Chapter 7: Time to Depart

Shu Feng was enjoying his roasted boar with a pair of fries, juice and of course a humburger. Even though Shu Feng wants to admit that the fries is delicious, he still believe in his Legendary Transcendent Grade Humburger.

It was in the middle of the day so after Shu Feng finished his meal, he proceeded in cultivating. He wants to breakthrough to Third Stage because the power of his own blood would not be enough for now. He atleast need to absorb 10% of the Blood of Ancient. That means he still needs five more percent.

UG told him that to compensate for the lacking of his blood's power, he needed to advanced to the next grade and use his Chaos Energy to temporary suppress it. He also added that because the ownership contract is weak, Shu Feng must only use his sword if necessary.



Shu Feng exhaled a deep breath and slowly opened his eyes. 'Status'


[NAME: Shu Feng

AGE: 17

TITLE: [Beast's Nightmare]

BLOODLINE: Wood Ancient- 7%

Human- 93%

RACE: Human


SP: 4 385

HEALTH POINTS: 1100/1100- 2 000/2 000

CHAOS ENERGY: 1100/1100- 1 300/1 300

STAMINA: 200/200- 500/500

STRENGTH: 260- 340

SPEED: 250- 330

MIND: 210


SOUL POWER: 50- 51

CULTIVATION: Third Stage Foundation Building


SOUL: First Stage Soul Perception


Cultivation Technique


SOUL CULTIVATION: Divine Soul of Chaos

Cultivation Technique

SKILLS: [Basic Chaos Burst]

ABILITY: [Analyze] [Soul Search]

'Just as I thought, it is still not enough to increase my Bloodline's power to ten percent.' Shu Feng continued on reviewing his status and only his Health Points increase increase dramatically from 1 100 to 2 000. But the most hardest one to increase is his own Soul Power and even his Mind. Even though he still lends some time to cultivate his Soul Cultivation method, it is still very hard to make a drastic change.

Tsk, do you think it's that easy to increase youre Mind and Soul Power? Soul is the most sensitive part of a cultivator, and yet youre complaining that you can only raise it 'so little'?


Shu Feng brings out the gluttony sword to start the ownership contract. He bit his thumb and gently slide it in the blade.


With a buzzing sound, the sword started to vibrate intensely like it wants to fight back but before it could mutter any resistance, Shu Feng release some of his Chaos Energy that instantly suppress the sword. He immidiately bit his thumb and drip his blood into the blade of the sword.

When there is no more resistance met, the blood instantly vanish inside the sword. A weak connection was soon formed between the sword and Shu Feng.

He grip the sword handle and gently swing it. If looking closely, the sword was almost black. It has some purple cross stripes on the handle, it resembles a katana but was a little longer and broader than the average. And instead of having a single edge, it was sharp on it's both edges. The blade is pure black with a shallow cut that didnt penetrate the other side in the middle, that reach all the way to the pointy edge of the blade.

It has a meter long chain on the bottom of the handle. At the end of the chain, a small sharp crescent shape object hangs around.

The blade feels like a bottomless abyss that will make one shiver in fear.

Since the ownership contract was already done, he doesn't need to store it in his Item Space anymore.

He slowly pointed the edge of the blade onto his palm and slowly pushes it. He was afraid, really afraid. Even though UG already told him that he can store his owned weapon in any part of his body, it was still a a sharp weapon after all. What if he stab himself and bleed to death.


After with all this done. He just let the day passed, and wait for a new tommorow.


It was morning and Shu Feng slowly woke up from his deep sleep. He roasted some boar's meat and eat his morning meal.

After that Shu Feng slowly got up and look around as if saying his goodbyes.

"I think it's time for me to leave, huh. But someday, I will come back." Shu Feng muttered to himself.

'My home will always be the Nightmare Forest.' Shu Feng thought while reminiscing all the 'fun' days he spent here with all his neighbors. They sometimes play hide and seek wherein Shu Feng was the seeker and his 'Spider Neighbor' would hide. He also played tag of war against his 'Gorilla neighbor'.

Sometimes he went for a swimming and his gigantic 'octopus neighbor' would wrap his tentacles around his body just to 'massage' him. Such good neighbors, even someone with a stone heart would be force to be soft.

Just thinking about it makes his heart hurt slightly. So he just walks away and never turn his head back. And promise to himself that once he go back, he would bring them all a gift.

But there are some animals hiding in the shadows looking at Shu Feng back. They are not sad for his depart at all instead they are all happy that would make them jump from joy. They are Shu Feng's neighbor. No one knows how much suffering they have gone to just because of that guy. So they are more than happy to see him leave the forest.

If Shu Feng knows what they are thinking, he would definitely feel heart broken.


