Chapter 3: Chaos Conversion Cultivation Technique

The sun starts to rise in the horizon. Moist came from the morning dew starts to dissipate hiding from the sunlight.


With a loud explosion coming from the forest, the silence and peace of the morning turned completely noisy.

Inside the forest, a young man was fighting a red haired boar measuring almost four meters high and 3 meters wide. And the most attractive part of the boar is it's own sharp fangs pointing up the sky that almost reach a shocking five meters high.


With a dominating roar, the boar charged at a breakneck speed towards the young man, but instead of evading it's assault the young man patiently wait until the wild boar was close enough did the young man raise both of his hands.


With another explosion, dust blew everywhere completely covering the young man and the wild boar. Not a minute had passed and the dust finalky settled down.

But instead of a bloody scene, you could see the him completely holding both the fangs of the wild boar while staying at that stance for a long amount of time.


With a long houl, he suddenly step backward while pulling the wild boar lifting it in the air. If anyone would witness this scene, all of them would surely be agape, it is unbelievable to watch a young man lifting a boar in the air that almost double it's size but it is really happening.


With the last explosion, the young man throws the wild boar in the nearby trees completely destroying the surrounding vegetation.


[Fourth-stage Foundation Building Red Wild Boar Killed]

[+35 SP]

It was no ther than our main character Shu Feng that kills the wild boar. Even though it looks like he exerts a great effort in defeating the wild boar, it is completely on the opposite. He didn't even sweat a little bit exept for the resedue dust on his cloths.

Shu Feng walk towards the dead wild boar lying on the ground and just store it to his item space.

He also discovered that if the same items are put inside his item space, they will just stock at the same box and at the bottom right of the corner would show how many items was stored.

'Status' With a single thought, the hologram screen instantly appeared in front of him.


[Name: Shu Feng

Age: 17

Title: [Beast's Nightmare]

Bloodline: Normal Human

Race: Human

Charisma: 120

SP: 0-1175

HP: 100/100-1000/1000

ES: 100/100-1000/1000

Stamina: 100/100

Strength: 30-160

Speed: 20-120

Mind: 20-90

Constitution: 30-130

Soul: 30

Cultivation: Nineth-stage Qi Condensation Realm

Body Cultivation: None

Soul Cultivation: None

Technique: Chaos Conversion Cultivation


Skills: None

Ability: None]

He got his title by completely hunting down almost half of the available beast in his surroundings. It was as if the beast will just tuck their tails and run if they just got a glimpse of his shadow. And the funny thing is some of the intelligent mother beast will start a story about him which really scared the the beast child and will vigorously follow whatever his mother would tell it to do. Heh, how ironic.

It was already a week since Feng started his new life in this world. He also manage to know that he is currently inside the Nightmare Forest of the Mosha Kingdom that is ruled by the Mosha Family. When he ask UG as to how he knows about them, he told him that he already scanned this whole world the day that he arrived.

After he read the Cultivation Technique he got all the additional information about it. It has a total of Three Layers and Seven Stages. The first layer containing the First Stage:Chaos Energy Droplets for Qi Condensation, Second Stage: Chaos Energy Dust Conversion for Foundation Building Realm, Third Stage: Chaos Core Creation for Core Formation, Fourth Stage: Chaos Soul Birth for Nascent Soul and Fifth Stage: Perceiving Chaos Absorption for Soul Projection Realm. Second Layer containing the Sixth Stage: Origin of Myriad Chaos for all Emperor Realm and the Last Layer that contains the Seventh

Stage: Immortal Unending Chaos.

Shu Feng curiously ask UG why there are total of five stage in the Mortal Realm while there is only one stage on Emperor Realm and Immortal Realm.

"Mortal Realm was divided into Five Stages respectively Qi condensation Realm, Foundation Building Realm, Core Formation Realm, Nascent Soul Realm and Soul Projection Realm.

After ascending, Emperor Realm comes next which is divided respectively from Soul Emperor Realm, Battle Emperor Realm, Earthern Emperor Realm, Sky Emperor Realm, Heavenly Emperor Realm and Trascendant Emperor Realm being the highest.

Ascending to higher realm comes next the Immortal Realm, the access to rest of the information is not yet available.

