Chapter 2: Ultimate Guiding System

The Golden light continues to illuminate in the middle of the night, by each passing day a shape of a human could be seen slowly forming inside that light. After a week of forming and deforming, the former liquid-like object finally takes the form of a six feet tall young male with a broad shoulder, long black glistening hair under the illumination of the moon. Long eyelashes that would shame even that of a goddess. His long and firm fingers that could grip a heart of a young lady. Even his thin and pink lips adding with his sharp nose that even add to his handsomeness with his fiery sharp eye brows. His white jade skin was giving off a faint golden light. If any woman would be present in this time, they would not think twice to pounce on him and take his seed.

Because no woman can resist a firm and great body shape of a man with a beauty that never outshines his manliness. But the most important thing that will decide a man's fate would always be his weapon. Due to the construction of his body, all his cloths mysteriously vanish without a trace.

After the completion of the construction of his body. A faint golden light shot out to his head totally vanishing inside without a trace. After it entered inside his consciousness, his whole body quivers and keeps on twitching, beads of sweat was could be seen in his forhead. When one summered up everything, Shu Feng was like a defenseless young lad getting beaten up by millions of ferocious scroundels. But with this continious torture, his soul inside his body was slowly expanding with each passing time. If one could see what was happening, the golden light was like million of hands that envelops his whole soul, molding it like a clay. Luckily for Feng, he was in a state of total unconscious or else he might consider killing himself if undergone in these kind of process while in his conscious state.

Unknown time had passed since then, and the faint golden light that is slowly disappearing. It was one night that the light covering him totally disappeared and surprisingly, his cloths magically appeared into his body.


"Body and Soul Construction Complete"


In a grassy plane, surrounded by forest trees, a young man was lying on the ground silently. You could see traces of blood in his cloths, but the shocking thing is that no traces of wound or injury could be seen in his body.

Shu Feng slowly opened his eyes only to see a clear blue sky that a modern world cannot possess.

He slowly stand-up to support his body but to his astonishment, he didn't feel any kinds of pain that he expected, it was as if he was born a new. His body feeling refreshed and full of vitality.

Not lingering anymore to his unbelievable situation, he slowly scan his surroundings only to see you a grassy plane that is completely surrounded by forest trees.

'Didn't I die?' Shu Feng suddenly thought when he abruptly remembers what happened to him in the alley.

Seemingly feeling loss, he inspect his whole body to find something that he was expecting to be.

'Where is the necklace?' He thought when he failed to find anything. It's just this time that he recalls the voice in his head asking him if he wants to be the host of something like a Guiding somthing.

'That's right, I think I remember it now. It's the Ultimate Guiding System.'

Just as he thought of the name. An abrubt notification bell surprised him inwardly.


[Ultimate Guiding System initiates]


[Initiating complete]

[May the Host achieve thy goals with the aide of the Ultimate Guiding System]


Silence... Total silence enveloped Shu Feng when he heard all those ringing sounds inside his head. He cannot help but think of the old man that gave him the necklace.

'Urgh'. He just move all those thoughts at the back of his head and focus on his current situation.

So to better his understanding about this System that he got, he ask everything that keeps bothering him. Surprisingly, the voice patiently answers all of his question expect for some things like, when he tried to ask about who is the old man that gave him the necklace it will say: *Ding* [Information access denied]

So after not getting some answers, he just keep thinking about the marvels and use of his system.


"The Host can say or think about [Status] to view the the host's stats."



[Name: Shu Feng

Age: 17


Bloodline: Normal Human

Race: Human

Charisma: 120

SP: 0

HP: 100/100

ES: 100/100

Stamina: 10/10

Strength: 30

Speed: 20

Mind: 20

Constitution: 30

Soul: 30

Cultivation: None

Body Cultivation: None

Soul Cultivation: None

Technique: None

Skills: None

Ability: None]

A Game-like hologram instantly appeared in front of him. Strangely enough, he tried to poke the screen, only to see his hand passing through it like it was not there in the first place.

"Why is my age seventeen and not eighteen?" Shu Feng ask because when he recall back on earth, he was already twenty years old.


"Due to Body Construction, the Host's bone age got remolded into that of seventeen years old."

The system answers with a neutral tone without any hint of emotions.

Shun Feng suddenly ask what happened to him after he arrived.


"Due to the immense injury the host received, the system decided to use one of the three free chances of instant recovery to heal all the complications and wounds. But the severe blood loss cannot be recovered instantly so the system decided to initiate Body and Soul Construction to make-up with the blood loss."

The system explained every detail patiently.

So that's the reason why I feel energetic when I woke up. Shu Feng thought to himself.

"But why do my soul also undergone the construction process?" Shu Feng ask without having any clue on what is the reason for his soul to be constructed. He just thought that maybe it is given that his soul would be constructed too with his body. But when he thought about his soul being constructed, then that means that he is not the same Shu Feng anymore! But since his memory is still intact, then that only means one thing, that the consteuction proccess is only a way to further strengthen the constructed part. Surprisingly, he was right about his last self explanatory.


