves. So just come with us, It's the best way we can help you and your husband."

Molly says "Okay." She comes back up and They drive down the road, Molly in the backseat with Sarah and Molly says "We're supposed to be in lake Tahoe." Sam says "You and David?" Molly says "It's our five-year anniversary." Dean says "A hell of an anniversary." Molly says "Right before, we were having the dumbest fight." She sighs and continues " It was the only time we ever really argued... when we were stuck in the car." Sarah laughing and says "Yeah. I know how that goes." Molly says "You know the last thing I said to him? I called him a jerk. Oh, god. What if that's the last thing I said to him?" Sam turning to face her and says "Molly... We're gonna figure out what happened to your husband. I promise." Suddenly the radio starts making odd noises, then plays 'House of the Rising Sun'. Dean frowns at it and asks Sam "Did you-- ?" Sam says "No." Dean says "I was afraid you'd say that." Molly says "This song ..." Sarah says "What?" Molly says "It was playing when we crashed." The radio crackles again, and settles on another station a creepy voice Greeley's can be heard.

Greeley says "She's mine. She's mine. She's mine." Molly asks "What is that?" Greeley appears in the middle of the road and Dean floors it straight at him and says "Hold on." Molly asks "What are you doing?" He drives straight into Greeley , who vanishes in a puff of smoke Molly was confused and then she asks "What the... What the hell just happened?" Sarah says "Don't worry, Molly, Everything's gonna be all right."The impala begins to shudder and he says "Spoke a little too soon, Sarah." The Impala coasts to a stop on the side of the road and Dean tries to start it again but the ignition sputters and Dean says "I don't think he's gonna let her leave."

All four of them exit the car, Molly says "This can't be happening." Dean says "Well... Trust me, It's happening." He opens the trunk, Dean and Sarah starts pulling out weaponry and Molly comes around and sees the arsenal, backs away slowly and she says "Well... Okay. Thanks for helping, but I think I got it covered from here." Sam goes after her and says "Wait. Molly, Molly, wait a minute." Sam says "Just leave me alone." Sam says "No no no. Please. You have to listen to me." Molly says "Just stay away." She turns and starts to leave and then Sam says "It wasn't a coincidence that we found you, all right?" Molly stops and turns around and she says "What are you talking about?" Dean says "We weren't just cruising for chicks when we ran into you, sister. We were already out here, Hunting." Dean says "Ghosts." Sarah exasperated and says "D... d... don't... Sugarcoat it for her." Molly says "You're nuts." Dean says "Really? About as nuts as a vanishing guy with his guts spilling out. You know what you saw." Sam says "We think his name is Jonah Greeley he was a local farmer that died 15 years ago on this highway."

Molly says "Just ... stop." Sarah says "One night a year, on the anniversary of his death, he haunts this road. That's why we're here, Molly. To try and stop him." Molly says "Now, I suppose this ... ghost made my car disappear, too." Dean says "Crazier things have happened, huh?" Molly says "You know what? I'm all filled up on crazy, I'm gonna get the cops myself." Dean says "I don't mean to be harsh, but I don't think you're gonna get too far." Sarah and Sam look over at Dean and Molly says "What is that supposed to mean?" Dean says "Means that plan A was trying to get you out of here obviously that didn't go over too well with, uh, Farmer Roadkill." Sam says "Molly, we're telling the truth, Greeley's not gonna let you leave this highway." Molly says "You're s... you're serious about this, aren't you?" Sarah says "Deadly." Sam says "Every year, Greeley finds someone to punish for what happened to him, Tonight that person is you." Molly asks "Why me? I didn't do anything." Sarah says "Doesn't matter, Some spirits only see what they want." Molly says "So you're saying this ... Greeley, he took my husband? Oh, god." Sam says "Molly, look, we're gonna help, all right? But first, you gotta help us." Molly asks "Help you how?"

