Naivety and its benefits

"Any eyewitnesses? Did something catch on camera? How can you prove it?"

"You think that somebody might just lie about their children's murder?"

"People nowadays are crazy. They blame others for things that they have done themselves and that too without any remorse," said FAjar stunned at her own confidence. "You should at least check a few times before accusing somebody of something as grave as murder."

"They are not people. People are human beings. And human beings are crazy. You're right about that."

"What if you're lying? How can I trust you?"

"Why would I lie?" it swirled at its spot. "What benefit will that bring me?"

"How would I know?"

"I am not lying," its voice faltered.

"Then why is your voice cracking?"

And with that, it vanished in thin air.

She looked around and yelled in the air, looking left and right, "Where are you? Fight me? Try playing the blame game with somebody who has got no brain game."