It was already nightime but Shu Feng didn't even manage to catch a glimpse of the end of the forest.

He also registered all the location that he had been into his System Map. And it already reach a full thousand miles. He is even maintaining his Soul Perception all the time to test his limit. He discovered that the range of his Soul Perception would depend on his Mind and the duration would depend on his soul force. Currently, he could spand within the radius of 1,500 kilometers. Normally, every point of his Mind would increase his range within 100 meters in his current cultivation. Of course if he advances to higher level, the increase of his range per points would also rise.

He can also keep his Soul Perception within a whole hour. And with the same concept as his Mind, every point of Soul Power would increase the duration for a minute depends on his cultivation.


"How many miles do I need more to completely leave the forest?" Shu Feng ask without anyone in his surrounding. Of course he was talking to UG, so it is not strange for him.

"If you followed a straight path, you need more five thousand miles. And if you take the shortcut, you will need to cross 4, 999 miles more." UG told him. The system also never called Shu Feng 'Host' anymore.

Shu Feng just rolled his eyes for always getting bullied by UG. Does he even need to tell him about the shortcut if it was only a single mile away from his current path. Forget it, I think I will just continue straightforward.


Shu Feng was currently eating his morning meal after he woke up when he suddenly notice some movements a thousand meters away from him. He just sensed it without using his soul perception at all. He just relied on his high comprehenshion of wood element to communicate with the surrounding trees or any insects in his surroundings, it's like they are sending him some signals. The only flaw is that he doesn't know if the approaching figures are beast or other creature.

He used his Soul Perception and was surprise to see eleven humans coming his way. He felt excited deep down, it was his first human encounter since he arrived at this world so he keeps on thinking on how he should introduce himself.

But a frown suddenly appear on his face, the humans are divided into two groups. The first one being the closest to him has five members and the farthest from him consist of six. It is not the reason why he frowned though, it was because the group behind the five seems like attacking them. It's not like Shu Feng was there to actually saw them attacking, it's because of the energy undulations that only happens when the surrounding Energy Source are disturb or being used. Although Shu Feng didn't know what is going on, he was still able to discern something. But instead of immidiately helping the fleeing group, he just stayed idle at the moment and comprehend what was really happening. He didn't want to just blindly save them because they are fleing, because maybe they are some wanted criminals that did so many cruel things.

Shu Feng hides his presence and step into a brach of a gigantic tree that is just beside him. It's not like he was a heartless person, it's just that being too kind is a sin. He knows that because he experieced it himself from his previous world. Just by saving someone without regarding the consequences led him in an endless nightmare. But thinking about those things, he cannot help but be thankful because without those experience, he wouldn't be able to meet the old man and be here standing right now.


Looking closely at the two groups, the fleeing group looks like a beggar on the street. There cloths was tattered and all their faces showed signs of complete exhaustion. In this world, cultivators will always have strong stamina that can keep them well even they start running a whole week without eating. So looking at those five cultivators, they seemed like running all day and night without eating for a whole straight month.

"Haha, General Su why don't you just hand over young master Bai to us. Maybe we could ask Patriach Bu to spare your life. What do you think?"

The front most person from the chasing group shouted while laughing feeling good.

"What nonsense are you spouting Su Cheng! You are also part of the Su family. We swore to serve the Bai Family with our outmost loyalty until the day our family perishes. But what are you doing right now, you even colluded with the Bu Family to scheme on the Bai Family!" General Su hollered in rage. He was the current head of the Su Family and the most trustworthy General of the Bai Family.

Su Cheng's face suddenly becomes livid when he heard General Su talk about those crappy loyalty.

"Since the day I was born, I already wanted to remove our family under the rule of the Bai. When I thought that I was going to be the Head of our family since I am the eldest, I never would have thought that you will be born and steal all my chances of being the Head! All the best resources was given to you since you are more talented! All the praises was showered upon you! And yet even though you have these potential, you still wanted to served the Bai Family! If maybe you just heed my advice in the past to cut our ties with them, then all of this would not have happened, our Su Family should still be well and united. But because of your crappy loyalty, everything got ruined. Youre the reason why our family faces it's doom.

General Su's expression become solemn, did he really cause all of this. Is the death of many innocent lives from his family the effect of his loyalty. Is he a failure of being the Family Head.

Seeing his expression, Su Cheng become happy inwardly.

'My dear little brother, you are still too young and clueless about the cruelty of life.'

And just as he was about to continue his blaming speech, a voice interrupted their running and chasing routine forcing them to stop.

"It is not good to betray your own family just because of youre selfish desire."

A young man slowly came out of the dark revealing his figure to the group of people.