Molly has led them back to the cabin where she saw Greeley and she says "This is it, This is where I saw him." Sarah says "Must have been his hunting cabin." They see vicious tools hanging, a bloodstained table and he says "Huh. Seemed like a real sweet guy." Sam says "No markers or headstones outside." Molly looks at the three of them confused and then she asks "You're looking for Greeley's grave?" Sam says "Yeah." She asks "Why?" Sarah says "So we can dig up the corpse and salt and burn it." Molly says "Oh. Sure, naturally." Sam says "It's a way to get rid of a spirit." Molly says "And that'll save David?" Sam says "Well, this is what'll help both of you, provided there's a corpse to be found." Molly asks "So how do we find it?" Sarah says "I'm not sure. After Greeley died, his wife claimed the body. And that was the last anyone saw of her. So good guess she brought him back here, But they had a thousand acres and he could be buried anywhere on 'em." Molly says "So this is really what you guys do? You're like Ghostbusters?" Sam says "Yeah." Dean says "Minus the jumpsuits, This is a fascinating conversation and all, but this highway is only haunted once a year, and we got till sun-up to wrap this thing up, What do you say we move it along, okay? Great."

They go outside and continue their search and Molly says "What are we looking for?" Sam says "Greeley's house. Maybe he's buried there, Look for roads or paths or something, Stay Close." Molly says "Yeah. Okay." She then hears a voice and the voice says "Molly? Molly, help me. Molly?" Molly says "David? David? David!" She goes in search of the voice, Greeley appears and grabs her, she screams then Dean pointing his shotgun at Greeley and he says "Whoops." He shoots Greeley in the head and he disappears.

Sam and Sarah runnings to them and Sarah says "Hey! Are you all right?" Molly says "What has that son of a bitch done with my husband?" Sam says "Just take it easy, all right? You're gonna see David again, You will." Dean says "Hey!" indicating something ahead of them and says "Follow the creepy brick road." Sarah joins Dean, Sam gesturing Molly to follow Sarah and Dean; Sam takes up the rear. Molly asks "That thing shoots rock salt?" Sam says "Yep." She then asks "And plain salt keeps away spirits?" Sam says "Simple remedies are always the best. In most cultures, salt's a symbol of purity, so it repels impure and unnatural things. Same reason you throw it over your shoulder." They round the corner and see a creepy house and Dean says "You know, just once I'd like to round the corner and see a nice house." Sam and Molly enter the house; Dean and Sarah stays outside to look around then they both enter the house and Sam asks "Any headstones outside?" Dean says "Yeah, right. Is it ever that easy?" Sam says "Guess not." Dean then says "You two check upstairs see if you can find any notes or records telling us where he's buried me and Sarah just check down here."

Sam and Molly go upstairs and they find a room strewn with papers and Sam says "Great." He starts going through the papers; Molly finds an old scrapbook by the window and opens it and she says "Look at this." She takes the scrapbook to the bed and sits down and Sam joins her "It's Greeley and his wife." Sam turns a few pages and Molly says "It's a love letter he wrote her. My god, it's beautiful. I don't understand how a guy like this can turn into that monster." Sam says "Um ... Spirits like Greeley are, uh ... like wounded animals. Lost. In so much pain that ... they lash out." Molly asks "Why? Why are they here?" Sam says "Well, there's some part of them that... that's keeping them here. Like their remains or, um... unfinished business." Molly asks "Unfinished business?" Sam says "Yeah Uh, it could be revenge, Could be love or hate. Whatever it is, they just hold on too tight. Can't let go so they're trapped and caught in the same loops, Replaying the same tragedies over and over." Molly says "You sound almost sorry for them." Sam says "Well, they weren't evil people, you know? A lot of them were good. Just... Something happened to them, Something they couldn't control." Dean from the doorway says "Sammy's always getting a little J. Love Hewitt when it comes to things like this, Me, I don't like 'em. And I sure as hell ain't making apologies for 'em There's nothing downstairs, You find anything?" Sam says "Uh, just about every piece of mail or receipt they ever had. Looked through a couple, but nothing about a grave so far." Sarah then investigates a wall and Sam says "What?" Sarah says "There's something behind here." She tosses her flashlight to dean and then she "Here." moves a cabinet aside, revealing a small hidden door and she pokes inside and sees a safe and she tries to open it but its lock and she says "It's locked from the inside." Dean goes over and he throws a back kick at the door, which does nothing. He looks surprised, then braces himself and kicks harder,The door falls inward Once in the room they brush away cobwebs to stand up both Sarah and Dean goes inside and Sarah says "It smells like old lady in here." They find a corpse hanging by the neck from the ceiling and Dean says "And that would explain why. Well, now we know why nobody ever saw her again."

