New Life

The week after the sleepover, Professor Oak, Blue, Red, Aunt Rose and Delia had taken turns to read the book, half out of indulgence and the other half out of curiosity. Samuel had commented how fascinating the story was and it would probably sell well as a children's fairytale. Blue and Red had been amused by the rivalry between the two boys in the book and had teased Ash by asking if it was a jab towards their rivalry.

Ash had answered, "Not a jab no, but your rivalry was definitely an inspiration!"

Samuel had laughed hearing that, "What do you know your annoying quarrels helped someone out after all?"

Blue had blown a raspberry at his grandfather, "Whatever you say old man!"

Red's face was a little pink because of the embarrassment and pouted, "It just happens and we apologized, didn't we?"

The Professor had told Ash he could send copies of the story to some of the book editors that he knew if he wants it published. Ash rubbed his neck and nodded wondering about, how far the series would go in the world of Pokemon. A world which was filled with it's own magical creatures with magical abilities. He remembered how big of a deal the book was in his previous life, to the point that it had many movies and it crossovered a lot with other franchises in the form of fan fiction. Now he was very curious and really wants to see if they book will gain popularity here the same way it did in his previous life. He only asked if he could do it under a pen name to which the Professor agreed.

Samuel, "You know reading about the ghosts in the castle reminded me of another story."

Gary looked up curious, "What story gramps?"

Samuel closed his eyes and rubbed his chin, "It was during one of my travels I came across a town that had a very curious story about a maiden's ghost that haunts a cliff waiting for his long lost beloved to return home."

Ash sat next to Red, "What's the story about Professor?"

Samuel smiled, "I didn't stay long in the town but I did listen to a bit of the sad history of two lovers. According to the local myth a young warrior had gone off to battle for his King after promising his young fiancee, he would return back to her. Unfortunately he died during the war and never returned. The young maiden however refused to believe he was dead and stubbornly stayed loyal and waited for him no matter what till one day she fused with the cliff she was standing on and turned into stone. It is said that her spirit still haunts the cliff to this day."

Red's eyes widened, "Are you saying we have a real life ghost?"

Blue, "That would be sort of cool."

Gary gave a wan smile, "I don't think Zoey would agree with you."

Samuel, "Now that I think about it I believe one of the warriors that went to the same war was from Pallet town as well. I believe he had recorded it in his scrolls and kept it somewhere."

Ash's eyes sparkled, "Ooooh! Really? Can we see it please?"

Samuel looked at Ash and the other kids looking at him expectantly, "I'll have to search for it first. I'll ask the Mayor where it has been kept. Hopefully it's not been ruined due to the amount of time that has passed."

Red smiled, "We look forward to it."

Blue, "The eggs are glowing again."

Gary, "Whaaaaaa... Will they hatch now?"

Unfortunately the glow stopped after a minute making them droop their heads. That was the fifth time it glowed and the longest amount of time too.

Ash, "I was pumped up too."

Red sighed, "When will they hatch? I'm so curious right now!"

Samuel laughed, "Now now, the glow lasted longer this time than the previous times correct? Which means it's time to hatch is coming soon!"

A month after that discussion, summer soon came to an end and the school and classes started back up again. The Professor had ordered four strap on egg carriers for them to use, to carry the poke eggs around safely from home to school and back again. Carrying an incubator and a bag filled with books plus lunch was not exactly a comfortable idea for most of the adults. The Professor also informed Ash, two weeks before school started, that one of the story book publishers in Celadon city had agreed to print the book he wrote.

School was pretty mundane Ash decided as they got back to the familiar routine of attending class and doing assignments and tests. He was just happy the Principal allowed him and Gary to bring the eggs to school, despite some of the teachers protests, he had been worried they would be denied. A month into the learning period and even the teachers who were sceptical had to agree having a Pokemon egg in class did not create any problems, aside from the first day. The novelty had worn off after one week.

Leaf sat opposite of Ash during lunch, "You are really carrying the egg around?"

Ash nodded, "Apparently being in the presence of another being who is active helps in stimulating the egg to hatch."

Green sipped her milk looking at the two Pokemon eggs in contemplation, "You know I don't think I would have the patience to hatch a Pokemon."

Gary, "Well Pokemon eggs are rare in the wild and if you go to a breeder, you will have to pay quite an amount for an egg."

Leaf nodded before brightening up, "Hey, have you guys read the new children's fairytale book that came out? The one called Hogwarts Chronicles!"

Gary smirked, "We brought a copy each when it did."

Ash mumbled, "Yeah!"

Green, "I really love it. Can you imagine a magical castle with moving stairs and talking portraits?"

Leaf, "My favorite was the forest, with the magical Rapidash and centaurs."

Gary, "I actually loved the sorting hat, myself."

Green smiled at Ash, "Congratulations on publishing a book Ash!"

Leaf grinned, "We should get ice cream to celebrate!"

Gary grinned at Ash, who smiled back at him as the four of them got into a discussion about the book. Ash made comments here and there as they talked while cradling the egg close to him feeling it's comfortable warmth. From what he could tell no one knew it was him, at least no one aside from his family and close friends at least, who wrote the book and it had become pretty popular among the kids in Pallet town. From what he gathered from the weekly calls with Ritchie, Misty, Duplica and Zoey it was gaining popularity in their town and cities as well. For now Ash had decided to let his mother and the Professor handle the money he earned from the book, it wasn't much right now but it would become a decent amount in the future by the time he went on a journey.