Will My Actions Be Justifiable?

Arsh and Rena were going to the town and were riding Julie. Rena was sitting in front with her body positioned sideways as you sit on the chair. Her legs were hanging from the side. Beside her, Arsh was sitting, holding the horse's leashes.

He was so close to her, she could smell his nice and manly scent. His both arms were around her, which felt like some kind of shields protecting her from every kind of danger.

She was continuously remembering the moments which happened a while ago. How naive she was when she decided to go to the jaws of death.

What was it that she was feeling? It was the first time ever she felt something like this. Her heart was pounding as if it would bring an earthquake if left beneath the earth.

The warmth she was feeling, was something she never felt in her tragic life. Why she wanted to die, will remain a mystery for now.

I can't just spill every bean from the very start. *smirk*

She just wanted to close her eyes and sleep in those arms, forever.

She leaned herself on his chest while keeping her hand near his heart and closed her eyes with a smile.

But... something completely different was going on in Arsh's mind.

He held her from near her shoulder from one hand while holding the leash from the other. He was having a wicked, with a mixture of a weird smile on his face. "Hahahaha, I will get laid today. Thank you orc for appearing out of nowhere." He was drooling.

He was at his usual, thinking about getting laid. But something else was continuously pinning his mind. His expression suddenly turned to serious mode. "But it was too easy. I never had such easy prey."

Like you read earlier, he never had such easy prey. No matter how good he was at flirting or how good he was in bed, he never got a girl this early and this easily. Well, he did fight an orc for her, but still... It was easy. At least for him. He thought that it would take days or even weeks to get his hands on her.

He somehow understood that she must have had an emptiness inside her. There must be no one around her to take care of her. "Will I do good if I just use her and leave her like that? Will my actions be justifiable?"

He was again in conflict with his heart and mind. As usual, they were saying totally opposite things.

"Why not? Have you forgotten the betrayals you faced?"

"What are you talking about? That was all past, you should start a new life in this new world."

"Whatever world it is, women will only betray you."

"No, you should not betray her. She might die after that."

"Why do you care for her life? Did they care about you?"

"You cannot betray her for someone else's mistake."

"What if she betrays you too? Will you be able to handle it?"

This sentence somehow triggered him.

"No," He said, in a low voice. He somehow relived all the past experiences he had.

"No, Arsh. You must not betray her, she loves you."

"Arsh, you are the king of playboys. You must not settle for someone like her."

"You are right. I am the king." He was having a prideful smile on his face.

"Arsh, what are you thinking? You are going the wrong way."

"Arsh, just listen to me. Whatever you are doing is justifiable."

"Arsh, no. Please, don't do it."

"I will do it." He smirked.

He looked at her sleeping face. She was looking really cute while sleeping. But what gained his attention was... oppaaiii! It was visible from the top angle.

"Whooooaaa!, those are just... just... I don't have words to describe them." He almost had a nosebleed.

But he noticed something odd. He was not feeling any movement in his third leg. "Why am I not feeling anything?" He thought. "I would have got a boner until now."

His dick was not going up. A girl was in his arms with her oppai visible but he was not getting an erection. "Has my dick become defective?"

He remembered when he last checked inside his pants. It was paler, thinner, and smaller. "I have to check it again."

He left the leash and pulled the elastic of his pants while holding Rena from the other hand. The snake was resting and was turned sideways.

"It doesn't look like my dick. Mine was not like this."

He doubted that the beam which hit his pivot area earlier could have caused this. But he was not sure. It may be that he was riding a horse, and he might be not getting an erection because of that.

"If something happened to my Arsh junior because of that bitch, I will make her pay." He steamed anger.

Suddenly, he lost his balance and slipped from the horse along with Rena. Her elbow again hit his walnuts.

"Ahhhhhahahhh..." He again started rolling on the ground holding his naphthalene balls.

Rena stood up scratching her head.

"Ah, what happened?" She saw him rolling on the ground and got confused.

Arsh again managed to protect her from getting any kind of injury. He fell in such a way that she fell on top of him. But it cost him a lot... quite a lot.

"Are you okay?" He said, in a shaky voice, standing up with shaky legs, holding his balls.

"I don't know. But you don't seem okay," She said. He was holding his balls and was sweating from his forehead.

"Ah, I am okay," He said, panting. "Let's rest for a bit."

"Okay," She said, confused if he was really okay or not.

They sat on the grass, feeling the cold wind, and were looking at the clear blue sky. It was looking more beautiful than ever, especially for Rena. She was having a smile on her face while sitting beside him.


Meanwhile, Arsh and Rena reached a town.

"What is the name of this town?" Arsh said, looking around.

"Cock town," Rena replied.

"Sheesh, who suggested this name?" He thought. "There must be a lot of cocks here," He said.

"No," She countered. "If a place is lacking something or if there is a scarcity of something, the name of that place is kept on that thing."

"What? It works that way here?"

Well, it seems it was the opposite in the other world.

"Didn't you know?" She said, thinking if he were living under a rock or what. "This rule applies everywhere."

"Ah, yeah, yeah... Now that I remember," He said, trying to act as if he knew but forgot. "It works this way, yeah."

'It means there is a scarcity of cocks,' He thought and smirked. But something struck his mind.

'Wait, by cock does she mean...'

He moved his head to look around and noticed that the town was not well to do place. There were old looking small houses with not so well to do people. While they were moving on their horse, most of the people were just staring at them weirdly. He was not feeling comfortable there.

Suddenly, a boy came running towards them with a terrified look on his face. It looked like he must be 19-20 years old.

"Aaaahh! help!" He was crying for help. But no one was even looking at him. Arsh found it all a bit strange. He suddenly saw that an old and bald fat man wearing an old and torn shirt came running from behind the boy. He was wearing... no pants? And was running holding his... missile?

"Hey, I have not finished yet," The old fat man said, chasing the boy. "That was only the start."

"Oye, oye, what is happening here?" Arsh thought while having cold sweat. "What's wrong with this place?"

The boy crossed them and the old man ran behind him. But when that old man was crossing them, he smiled weirdly after looking at Arsh.

He swallowed. "We won't stay here. We are going out of this town, right now."