Molly says "She didn't want to live without him." Sam picking up a chair as if to take down the corpse and says "Dean, give me a hand." Dean says "Really?" Molly says "What are you gonna do?" Sarah says "We can't leave her like this." Dean says "Why not?" Sam says "She deserves to be put to rest, Dean." Dean reluctantly agrees, Sam stands on the chair and begins to cut through the rope as Dean steadies the corpse Dean says " Son of a ..." at the smell, or the horribleness of holding a corpse, Outside Sam and Dean digs a grave for Mrs. Greeley and Molly says "So... So, if you manage to put Greeley to rest, too... What happens to them?" Dean says "Lady, that answer is way beyond our pay grade." Molly says "You hunt these things, but you don't know what happens to them?" Dean says "Well, they never come back. That's all that matters." Sarah seeing that this answer has not satisfied her says "After they let go of whatever's keeping them here, they ... they just go. I hope someplace better, but we don't know. No one does." Molly says "What happens when you burn their bones?" Sam says "Umm... Well, my dad used to say that was like death for ghosts, you know? But... The truth is, we still don't know. Not for sure." He looks at Dean and says "Guess that's why we all hold on to life so hard. Even the dead. We're all just scared of the unknown." Molly says "The only thing I'm scared of is losing David. I have to see him again." There was a pause and she says "I have to."

In the house it's night time, Molly is pacing in one room, looking through the photo album; Sam, Sarah and Dean waiting in another room nearby Sam sighs and says "I think we should tell her about her husband." Dean says "We can't." Sarah says "Dean, it's cruel, letting her pine for him like this and I don't like keeping her in the dark." Dean says "It's for her own good." He gets up and says "Man, I know you feel guilty, all right? But let's just stick to the plan. Let's get her out of here. Then we'll tell her." Molly approaches and says "Tell me what? What aren't you telling me? It's about David. You know what happened to him." Sam says "Molly--" Dean says "Sam don't." Molly says "Don't what? Don't tell me because I'll mess up your hunt? You don't care about me or my husband." Sarah says "That's not true." Molly says "Really? Then whatever it is, tell me, please." Sam swallows, wanting to say something suddenly They hear a radio turn on, static, then the song 'House of the Rising Sun' begin to play and Molly says "He's coming." Dean looks to Sam and Sarah and says "Stay with her."

Dean goes cautiously towards the sound, He uncovers the dusty radio that has powered itself on. He crouches down and finds a broken, frayed power cord He hears another noise and goes toward the front door. It frosts over and the words 'SHE'S MINE' appear in the frost and in the other room, Molly is standing by the window with Sarah nearby and Sam steps cautiously forward towards the next room, when suddenly a figure crashes through the window behind Molly and grabs her. She screams as she is dragged outside, Dean comes running back and Sarah says "He's got Molly!" The three of them both leap through the window and chase them through the woods unfortunately they lose sight of them, and return to the house and Dean says "This guy is persistent." Sam says "We gotta find Molly." Sarah says "We gotta find Greeley's bones. And, uh, no pressure or anything, but we got less than two hours before sunrise." Sam looking through the photo album and says "Hey." Dean asks "What do you got?" Sam reading the caption on a photograph and he says "'February 6, 1992.'" Dean says "That was like two weeks before the accident, wasn't it?" Sam says "Yeah, I mean , it looks like the hunting cabin, but... I swear there's a tree there right where they're standing." and then they look at each other and says "I should've thought of it." Sarah says "What?" Sam says "It's an old country custom, Dean planting a tree as a grave marker." Sam says some what Bitterly "Yeah. I know." The three of them leave the cabin.

In the hunting cabin, Molly is hanging from the ceiling by her wrists and she asks "Where's David? What did you do to him?" Greeley says "You shouldn't worry about him anymore." Molly says "Oh, my god." Greeley says "You should worry about yourself." Molly says "I didn't do anything to you." Greeley says "Oh?" Molly groaning as he runs a filthy hand over her face she says "I know... I know about your wife. Hurting me won't bring her back." Greeley says "My wife is gone. All I got left's ... hurting you." He slides a finger across her collarbone, slicing flesh; Molly screams and she says "P-Please. Just let me go." Greeley says "Go? You're not gonna leave. You're never ... gonna leave." He drags a finger across her belly, gouging deep and she screams in pain, Sarah, Dean and Sam approach the cabin from the outside, carrying shovels and he says to Sarah and Dean "Go get Molly." As Dean and Sarah, Sam begins to dig around the tree. Inside, Greeley is approaching Molly menacingly when his head explodes in a shotgun burst, revealing Dean behind him and Molly gasps and says "Oh, thank god." Dean smiles and says "Yeah, call me Dean." Greeley appears behind Dean, who turns to face him, Greeley gestures and Sarah cries out, a cut appearing on her cheek and she says "This guy's really pissing me off."

