Chapter 3

The lady's eyes were blazing with endless rage, as if I did something unforgivable. Why was she so angry at me?

She attempted to inject me with some mysterious liquid. I dodged in time. My strong dislike for shots and needles gave me more evasion power.

"You are Butterfly, right?" she asked.

"May I help you?" I was paralyzed with fear, but I was ready to run. There was no way I was going to let myself get stabbed by a crazy lady.

"Stay still, little insect." She smiled devilishly. "Let me give you a vitamin shot."

My feet took me to the elevator. She was chasing me. I didn't understand why someone would sneak into my apartment in the middle of the night to inject me with 'vitamins'. I didn't know enough people to have a single enemy. I mean, I hated everyone equally. Did I happen to unconsciously ruin someone's life?

I accidentally pressed the 4 button instead of 1, which would have taken me to the lobby. The doors closed just in time.

For now, I was safe.

The elevator went up to the fourth floor. When the doors opened, I saw before me huge aquariums glowing blue in the dark. Inside them were sharks. Different species. Big and small. I came to an obvious conclusion.

The person who lives here must be called Shark.

I stepped out of the elevator and decided to hide behind one of the huge aquariums.

She will come soon. She knows which floor I got off.

Argh. I should have pushed another button to confuse her!

Too late. Now, I must hope for the best.

Sure enough, she came for me. "Where are you, Butterfly?" The lady stepped out of the elevator.

Under the glow of the aquariums, I saw her purple one-piece dress. It was in the shape of a jellyfish. I immediately figured out her identity.

She lurked around the place. "Come out, come out! Let's play, Butterfly."

Please don't find me.

She was getting closer. And closer.

"Let's play," she whispered and smiled.

No, I don't want to play!

I could not move away. My movements would give away my location.

Miraculously, a tall man appeared behind Lady Jellyfish and pulled her hair back mercilessly.

"Shark! That hurt!" she shouted furiously.

"What are you doing in my floor, Jellyfish? Trespassing is a crime, you know." I saw the intense glare he gave. Lady Jellyfish trembled before him and dropped the syringe.

Mr. Shark must be more powerful than her.

"Why are you carrying around that poison?" he asked.

Lady Jellyfish looked afraid. "B-Butterfly." She looked sideways at the floor.

He folded his arms. "Get out now and I'll overlook this."

She made a mad dash for the elevator. Mr. Shark didn't seem to notice me yet, so I ran for the elevator when he was out of sight.

In the safety of my room, I calmed myself down. I carried a bat with me to defend myself in case Lady Jellyfish came in again.

There are two people to fear in Aqua Chrysalis: Lady Jellyfish and Mr. Shark.

The passer-by was right. The tenants here were strange. And… scary.

I trembled under my blanket. It was hard to get rid of the anxiety.

I don't want to live here.

I want to go back home.

Why am I even here?