Chapter 6: Ancient Lu Guming, The Wood Element

"Since you passed my test, let me tell you my story before I completely dissipates." Shu Feng keeps quiet and sat attentively in front of senior.

The Human like figure nod his head in approval, feeling satisfied about the kid's behavior.

The figure proceeded in explaining his own story and the things that he regrets in not doing. He continued to narrate in the span of ten minutes which left him with only twenty minutes before he dissipates.

Shu Feng listened attentively afraid missing a single detail.

"So before we depart, ket me give you a simple gift." The figure slowly condensed all of his remaining Ancient Aura forming a ball that emmits a faint golden light.

"This is a condensed Ball of Chaos containing a pure Life Energy that can help you in your cultivation, and if you are lucky you might be able to comprehend the major element of Life which is the wood element." The Human figure didn't state the other benefits of the Chaos Ball and wanting Shu Feng to discover it himself.

"Wood Element? I think there is only Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Lightning, Light, Darkness, Space and Time Elements that is currently existing." Shu Feng ask.

"Actually there is much more Elements out there than you can imagine, wood element is just another one of them. Maybe the existing elements of the world you are currently in has a very weak Wood Element that made anyone think that wood element is non existent." The figure cannot help but chuckle when he heard Shu Feng ask this question. Because as a Ancient himself, he knows that a world would completely die if any of the major elements would perish.

'It seems like the situation have become worse since the day that I die, even the Wood Element in this world got almost drained. And if the Wood Element would really vanish, then this world... sigh.' He didn't continue to think about it anymore because the result was already obvious.

With that said, Shu Feng got again tons of questions ringing inside his own head.

"Excuse my rudeness, may I have the privilege to know senior's name?"

"Well then, before I vanish remember my name well. I am called, Ancient Lu Guming the Ancient of Wood. Goodluck young man and don't disappoint me." With that said, Lu Guming's illusional body turned into specs of Light and vanish into thin air.

"Ancient Lu Guming." Shu Feng mumbles

under his breath.


Night descend and the Sunlight slowly rise from the East. Shu Feng opened his eyes and instantly stands while streching his limbs. He just finish refining all the blood and completely absorbing it to his own.



[NAME: Shu Feng

AGE: 17

TITLE: [Beast's Nightmare]

BLOODLINE: Wood Ancient- 5%

Human- 95%

RACE: Human


SP: 1 175- 4 385

HP: 1000/1000- 1100/1100

ES: 1000/1000- 1100/1100

STAMINA: 100/100- 200/200

STRENGTH: 160- 260

SPEED: 120- 250

MIND: 90- 200


SOUL POWER: 30- 50

CULTIVATION: Second Stage Foundation Building


SOUL: First Stage Soul Perception


Cultivation Technique


SOUL CULTIVATION: Divine Soul of Chaos

Cultivation Technique


ABILITY: [Analyze] [Soul Search]

It was already two days since he met Ancient Lu Guming, after their goodbyes Shu Feng immidiately started refining the blood and after a full two days, he finally finish it.

'It really deserves its title of being a Blood of Ancient.' Shu Feng thought to himself. If anyone would have heard what he thinks, they will surely die from frustration. Is he even thinking normally, even a blood of a normal dragon would take a full months to be completely absorbed, even an Ancient Dragon's blood would take a full two years yet you only take two days to completely refine a Blood of Ancient which is far more stronger than that of an Ancient Dragon!!

Don't be confuse on why Ancient dragons are weaker than Ancients, because calling them an Ancient Dragon just refers to them as old beings. Because a true Ancient has the power of what we call Creation. Even though Ancient Dragons are not a true Ancient, they are still more than enough to massacre a whole Universe.

And an existence that is considered as an Ancient is those like Ancient Lu Guming, the Wood Ancient that especialize in the creation of wood element.

Maybe you are wondering what will happen if an Ancient dies, it's very simple, their body—


"Information access failed"

Tsk, I think UG doesn't even want me to tell you. I am really sorry guys. (°_°)


Never did Shu Feng expect that by 'just absorbing' the blood would help him to advanced a minor realm.

Now that Shu Feng advanced in Second Stage, he decided to create the second Elemental Vortex, the Water Vortex.

He revolves his cultivation technique second level, Chaos Dust Conversion. He immidiately sensed all the surrounding Energy Essence more clearly, but the most noticeable is the red dots in it which is clearly the fire element in the surroundings.

'I think this is the result of my Fire Vortex, but it is a shame that there are only a few of them.'

"UG, if the fire element here is so few then why is my Fire Dust in my Dantian have the same amount as the other eight elements that I currently possess?" Shu Feng ask while thinking that it's not logical.


"The Chaos Conversion Cultivation Technique will only convert an even amount of each elements into Chaos Energy and completely converting the excess elements into those with a fewer amount."

"Ah, so that means that if the fire element is lacking that means it will be compensated by the other elements."



"Wow, so this cultivation technique turns out to be amazing. Hmm, then maybe in the future I can use this cultivation method to turn fire element into space element, right UG?" Shu Feng said while finally feeling amazed by his cultivation technique.


"Information Access Denied"

'Sigh, well since UG didn't say no or yes maybe their is really a chance in the future to convert a basic element into that of a higher type of element.'He thought while showing a disappointed look.


When his Water Vortex was formed, it attracts all the blue dust in his dantian and let it rotate around it clockwise, the same as the previous vortex. He also realized that both the Fire and Water vortex was consuming 30% of his Chaos Energy. So that means he can support three vortex right now.