Whilst Sarah and Dean was fighting with the ghost of Greeley, outside Sam had found the grave of Greeley and he empties a box of salt into the open grave and gasoline into the grave, lights a match and drops it in. Inside the cabin Greeley freezes and rears back in pain, screaming "No, no." The corpse in the grave catches fire and burns, Greeley bursts into flame, is consumed, and disappears and the knife falls on the floor.

Dean, Sarah, Sam and Molly approach the Impala, Dean pats it lovingly and he says "Oh, baby, it's been a long night." Dean and Sarah drops his and her bag in the back, Dean opens the back passenger door for Sarah she gives him a kiss on the lips and gets in and closes the door and Sam opens the back door for Molly and he says "All right. Let's get you out of here." Molly says "I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what happened to my husband." Sam says "Molly..." Molly says "All this time ... I've been looking for him, and you knew that... You knew that Greeley killed him, didn't you? He's dead." Sam says "No, Molly. David's alive." Molly says "What? You're sure?" Sam says "I'm sure. We'll take you to him. Come on." Smiles in relief she gets into the car and they pull up in front of a nice suburban home and the lights are on inside, and Sam says "He's in that house, right there." Molly says "I don't understand." Sam says "You will." They get out, She approaches the window, and can see David inside he is older; wearing a bathrobe, and pouring a cup of coffee and she says "That's ... not ... It can't be." Sarah, Sam and Dean are watching Molly, they look at each other David looks up and a woman in a bathrobe comes up to him, kissing him on the lips and she asks "What's happening?" Turning back to Sarah, Sam and Dean and she asks "Who is that?" Sarah says "That's David's wife." Molly turns around to look at the house again, then back to Sam, Sarah and Dean and sarah continues and says " I'm sorry, Molly. 15 years ago, you and your husband hit Jonah Greeley with your car, David survived." Molly says "What are you saying?" Dean says "We're saying there isn't just one spirit haunting Highway 41. There are two Jonah Greeley and you." Sam says "For the past 15 years, one night a year you've been appearing on that highway." Molly says "No, that's not possible. It was our anniversary ... February 22nd --" Sarah says "1992." Molly says "Yes." Dean says "Molly, it's 2007."

Molly says "And Greeley?" Sarah says "Each year he punishes somebody for his death... ah, chasing them, Torturing them and each year, that somebody is you." Molly says "But I don't remember any of it." Sam says "Because you couldn't see the truth, Molly." Molly says "So that's why he won't let me off the highway. Because... I killed him. I killed us both." Molly sits on the steps of the house and says "Why didn't you tell me when you first saw me? Why wait until now?" Dean says "You wouldn't have believed us." Molly looks at Dean, accusingly and she says "And you needed me for bait." Sam says "Well, we needed you." Molly says "David." Sarah says "Molly, we brought you here so you could move on." Molly says "I have to tell him --" Sam says "Tell him what? That you love him? That you're sorry? Molly, he already knows that. Look, if you want to go in there, we're not gonna stop you." Dean says "Yeah, but you are gonna freak him right out. For life." Sarah says "David's already said his good byes, Molly. Now it's your turn. This is your unfinished business." Molly asks "What am I supposed to do?" Sam says "Just... let go. Of David. Of everything. You do that... we think you'll move on." Molly crying says "But you don't know where." Molly says "No. But Molly, you don't belong here and haven't you suffered long enough? It's time, It's time to go." Molly nods sadly, then steps slowly away from the house. She turns her face upwards as the first light of dawn creeps over the rooftops. Bathed in light, she becomes part of the light and vanishes and Dean says "I guess she wasn't so bad... for a ghost. You think she's really going to a better place?" Sarah says "I hope so." Dean says "I guess we'll never know. Not until we take the plunge ourselves, huh?" Sam says "Doesn't really matter, Dean. Hope's kind of the whole point." Dean says "All right, Haley Joel." Smacks him on the shoulder and says "Let's hit the road." They cross the road and get back in the Impala, as a light rain begins to fall.