The spread.

Asia was definitely acting really weird. She didn't talk at all. Not even a single unnecessary word. And whenever you would ask her a question she'd reply in such a polite manner that you'd have to reanalyze that the person sitting in front of you is still Asia.

Not that Asia was rude to everybody. She was relatively polite. But that politeness had that undertone of bitterness. A conversation with her gave you a bitter aftertaste. However, now her words were like the finest silk, like the one that you can pass yards of through a ring. There was no underlying bitterness to her words. 

Mr Chohan said to Mrs Chohan, "I think you were right her insides definitely did burn with that drug. She is a totally different person. Nicer sure," he shrugged his shoulders, "but Alien. Her presence makes me feel that I have to act in a presentable manner at all times because there is some stranger living with us. That is not my daughter."