Chapter 65

After spending the morning and afternoon looking through photo albums, I decided to take a nap before dinner. When I got back to my room, I had a visitor waiting for me outside my window.

An owl.

It reminded me of Mr. Owl. I wondered how he was doing.

After more staring, I noticed a rolled-up paper tied to its foot. I moved my hands closer. The owl didn't even resist as I untied the ribbon and took the paper.

I unrolled it and read its contents:

Please wait a bit longer.

My eyes widened. Could it have been a message from Isuru?


I missed him.

I folded the paper and kept it under my mattress along with the folder. It was a brief message, but it gave me hope. Hope that maybe he's still alive.

But when I see him, will I still be able to see him the same way?

After all, I just heard Ms. Cat's side of the story. He hid a lot of details from me.

I should probably be angry about it, right?