"Due to the host low chance of waking up from unconcious state because of the psychological impact of being killed, the Spiritual consciosness needs a strong soul for it's recovery leading in the construction of the soul together with the body."

Shu Feng thought that the system just simply strengthened his body and soul and nothing more. But with his ignorance, he never dwindle much more in this issue. Alas, if anyone was to really know what he was thinking, they would vommit blood for his stupidity. Does he think that a transformation that undergone not only in ones body but also a ones soul is a simple thing?! And also able to prevent the heavens from noticing anything about his massive change.

Since some of his worries has been answered, he just focus himself on more important things. He also manage to discover that the necklace entered inside him totally merging into his soul.

'Item Space'. Feng thought and right after, another screen apoearer beside his status screen moving to the side creating enough space between the two holograms for his view.

It was an unlimited space inventory function of the system, letting him store non-living things inside, but the most convinient function of the Item Space is that it permanently stopping time which makes it more convinient for travelling.

Sadly, he can only open the other functions when the requirements are meet.

"Hmm.. Can I call you UG System or UG or maybe UGS in short? It is very tiring calling you 'Ultimate Guiding System' everytime." Shun Feng ask while poundering a bit.


"Permission granted"

"Alright, and now that everythings is settled I might as well open the Ultimate package that the system gave me aftet I woke-up". Shu Feng said excitedly as soon as he remembered the package he got after he woke up. And with just a thought of opening the package, a sound of notification bell resounded inside his head.


"You have received the following"

[Chaos Conversion Cultivation Technique - High Grade Immortal Rank - Upgradable

Description: A cultivation technique that let's the

user absorb the surrounding Energy Source and

convert it to Chaos Energy]

[Gluttony Sword - Unranked - Not Upgradable

Description: One of the Seven Deadly Weapons

created using the power of one of the Seven

Deadly Sins, Gluttony. It is a thin long black sword

that devours another weapon and metal source

stones to upgrade itself. It has the ability to eat the

enemy's and surrounding energy source and

transfers the energy to the owner. - Needs Blood

Essence for the ownership.]

[Blood of Ancient - Ancient Rank - Upgradable

Description: A bottle with a drop of blood

belonging to one of the Ancient Beings that has

been forgotten after more tha a hundred of Billion

of Years.]

[The Host acquired 'Analyze' - Unranked - Upgradable

Description: An ability that let's the user get an information to designated targets. The effects will be loss if the target is two major realms higher than the user]

Shu Feng never thought that UG would be so generous. But the thing that most intrigued him is the Blood of Ancient. But when he tried to ask UG about more information about the blood, he was denied for having insufficient strength for accessing the information.

Well it's not like he takes a loss for not knowing more. He just needs to be strong enough to have a sufficient requirement for the access in all the informations that he wants.

"What do you mean by unranked, UG?" Shu Feng ask while thinking to himself.


"Unranked items, skills or abilities are classified to be the most unpredictable due to their strengths and capability that may vary. They are not ranked due to their almost unlimited potential growth. There are also some cases wherein an item will be considered unranked if it is not recognized by the heavens itself causing a tribulation to be undergone in order for it's birth of existence."

'Hmm.. so that's the reason why my ability and the sword are considered unranked because they have an almost unlimited potential'. Feng thought while observing the sword in his Item Space poundering what will happen if he take it out, will the heaven send a tribulation lightning to clarify it's birth of existence.

Just thinking about it send shivers down his spine. But when he heard that it's birth of existence was already have been recognized by th heaven, Shu Feng cannot help but sigh in relief.

He took out the sword and attempts to drip a blood to it so he could take the ownership. But before he could drip his blood, he heard a notification sound inside his head.


"It is advisable for the Host to consume the Blood of Ancient first for successfully attempting the ownership of the sword."

Shu Feng was confuse about UG's sudden reminder but he was soon enlightened when UG continued explaining the reason.

"Due to the blood of the Host being average, the chances of taming the sword will surely fail causing the Host to suffer a backlash and may kill you instantly. But if the Host had a strong bloodline that can suppress the will of the sword, the ownership would be much more safer and easier. The Blood of Ancient is an Ancient Rank Bloodline that is more than enough to suppress the will of the sword." It didn't take long for Shu Feng to totally understand the whole concept and benefits of absorving the blood. But before he could rejoice, UG showered him with a bocket of cold water with his next sentece.

"Absorbing the Blood of Ancient will cause the Host to die and possibly be possess by the blood's will totally erasing the Host's conciousness and become a walking dead." UG continued without any hint of remorse nor emotion which totally shattered his last bit of will.


With a sound of someone falling to his knees, Shu Feng felt like crying. Does UG needs to be so cruel. Is he even a human to give him hope only to shattet in a mere moment without holding back anything at all. And the worse part is you cannot even feel a single bit of pity nor mercy from the voice.

"The Host must not falter and easily give up, the Ultimate Guiding System will always be here to guide you to achieve your dreams and goal in life."


With a last thud, our Main Character finally died due to having a merciless system leading in the case of Dead on the spot. Such a pitiful encounter, cannot even start a jouney yet already reached the end.