Every Stages in the Mortal Realm have different structure such as Conversionversion of the Qi/Energy Source, Building a Foundation, Forming a Core, Birth of the Nascent Soul and Perceiving the Nascent Soul through projection was the reason for having multiple stages in cultivation technique.

While the higher stages doesn't have much of a different structure compare in the Mortal Realms."

UG explained every detail patiently.

He just listened attentively without missing a single information.


Shu Feng started to cultivate everyday since he got all the instruction that he needs. He will hunt a beast or two in the morning, cultivate in the afternoon, and sleep at night. He repeats this kind of life style for almost a week. Luckily the grass plain was some deserted area in the middle of the forest for some unknown reason.

After cooking the wild boar and eating his fill. He sat cross-leg in the plain of grass and starts to cultivate. With UG guiding him, he already manage to reach the peak of Qi condensation Realm in the whole week.

Shu Feng started to feel the surrounding Energy Source and absorbing it inside his body. He guided those energies into his meridians while revolving his cultivation technique that instantly converted the Energy Source into Chaos Energy that enters his Dantian. He repeated this proccess for hours. You could see a golden colored energy slowly filling up his Dantian, with the help of his cultivation technique, he absorbs the surroubding Energy Source non stop at a breakneck speed.

But only a single drop of Chaos Energy was converted from an hour of crazy absorption. Don't look down on these single drop, because everytime he manage to form those drops, he can feel that something inside him was slowly breaking.

It was the day that Shu Feng started cultivating when he manage to make a single drop of Chaos Energy that he immidiately made a breakthrough into three consecutive realms. That was then that he acquired the information about Chaos Energy from UG.

Base on UG, the Chaos Energy is a energy where everything is created. It needs Chaos to create everything in the universe. It was also fortunate for him that his body is specially constructred so that it can contain the strength of Chaos Energy.

He also discovered that when he reinforce his attacks with the use of Chaos Energy, the surrounding Energy Source started to become restless and gather around his attacks. This is also a reason why he can jump into realms to fights those stronger than him. Of course it is a given that he still doesn't practice Cultivation Skills that can give him a mindblowing boost in attack power.

He was crazily absorbing the surrounding Energy Source attempting to fill his Dantian and build his foundation. The sole reason for him to reach the Foundation Realm is because only then can he manage to absorb the Blood of Ancient base on UG. Although he cannot fully absorb the blood, that can still wait in the future. He was in no rush to gain strength.

Theres also another reason why Shu Feng wanyed to breakthrough to Foundation Building Realm. And that is to unlock a new feature of the system. UG told him the feature that he can unlock which is the 'Store'. When Shu Feng ask UG about that feature, he told him that the information can only be access when he reach a certain requirement.

But base on his speculation, that store maybe has a lot of things that he can buy. He was also thinking about buying a lot of delicious food in the upcoming new feature.


Feng was even drooling just thinking about eating a lot of delicious food. And in order to buy things from the store, UG already told him in advance to collect a lot of System Points(SP) that can be use as a currenty of the Store.

'Maybe I should buy those legendary Humburgers'. It was his thought everytime he was cultivating. Don't look down on him, when he was outside the orphanage he can always hear some kids talking about the foods that their family bought them. And it was precisely the humburger that he always heard the most. So he thought that it should be one of the 'Legendary Foods' he heard about.

After that, he decided to buy the Legendary Hamburger once he manage to find a job. But since life is cruel, even though he manage to find a job it was still not decent enough to let him buy those Legendary Foods because he still want to help the orphanage by sending some spare money.

Well, he decided to not dwindle in his past anymore and move forward.

After those deep thoughts, he decided to focus on his cultivation and try to successfully breakthrough to Foundation Building Realm.


Exhaling some breath, the last drop of Chaos Energy finally fill his Dantian until cannot be cointained anymore wanting to set free itself.

Shu Feng focuses all his attention to his Dantian and with everything ready, he gathers all those Chaos Energy and compress it in one place in his Dantian.

The compress energy started to take form of a round shape ball that slowly smalling in size due to continious compressing. Beads of sweat starting to appear in Shu Feng's head. He gritted his teeth and continued to compress all of the chaos energy present in his Dantian. While he was engross in his job, the surrounding Energy Source started to voluntarily enter his body, through his meridians and automatically converted into chaos energy that lends a hand in compressing his existing ball of energy.