He suddenly got confuse on why UG told him that he can only manage to create one vortex per stage. But he soon realized that it might be the affect of the Blood of Ancient which further strengthened his whole body including his Dantian.

When he was thinking about creating the Air Vortex he suddenly remembered what Ancient Lu Guming told him.

Shu Feng immidiately brings out the Chaos Ball and stared at it with excited gazed. He touched it and he felt a strong Life Energy gushing into his body, he felt like a newborn, full of energy and vitality. It was like a growing sapling that covers and penetrates the earth, growing, rooted, and proliferating rapidly. The sapling grows into a tree that is flexible, yielding, strong and durable. And from tree into a towering tree that expands away from its center, grasping the deep Earth essence and drawing it towards the heaven. That's right, unbeknownst to him he just suddenly entered a state called epiphany, his former unperturbed body was emitting a faint golden light, wait... It's golden light. It suddenly turned golden light that looks more majestic than before.

He was comprehending the Wood Element that is stored inside the Chaos Ball. After a few more hours, Shu Feng slowly opened his eyes. You could see a trace of excitement glowing in his eyes. It's like he just got injected with a lot of knowledge that make him feel like an knowledgeable person since the existence of time.

"So wood is the first element that is ever created, corresponding to spring, and referred to as "young yang." Shu Feng muttered to himself. When he look in his surroundings, it's like the nature was welcoming him with a warm breeze of air, the sound of animals and insects, even the wave of tree leaves indicates their warm intention.

UG didn't inform him because he knows that Shu Feng was in a state of Epiphany that many cultivators sought for. In this state, everything is like a clear painting that can be easily translated. It is also better for him to not know because if he was aware of it, the chances of entering it again would be low.

The system will take all the needed procedures in order to let the Host reach his Goals and Dreams because our system is The Ultimate Guiding System.


Shu Feng entered inside his Dantian and layed his eyes in the foremost center top, he could see the Chaos Ball of wood element suspended like a steady balloon.

He slowly revolved his Cultivation Technique Second Stage.

But instead of using it to refine his Chaos Energy, he just simply use it to slowly refine the Chaos Ball.

In response, the ball suddenly excreting a rain of pure light green dust that directly fall on his Dantian. After reaching his desired amount of Wood Dust, he then stop the process and proceeded in revolving his Cultivation Technique first stage directly absorbing the surrounding Energy Source and converting it instantly into a Drop of Chaos Energy that directly flew beside the Chaos Ball.

In response, the ball slowly produces a light green Wood Energy Source and directly integrates with the Chaos Energy. A moment had passed and then a pure golden Chaos Energy was formed by the combination of the the Chaos Energy from the surrounding Energy Source that contains the Fire, Water, Air and Earth Energy.

I know that maybe you are wondering why Chaos Energy and Energy Source are different even though they possess the same Elements in it? No, youre wrong, they are not different. It's just that Chaos Energy is the mother of all energies that gave birth to other lower forms of energies.

Actually, Energy source is the weakest form of Energy.

The purpose of Shu Feng's Cultivation Technique is to convert any form of Energy into Chaos Energy. The only difference is the Elements containing inside of each Energy. Since Energy Source is the weakest, it only means that the elements in it is also the weakest.

It is also due to Chaos Energy that Shu Feng was able to smoothly create his Chaos Universe Foundation. If it is the other type of Energy like the Energy Source, it would instantly collapse due to the flaws that will it create and if lucky, the cultivator would only suffer a backlash resulting in his cultivation being crippled.


Once the wood element completely integrates with the Chaos Energy, Shu Feng receive a notification sound from UG.


"Basic Chaos Energy successfully created

Description: A Chaos Energy containing the five basic elements. It helps the Host's convert the surrounding Energy Source into Chaos Energy in an instant, directly creating a drop of Basic Chaos Energy."


"Surprise Rewards Activated. Due to Host solely relying on himself on achieving his goal, the following rewards will be given.

[Inner World: Currently unavailable. Please create first the first five basic elemental vortex.]

[Basic Chaos Burst: A Cultivation Skill that has a destructive power. It is created by fusing all the five basic elements without a proper balance.]


Shu Feng let the Basic Chaos Energy rotates clockwise slowly creating a spinning light green hole that immidiately attracts all the light green dust. And with that said, Shu Feng successfully created his third Elemental Vortex, Wood Vortex.

He observe it a little bit and concludes that it spins several times faster and it's suction force is also incredibly stonger than the other two vortex.

He soon discern the problem which is the process of creation, the Wood Vortex was created by using the Basic Chaos Energy, while the other two are only created with the converted Chaos Energy. So he decided to extract again two drops of wood element from the Chaos Ball and mix it in the other two vortex wirhout affecting it's element.

With his problems being solved, he can finally proceed to his last business. And that is forming an ownership contract with his sword. Since he finally succeeded in absorbing the Blood of Ancient, even though it is very faint at the moment, it is still more than enough to suppress the current gluttony sword.

He knows that he can suppress it using his Chaos Energy, but the ownership contract would be very weak, and the bond between the owner and it's weapon will be easily broken.

Even if Shu Feng wants to suppress it uaing his Chaos Energy he still held himself back, fearing that if someday the sword becomes powerful and wants to retaliate, Shu Feng would surely suffer a backlash if his Cultivation Level is not enough to suppress it even with the help of the ownership contract. Because Blood is always thicker than water.