It keeps on shrinking until the size smaller than an atom was achieve that just then it cannot be compress anymore.

Shu Feng momentarilly revolve his Chaos Conversion Cultivation Technique to recover a single drop of chaos energy.

With a deep breath, he started pushing that drop of chaos energy into the chaos ball.


With a buzzing sound inside his Dantian, the compress ball of chaos energy starter to gave off faint golden light that keeps on getting brighter until one's eyes could be blinded. The light started to scape his body that makes him look like a god.

Shu Feng slowly raise his head to look up the sky and abruptly opens his eyes only to see a faint golden light coming out of it, the light didn't just stay in his eyes instead it shot straight forward the sky.

That is not the end of this shocking scene, his body was slowly getting envelop by a faint golden light that gets darker and darker until it turned into a blinding pure golden light that shots immidiately into the sky totally illuminating the surroundind forest. All the beast and living things in the radius of thousands of kilometers started to feel the alarming yet warm aura coming from the center of the forest. Some weaker beast started to prostrate and some stronger ones can't help but feel their legs tremble.

If you think that this was the end, youre completely wrong some of the closer beast started to breakthrough their cultivation at a alarming speed the moment that they absorb the golden light. The surrounding herbs could be seen growing and some of them even starts on transforming into Energy Herbs.

After minutes had passed, the light started to retract inside his body, he slowly move down his head and close his eyes again. Thanks to that kind of phenomenon, all of the beast including those hiding in their territories started to approach Shu Feng's direction wanting to know what was the cause of the strange happenning.


"Warning: A hoarde of beast started to approach the Host's location"

A warning notification keep on ringing inside his brain. But that is not his concern anymore. Looking closely in the compress ball of chaos energy, it's light started to dim after all the golden light move back to it's right place. It dims until it becomes devoid of any color. Shu Feng didnt panick when he saw this situation, instead he was overjoyed because it's a sign that his Foundation Building will soon come to an end. Shu Feng slowly revolve his cultivation technique to regain enough Chaos Energy to creat a transparent barrier completely enveloping his whole Dantian with the ball being in the center. Not only that, he also reinforce every part of his body with the use of chaos energy, from his bones to muscle to his skin and even his own heart, brain, blood and most importantly his own meridians.


As soon as he finish on creating the barrier, the compress ball started to regain it's golden color and buzz much more than before threathenning to cause an massive explosion.


With an deafening explosion, the ball of condense Chaos Energy turns into dust that scatters all around his Dantian, luckily he formed a translucent barrier that traps all those Chaos Energy Dust and prevents it from running amok inside his whole body.

But trapping the Chaos Energy Dusy and the shockwave was a completely different matter. The shock wave that was the effect of the sudden explosion of the compress energy ball started to run amok inside his body wanting to find a enough space to blow. If Shu Feng didn't reinforce his meridians together with the all parts of his body, he would be surely dead by now.

While all of this was happening inside his body, all of the beast started a new commotion because of the last phenomenon that happened a while ago. They started to fight on the way wanting to reach his location first. Pool of blood and scattered body parts could be seen everywhere. Because of the sudden breakthrough of some beast, they started to think that some kind of powerful treasure was born. As for the sole reason of this slaughter, he was completely clueless but even if he knows he wouldn't care eventually.

But just as this moment, some beast started to have an alarming premonition coming from Shu Feng's location.

It was already too late when they realize what is it. The shock wave that escape his body started to run wild within the diameter of thousand kilometers and those closer didn't even know what was happening before they turn into a meat paste.

But even those who are far away some are still severely injured and some are still breathing but on the brink of death. With so many killed beast, Shu Feng also received a lot of bell notifications.


[First Stage Core Formation Three-headed Snake Killed]

[+100 SP]

[Second Stage Core Formation Black Panther Killed]

[+110 SP]

[Eighth Stage Foundation Building Flaming Eagle Killed]

[+55 SP]

[Nineth Stage Foundation Building Frost Lion Killed]

[+60 SP]


How can a mere beast withstand a massive shock wave coming directly from the compress energy of chaos, it is already amazing that there are still few who manage to survive.

While the bloodbath that happened in the surrounding due to the shock wave, the culprit was engrossed in his own world not caring about everything.